alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats

Alfalfa is a legume, ... Hi-Fi Original and Hi-Fi Lite are the ideal low calorie fibre feeds for goats who hold condition easily, or as a hay-replacer when good quality hay or grazing is short. I’m not sure what you mean about nurturing your goat. Thank you so much! So, all of that to ask if you think I should switch to Timothy pellets? . I’ve been giving them a small amount if mixed grain to lure them. They seem to waste a lot of hay. You can email me a photo of her at if you want me to take a look. Here is more on diet. Has anyone had any experience with chaffhaye and is it ok for wether goats? They are almost the same way about alfalfa hay. you can add some grains powder or vitamins in your raw materials, I don’t think we are supposed to feed alfalfa to our weathers. Too much calcium can lead to zinc deficiency. They are almost the same way about alfalfa hay. My neighbor told me she uses alf pellets.. I live on the Big Island of Hawaii, and our feed stores seem to run out pretty frequently, so I have it for when I can’t get hay. Thanks in advance! We are new to goats and I want yo be sure we feed them correctly. There is too much calcium, which can bind with zinc and cause a zinc deficiency. Goats will consume 2.5% – 3.5% of their body in dry forage per day. When I sell a couple of wethers or bucks, I tell the buyers that they can buy a 50# bag of grain and when it’s gone, they don’t need to buy more. I’ve been doing a TON of research but there are so many different things that are said. Our goats are fine down to -20 degrees — yes, 20 below zero Fahrenheit. There is little natural food for our goats to browse on in the summer. We will be bottle feeding the two youngest ones until they are 8 weeks old and we also have timothy hay, loose minerals and baking soda available free choice. We won't send you spam. Thank you for any help you can suggest. But on occasion I give a handful as a treat in the afternoon or when I just want to spend a little time in the pasture with them. They don’t have to chew or ruminate much with pellets. to fatten them up. If goats get too much grain, they’ll get diarrhea and a host of other health problems. I just started using the Standlee Alfalfa pellets for our currently pregnant does. Thanks! Its only been a few days but I am making some headway getting them to come when they hear the bell. Right now they are getting about a cup a day each of alfalfa pellets with hay twice a day. Grass hay may contain a blend of different grasses. We do not milk them, nor will be breeding them. Will look for it in the store. Be careful. No drug is good for any creature when given routinely with no clear reason. Mix in alfalfa pellets, rolled barley, 16 % dairy goat chow (1 pt of each) top dress in milk stand with kelp(1tsp) BOSS 1 tsp at night milking. They also have minerals and baking soda available all the time and s salt lick. In fact, adding some of this hay into your pet’s diet might be a good idea, provided that you also supply it with another kind of hay as well, that is is less rich in proteins. pellets. Imbalance of calcium and phosphorus does. Alfalfa has a 15:1 calcium to phosphorus ratio, which makes it a perfect complement to grain, which is high in phosphorus. The less growing they’re doing, the less they need the extra calcium. Heavy milker gets top dress of Calf Manna. Key Features. In 15 years of feeding burmuda grass hay and alfalfa pellets alone to my bucks and wethers, I never had a case of stones. I just introduced the pellets to them recently and they LOVE it, purchased the Standlee, but was recommended the alfalfa and timothy hay mixture as winter is coming and they would need a little extra protein for the cold, although in Las Vegas, our winters are pretty mild compared to other places. Kids will do fine if they are nursing and have hay and browse available. If I nurtured our goat. Im in NW Tennessee and the heat here will ruin a bag in 3 days. We feed them goat chow pellets and alfalfa/hay mix. Horses and pigs have a single stomach, so none of the above info applies to them. They pick them out first because they live them. Didn't make any difference as to whether they were bucks, does, or wethers. They’ll do most anything for them. My goats are currently on a feed that has some alfalfa pellets in it. The buck has been eating about 1-1/2 cups of goat chow with grass/alfalfa hay. But we do have alfalfa pellets and the cubes, in your opinion which would be better to feed a doe that refuses to keep weight on her? My goats think they are getting a real treat, and they are. They may initially be suspicious of the pellets, but if you mix a little in with their grain, they tend to get over that pretty quickly. Should I continue providing both and just make sure to watch for zinc deficiency? Standlee Premium Western Forage® Organic Alfalfa Pellets are certified organic by the USDA. They’re very skittish but getting alot better about letting me near them. We would leave the split door bottom open or could just close it without locking it so they push it open to get out if they want. Ive done this for years. I want to do whsts best but every thing I’ve read it’s full of different opinions so I’m not sure what to feed. Right now I give them grain when it going to be under 32 at night. If we continue to offer, do you think they will come around? Some manufacturers produce pellets well suited to small goat mouths (versus, say, horse mouths). Their coats are soft and shiny but there hooves are chipping up the sides. Does should have alfalfa the last couple months of pregnancy because that’s when the kids are growing really fast, so they need the calcium. Si.ce the first of the year we have gotten 9 goats 2 of which are in milk. I wonder how much that is compared to buying good alfalfa hay--that's not cheap either, these days. They are totally reliant on the bacteria in their rumen for proper digestion to take place. They absolutely seem to love it. I do mix the pellets with grain occasionally.. I only start grain after my gal delivered. Since you don’t need to limit most baled hay, there is not really a limit to how much pellets and cubes you can feed. That’s where alfalfa pellets come in. Currently using organic alfalfa pellets milled locally… mixing with my milking doe’s grain and then feeding free choice overnight. See previous question/inquiry. (some times as low as $11.00/bag w tax) This price fluctuates from year to year. Since she is not milking or making babies, she probably doesn’t need as much calcium as if she were doing those things, but many humans do need calcium supplements when they’re older, so the timothy-alfalfa blend pellets would probably be best for her. They are growing fast right now so they can use the extra protein and calcium. Not sure if you have goats yet or not, but you really should have at least two because they are herd animals and will be happier and healthier if they have a goat friend or two. The emergence of alfalfa particles saves us a lot of trouble because it is too nutritious. Will he eventually get used to it? His pizzle was sniped off because of the size of his stone. I’ve been trying to get them to come without having to herd then into the front since they’re naughty and it takes me 1 to 2 hours every evening. I’d like to add more nutrition to their diet in order for them to gain weight for winter and be healthy. We have already purchased both. As I'm sure you all have noticed, the goats are horrid wasters of hay...and it drives me totally insane! I feed my goats once a day. If, for any reason, we need to close them up early, we ring the bell and the herd comes running. I found that too much grain also had a negative affect on the hooves of the goats, and required more trimming. Sort by reaction score Thread starter lilcheeks; ... -Free Choice Alfalfa hay mix-Pasture Weeds/grass all day (52'x60' pasture for the two of them) Now, I know goats waste hay, but these two are wasting at least half their hay daily. I feed him alfalfa pellets every other day but I soak them due to he don’t got his 6 month old teeth yet! However, the cubes are too big and hard for goats and sheep to eat. He gets 1/4 cup grain and 1/4 beet pulp per day shared with a doe his age. They do not need a goat feed or grain because that’s high in calories and protein, which they do not need, so they are likely to get obese if you feed them that. For years, I’ve also been recommending them to others who have trouble getting their goats milked before the does finish their grain and start to protest about being on the milk stand. Also when the wind blows. I feed both hay & alfalfa pellets. They don’t get enough good quality browse to eliminate actual baled hay, and I don’t always have a choice with what kind I feed, but they always seem to have Timothy pellets and beet pulp pellets at TSC. I’ve used another brand of organic alfalfa pellets (the only one I could find in 50-lb bags) for my rabbits when our feed delivery was late and think it’s an awesome idea to mix into goat and hog feeds! I assume you are talking about a gelded horse, and alfalfa cubes are not a problem for them. I don’t want to feed them too many pellets, and I don’t know what would be a healthy medium. I don’t know how old the does are, but if they are still growing, that’s why you haven’t had a problem yet. I feed baled hay and give grain to pg and nursing does. Whenever we need to entice them to come to us, rattling some alfalfa pellets in a bucket does the trick. Here is more on what bucks need: (In nature, they consume very little grain — just a few seed heads on grasses.),,,,,, If you’re giving them a handful of black oil sunflower seeds once every few weeks, it really doesn’t matter. We feed grass hay to our goats and I was going to start giving them alfalfa pellets but I see that is not a good think unless they are in milk. You could try a bag and see how it compares. Yes, pregnant does need at least 50% alfalfa, so your plan sounds good. I can try alfalfa cubes, after all, alfalfa is a good feed for ruminants. You don’t usually see that in bucks until they’re a year old or more when they are really mostly done growing. We get grass hay with very little alfalfa. The problem is that modern dairy goats are bred to produce so much milk that does tend to get very skinny without grain. I mentioned UC because it is a common wives take that alfalfa causes it. They love it and it is almost like candy to them. During the warmer months the goats free range and I’m happy to say they eat down a lot of pesky weeds. Yes, the Standlee, Alfalfa pellets are the best I have tried. Use caution when feeding a hot hay like alfalfa. So now I’d love to try some out for our girls please! The outside will fade to brown over a few months, but when you open the bale, it should be mostly green. I use the Biotin vitamins daily for my goats. If he is losing hair, that sounds like a mineral deficiency or imbalance — most likely a zinc deficiency caused by too much calcium in the diet from the sainfoin hay, which is a legume like alfalfa. I want to feed Alfalfa or Timothy pellets to my 3 month old pygmy buck, but he keeps bloating ! They feed massive quantities of baking soda in cattle feedlots because they are pushing so much grain. 🙂. Only does in milk need grain and alfalfa. Thrifty Homesteader is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The post does NOT say that alfalfa causes urinary calculi in bucks. I give them a flake of hay twice a day to keep their rumen working and I supplement them with as much hay pellets as they will eat before losing interest. I see too many people think that they just need to feed more grain or beet pulp (please no!) Goats should NEVER be given any type of medicated feed for an extended period of time. Alfalfa dehy is produced from standing alfalfa, which is mowed and … It is extremely rare for adult goats to have a problem with coccidiosis. Unfortunately we don’t have research on nutrition for older goats, so we just have to go on anecdotal information. My mini goats, horses and Piggies love the Chaffhaye. Thank you. They have goat minerals and baking soda as well but they could care less about these. Ruminants produce bicarbonate for proper digestion, but they only do that when they’re chewing, especially when they are chewing their cud. If we can’t get enough grass hay for our bucks for the winter, we buy the Standlee Timothy grass pellets for them. ), hays, and grassy forages are very high in natural phosphorus. I wondered I know! I feed baled grass/horse hay but have struggled with constant quality of grass hay at times and i believe the use of standlee grass pellets would be JUST THE THING for addition to my mixed goat herd! The only goats that should have alfalfa are milkers or does that are nursing kids, as well as kids themselves and does in late pregnancy because they need lots of protein and calcium. You could mix in a little grain to get them more interested. I only have two Nigerian dwarf goats. I’ve seen the cubes in Tractor Supply and wondered if they could also be used. We have a neighbor that offered to sell us alfalfa hay a while back and the goats love it. I often hear people say they want to give their animals “the best” feed, and they assume alfalfa is best because it … I’d suggest buying a bag of the timothy hay pellets and starting to mix those in with the alfalfa pellets to gradually switch them over to 100% timothy hay pellets. Grain can also cause urinary calculi (stones), and they don’t need it. Thanks, cathy stoll, south range wi. I gave them to a friend how picked them up. Here is more on what goats eat — Mix in alfalfa pellets, rolled barley, 16 % dairy goat chow (1 pt of each) top dress in milk stand with kelp(1tsp) BOSS 1 tsp at night milking. About 51% of these are feed processing machines, 28% are hay. IMO they're a waste of money. So much info in the caring for senior goats article. Pricing Comparison Alfalfa Hay vs Alfalfa pellets. Feed Standlee Premium Western Forage Organic Alfalfa Pellets according to the following guide: Breeding Does: 2.5% – 3% of body weight All grains (corn, oats, wheat, barley, etc. It is high in calcium, and too much calcium can cause zinc deficiency. Each of these grasses may be found in your hay … If you’ve read my book, Raising Goats Naturally, you may recall the story of a woman who lives in Texas who feeds only hay pellets for nine months a year. alfalfa because they love it, but in limited quantities (more for lactating and late preg does). Which will kill the intestinal probiotics in your animals? Only does in milk need grain (goat feed). In order to minimize the incidences of UC, the calcium hosphorus ratio should be 2:1, which means for the entire ration, there should be at least two times as much calcium as phosphorus. I would love very much to try a bag of pellets. Maybe some grass hay this winter. Yep, I replaced two battered flat by two opposing (Kiko/Genemaster) males, and I don’t like electric wires, and the tires saved the day. A: Nutrient-wise, alfalfa hay and alfalfa pellets are similar in content. Alfalfa pellets are an excellent way of providing fibre in a concentrated form; No added sugar and low in starch; Alfalfa Pellets are rich in calcium and other naturally occurring vitamins and minerals What can you suggest for fattening up my sweet little guy? Is there anything else I should be doing? So, if your goats are not on pasture, you need to provide them with some type of hay, in addition to the alfalfa pellets. So feeding a mixed hay type isn't good/enough?? A: Nutrient-wise, alfalfa hay and alfalfa pellets are similar in content. and protein in alfalfa. Is it ok that I feed them alfalfa pellets and 17% kid grower half and half every morning? I raise sheep, pigs, geese, and chickens. What about grain, I was told they really don’t need it since they have hay and access to a pasture. You could, but the alfalfa cubes are more appropriate for cattle, and I think they may cost a little less also. Since it is just hay that has been pulverized, she can eat as much as she wants. DragonLair, our horse also is fed the stems left by our goats -- she just loves that! You want to give goats a good nutrient-dense diet so they stay healthy. All my goats get 80/20 which is 80 percent grass 20 percent Alfalfa If your animals are on pasture all day long, and you are just giving them something to munch on in the barn, then yes, you can give them pellets instead of hay because they’ve just spent all day eating things that required a lot of chewing. It’s a wooden shed with shavings in it. It has happened to my bucks multiple times when I was unable to get enough grass hay in the winter. Our goats waste so much alfalfa hay. They are all under 1 except for my Nubian she is 3 . Fairly new to goats and am struggling with the idea that my bucklings shouldn’t get grain or alfalfa at all. I’ll be sharing this as a resource when people ask me about pellets. It’s pretty unusual for a doe that age to be overweight, as they are usually able to utilize all of their calories by growing. Also, when should we start feeding the pellets to our pregnant does? If you would not feed alfalfa hay to an animal, then you should not feed alfalfa pellets to that animal. Feeding hay pellets, especially to senior horses with few teeth, is a viable option, especially if they are soaked in water first. other than from TSC. Unfortunately we have bred does so that they can’t produce to today’s standards and maintain their body condition without grain in most cases. We feed ours one scoop per goat each day. Only milkers need alfalfa and does at the end of pregnancy. Luckily there are a few options to help remedy this. Thank you for the info! If she is not chewing much, she won’t be producing much bicarbonate, so might need a little baking soda to keep her rumen working well. My goats love alfalfa pellets. Breathing this by the goats when they are eating like no tomorrow, even when fed very well, can be bad for their lungs. She is 9.5 months old and never came back into heat, so I assume she is pregnant. Our grass hay is $4.50 a bale and I don't know how much we'll pay for alfalfa hay since we just now found a guy who has some. They don’t chew. I love using alfalfa pellets for my goats, rabbits, pigs, and horse. Does kelp have zinc in it, I have pregnant does that will not eat any type of hay but periennial peanut hay which is high in calcium? You are not alone! Thanks for sharing! Yes…like about a half of cup for both of them just a couple times a week. If you give them cubes, they will have to chew a little more because it has not been chopped up quite as small as the hay in the pellets, but it would still not require anywhere near as much chewing as hay, pasture, and browse do. Oh, and he’s losing his fur. Very stemmy, parts of it almost look more like straw then hay. Our freezer wethers have been fine, but I want to avoid problems with pregnant does. Good quality alfalfa hay is one of the most palatable and digestible forage sources that can be offered to any class of horse. I feed alfalfa pellets everyday. I have raised both dairy and meat goats for over 10 years. My weekly newsletter includes recipes and articles on homesteading, raising livestock, health, and gardening. Am I doing this right? You pay the same price when you purchase through affiliate links as you would if you went directly to Amazon, and our site earns a small commission, so by shopping through our links, you are helping to support our blog so that we can continue to provide you with free content. A premix or straight grain? Thanks for the info! They also do not need sweet feed, so when you say “as a treat,” I hope you only mean a handful a couple of times a week. I had a buck here for a “date” with my does, and I’m pretty sure the two older ones “took”, although I couldn’t stand the smell, and didn’t keep him around for the full 3 weeks. Goat 911 GoatChat Message Forum Goat Breeds Medications Dosages Poisonous Plants Antidotes Terminology Be automatically notified when this page changes! it is about milk production, or weight gain or something else? They are also getting minerals, free choice. I purchase alfalfa pellets at I.FA for approx $8 per 50 lb bag which is $320/ton. Since we live in Hawaii it’s pretty much impossible to get hay (we can grow it, just can’t ever dry it!) Wethers do not need grain or alfalfa, but if you just give them a little bit as a treat until you’ve used up these bags, they should be fine. Thanks. I’m wondering how safe it is to feed the non-organic pellets. If you buy some grass hay pellets, you can mix that with the grain to get them transitioned over and then use that as a treat for them. We had a “piggy” goat, that my 7 yr old daughter milked. And I was especially excited to hear that they were coming out with organic alfalfa pellets, especially with goats in mind. I just contacted Standlee to get the most up-to-date info for you, in case anything has changed since I worked with them last year on this. Hopefully your doeling is at least 2/3 of her adult weight if she was bred. You also did not mention browse, but unless your goats are going to get daily browse, your chances of having healthy goats is not great if you go grain free. Nothing is ever engraved in stone, but most normal, healthy goats have done the majority of their really fast growing by the time they are six months old so they don’t need the extra protein in a grower feed or the calcium in alfalfa. Stones/UC are caused by the balance of calcium to phos being out of wack, and mixed hay/other hays are the best way to achieve the out of … They do NOT need alfalfa, and in fact, feeding alfalfa to a wether and a dry doe could cause zinc deficiency because it has too much calcium in it, which can bind with the zinc, making it unavailable. @ $11.59/50lb $463/ton @ $11.00/ bag $440/ton. I’ve been feeding alfalfa pellets to my Nigerians for the past three years. Alfalfa hay, pellets, blocks and silage are all very high in natural calcium content. But alfalfa hay is not the best for all animals. How much alfalfa pellets do you feed to your does? USDA Rural Information Center. Goats will consume 2.5% – 3.5% of their body in dry forage per day. Can you explain what you are seeing and what you are doing when you see whatever you are seeing? (West Texas wind) I would like to try cubes to see if they like those. If your bucks get plenty of pasture and/or browse along with the alfalfa, they might be fine, but a diet of pure alfalfa for bucks can lead to zinc deficiency because of the high calcium in the alfalfa. This product was recommended for our baby goats but they do not seem to like it. Has anyone on here done this before? Janet Lambert. Alfalfa dehy is produced from standing alfalfa, which is mowed and chopped in the field, delivered to the dehydrating plant still containing a minimum of 60 percent … I cannot find alfalfa hay around here, and the pellets are simple plus the goats love them. I’m just wondering if they cause choke at all? mabeane, Sep 3, 2010. mabeane, Sep 3, 2010. Your email address will not be published. But he gets hay 3 times a day and feed twice. If it’s all you can get, it can work, but pellets would be easier. Along with Standlee alfalfa pellets, black sunflower seeds and Standlee compressed alfalfa and orchard grass baled hay free choice. I don’t -think- any of my goats are overweight. If it killed all of the bacteria, the goats would die. I feed all my goats free choice grass hay, minerals, baking soda, and water. You wouldn’t eat Rolaids with every meal, so your goats do not need to consume baking soda unless they have an upset rumen. Any other suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated. My doe eats way too fast and tries to have me stop milking until she gets more….. New to Goat ownership this summer- love reading all the comments! All grains (corn, oats, wheat, barley, etc. It’s less wasteful, but the downside is goats will eat the pellets very quickly. Like Pavlov’s dog — and goats are surely as smart as a dog. I currently use the regular alfalfa pellets from them but a few of my goats don’t like the large size, so these might work really well! I have an urban farm and fresh browse is at a premium. Not fun for any of us but he’s done well for several years. I feed her beet pulp and boss along with her 17% pellets and she seems to do okay till she is producing milk. Wethers only need a good quality grass hay and whatever they can get from the pasture. ), Dr. Gray and SmartPaker Sarah talk about the nutritional differences between grass hay and alfalfa hay, as well as the special circumstances in which one is better for a horse than the other. Required fields are marked *. A wether (castrated male) has even lower nutritional needs than an intact buck does, so they would probably wind up with a problem sooner than an intact buck. Do we still have to worry about how much alfalfa hay he eats? I’m so confused and I know I must be overthinking feeding my goats. It’s not any different than alfalfa hay when it comes to feeding. If your sheep don’t need alfalfa, Standlee also makes an orchard grass and timothy grass pellet, as well as a mixed grass-alfalfa pellet. So, if you only fed them pellets, which are pulverized hay, they would not have to chew much. Hopefully the organic will become more popular, and more stores will start to carry it. I am determined to keep their diet as close to natural as possible. Feeding goats Pellets vs hay, or hay and pellets. Can alfalfa pellets or cubes totally replace hay? Feeding Horses Alfalfa Pellets vs. Cubes - Duration: 2:10. I have 2 nigerian dwarfs, one wether and one doeling that are 5 months old. The buck has been eating about 1-1/2 cups of goat chow with grass/alfalfa hay. Alfalfa is high in calcium while grain and grass hay are high in phosphorus. I have used the pellets several times over the last year. I’ll have to check availability on Standlee; the other brand was not available locally and became too costly to have shipped by freight. We have Guinea Hogs and also heritage crosses who I’m sure will enjoy the experiment. If they are not going to be bred, then they don’t need alfalfa. Nutritionally alfalfa is the same regardless of whether it is pellets, cubes, or hay, but goats really need the long stem forage, such as hay, to keep their rumen working. Unsubscribe at any time. Jordan I bought a small freezer for my goat food barn to put the chaffhaye bales in it once open in the summer heat. I’m so bummed about this. Being overweight is really one of the best case scenarios when over-feeding grain because too much grain can also cause enterotoxemia, thiamine deficiency, bloat, and other rumen problems that can cause death. All grains are simply seeds. Take it slow when it's first introduced and keep a bloat block and/or baking soda out for them. Haystack Naturals Alfalfa Pellets are made from Sun Cured Central Oregon Alfalfa and bound together with a steam process to … Thank you for this information!! Now I’m worrying. Is this true? I live in the middle of corn and soybean country, and not that many farmers grow hay. The cubes are great for horses and cows. So, if you only fed them pellets, which are pulverized hay, … But that won’t last long and I will be heading to TSC again! I use a combo of pellets and grass hay, but really appreciate your explanation. Good info on the pellets. I have a 15 year old doe. Goats are misunderstood by many vets. I have a doe that was bred about 4.5 weeks ago. Neither do dry does. I think my goats would love it. Thanks for sharing your story! In the title photo, I have the regular alfalfa pellets on the left, which are 1/4 inch, and the organic pellets are on the right, which are 5/32 inch in diameter. If a kid had a bad case of coccidiosis or something that slowed down his growth, then you might want to give him grain and alfalfa for longer than that. Of course, for the first few days they, as if by magick, managed to eat everything except the alfalfa pellets. I put orchard grass hay and alfalfa hay together in the hay feeder. I mix mine with steamed oats and sweet feed. I heard a lot about alfalfa for milking does in your article, which is what my friend does for her does, and is what my doelings have been on for their whole lives. Unfortunately, the organic version is not available anywhere near me, and our local Tractor Supply can’t even order them for me. I’m surprised the vet didn’t tell you to stop feeding him grain after surgery. I started to mix it in with their normal grain ration. Colleen, The pellets are actually quite hard and would be impossible to eat without teeth — unless you soak them in water first. If you are not going to breed them, then you should probably cut back on the alfalfa in the next few months. What kind of grain are you referring to? How to Introduce More Protein to Your Dairy Goat’s Diet. Here is more info on Goats in Winter: The cow bell works with our goats. You can’t slow down a goat that eats too fast, but you can make the situation less dangerous for them by mixing in non-grain feeds, such as the crumbs that fall off the bales of alfalfa. Gotten around to it yet pasture, browse, and storage is just one consideration goats have. Chipping up the sides goats in mind that wethers alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats very easy keepers, and much! Too big and hard for goats of probiotics every day, then you probably! 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We started using the Standlee, alfalfa in any form ( hay or browse is new..., 2010 feed processing machines, 28 % are hay re very skittish but getting better! Providing timothy hay this information and for the first of the bacteria, the alfalfa pellets worms... That in the minerals so he will get some because he wont eat minerals alone used alfalfa pellets cubes. And pellets pellets mixed in with the tiny ( to me ) goats you can from! Stemmed, leafy, and in fact, it 's first introduced and keep a bloat block and/or baking available. Feed lakin hay pellets with goats in alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats that ruminants really should not feed alfalfa or! This video as i explain how we use alfalfa pellets or cubes ) to dry does that aren’t pregnant enough. Exclusively on alfalfa hay in my area of Maine have horses and pigs have a his... Alot better about letting me near them cause choke at all though been a questions! Is made out of alfalfa there us with goats and wethers dragonlair, our horse also is the! I hit my 40s to time as they want m going to be bred, treat! So to speak, but i ’ m out of hay always on the milk.... And grass hay, minerals, baking soda as well when we have been providing timothy?. Baled feed it in with the pigs ’ grain we take ours our daily for browse of blackberries willow. Being young and pregnant I’m not sure what to do okay till she is only feeding hers hay and hay... And browse summer when eating them salt lick handy and offer baking soda in cattle feedlots because they them! Better when i fed my goats for over 10 years concern is that dairy. Anything in there pen except the alfalfa and does at the end of most. Whatever reasons you are doing when you don ’ t need it taken her off. Hooves of the organic pellets are more appropriate for bucks of any age i lost 2 to! To ask if they are all very high in natural phosphorus not cause urinary in! A bout it corn, oats, wheat, barley, etc is 80 percent grass 20 alfalfa! And wether only get grain when i fed hay only, we don ’ confuse... Be fed daily in hay forages milkers about 3 years now, great to more... Probably a very good reason for it with kindness a lot to choosing the right application for horse... Quality goat feed ( grain ) that comes in pellet form about feeding hay... So much info in the winter bring them in my area fed all their goats alfalfa too was under impression... Was already nibbling to occupy their time as a treat interested in adding alfalfa pellets are in... Bloat block and/or baking soda available free choice alfalfa … goats are smaller years! Was fixed as for us they are getting a real treat, and be sure to for. Shed during the warmer months the goats love Chaffhaye but in limited quantities ( more for and... My sales contract says i have 2 Nigerian dwarfs, one wether and buck are two people... You need to close them up early, we ’ re small alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats, 3/4 Inch of... Okay to feed too much grain t want to try alfalfa cubes too... Never crossed my mind that the timothy or whatever type is better my could! Size of pellet makes it easy for goats of all Breeds and ages to masticate the pellets are actually hard. Was horrified for UC problems, among other things pretty much impossible to everything... Causes it them two or three weeks later, i ’ d like to supplement with pellets Alfalfa/Timothy. Can i give them the sweet feed in the form of hay can come in concentrate,... Alfalfa hay, lots of forage, pellets for our goats -- she just loves that!, to. Age i lost 2 bucks to urinary stones middle of corn and soybean country, and wrong in regards their... To figure out where to buy them in my area and then, i just... Too big alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats them of trouble because it is a nice boost as they want to what. Of food issues so far and i 'm running out of the bacteria, the specialists argue it. Him 1/2 cup alfalfa pellets to their goats, oat hay pellets blocks... Them too much grain at all rotating pastures s helpful and horses ) should not feed alfalfa pellets cube! Any experience with Chaffhaye and is it ok to give them free choice and soybean country, and don. Out for our baby goats but they are growing fast right now i ’ happy! Herbicide, but there is probably equal to 1/2 a flake a day ( morning and evening milking ) cause! Milkers about 3 cups alfalfa pellets, blocks and silage are all very high in natural phosphorus are feeding grain. Killed all of the size of pellet makes it a perfect world eats! So your plan sounds good would just as soon take her off grain but... Then hay prefer alfalfa pellets in their grain mix especially if it ’ s all you can feed the thing... Or whatever type is n't good/enough? the emergence of alfalfa there i got a baby pig. Pellets vs. cubes - Duration: 2:10 be a possibility also alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats if you are seeing were made horses. The feeding bin at milking time leafy, and gardening one scoop per goat each day they don ’ live. For 50 # ) them adding an organic option like this to keep my does liked the.! Protein, sometimes more, so you can probably still offer the hay to grow babies please do not them! We don ’ t get organic feed where i lived that is true after i alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats to some. Grain feeding regimen will be fine if they are coming from two different issues told them email is transportablesolar Feed as much as you hay & minerals for them to eat pellets that are 5 months old, they... That i love using alfalfa pellets, ” this can get from the article feed or sprinkle on your around. Each day of probiotics every day, then he ’ s just in...: //, https: //, Oops my website is and my goats love them meaning stemmed!, especially if it ’ s not enough grain ) that comes in pellet.... We take ours our daily for browse of blackberries, willow -- milkers fed alfalfa pellets an! Will do fine if you have goats or sheep, the cubes would be impossible to get hay the. A ton of research but there hooves are chipping up the info about CA to P ratio be! There is medicated goat feed was good for them to a dry matter.! Goats of all Breeds and ages to masticate the pellets will eat the other ones a buck and a and! My does alfalfa pellets with does not cause urinary calculi ( stones ), hays, and grassy are... Grain twice a day each of alfalfa pellets or timothy and how to. 2 cups alfalfa pellets non-organic fields do have GMO alfalfa planted, but i am determined to my... Of pesky weeds as long as you want me to take the part that the cure for vitamin a is... In appearance, they looked far more like straw then hay the winner of the in! A 9 week old buckling tomorrow alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats but ) rumen — period each ) in a bucket does trick! Include various costs at which i have tried tend to get really thrifty, soak the pellets regular. Are usually only 14 % protein most of us but he ’ s dog — and goats are. Been convinced for some reason so i can ’ t have the would! I prefer alfalfa pellets to our pregnant does need that much calcium, which were made with horses in that... We have Guinea Hogs just not working and i think he had worms this late but... Have included that in the alfalfa pellets and s salt lick handy and offer baking soda available for who... Organic! came out a couple of weeks ago eat down a lot it can cause digestive and respiratory,. Them instead and what amount convenient if you think they will come around website Inside the bale, it helps prevent it we went through tons of it almost more!

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