display username after login successfully in codeigniter

Here I created a table with the name "users". You can share your views in the space provided below and get in touch with us. Thanks for answering! We have named our CodeIgniter folder as login_db. Note : You can also refer the  PHPProjectInstall.pdf  file given in the download code folder. If you have other pages that you want to protect, just add them in the route and add the "auth" filter, so that these pages cannot be accessed before logging in without having to create a Filter file again. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained an with example, how to display Welcome Username in Label on next Form after Login in ASP.Net using C# and VB.Net. This will show login form on the view page. 11. display user name and profile picture after login codeigniter. Create a model file named "UserModel.php" in the "app/Models" folder, then type the following code: Create a controller file named "Register.php" in the "app/Controllers" folder, then type the following code: In the "Register.php" controller above, there are two functions, namely: function index(), and function save(). Conclusion: The discussion this time is how to create a Login and Register using CodeIgniter 4. In this case, we will protect the function index() on the “Dashboard.php” Controller from users who have not logged in using Filter. That means you enter development mode, this mode will help you make it easier to track errors as you build your project. It is important you take care how you store and check a user’s password, they should always be stored with one-way encryption. Codeigniter provides all of the tools you might need to implement authentication on your website, but it would be a lot of work to create login pages, a user management system, a forgot my password feature, etc. Please download the CodeIgniter 4 file at the following link: If you are using WAMPSERVER, extract it in the folder: If you are using XAMPP, extract it in the folder: Then, open the project "login" folder using the code editor. That way, you will have a general idea of how to protect pages or routes from unauthorized users. One of the most basic but, most important part of a web application is the login form. When I loaded it to my browser nothing shows. please solve my problem waiting . The Login Form will be implemented using Forms Authentication and the Username will be displayed in Label on next Form using ASP.Net LoginName control. Create API method to handle user login via POST request. CodeIgniter framework provides many built-in libraries and helpers which helps to integrate registration and login functionality with MySQL database. Before start coding, let’s load all the libraries required to make and manage login form. I have used it but when I type http://localhost/login/ but I’m getting the following error message, The page you requested was not found. Can you please tell what is the url to view registration page and which should be the default controller? It works! Select an existing project from the projects list, or click NEW PROJECT to create a new project: public function authenticate() {…} sets the session user data for the keys logged_in and username.

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