extreme cutting diet reddit

Stern knows more about fueling fit bodies than practically anyone. My mind and body feel fine losing over 2 lbs a week. Stern knows more about fueling fit bodies than practically anyone. For the second and final week, continue eating at maintenance and don’t work out for the entire week. Bodybuilding is centered around building your body’s muscles through weightlifting and nutrition. Yeah, I don't really recommend those crazy high calorie bulks at all. About the same lifting routine as now, 150-200 grams of protein. And on that day, eat the stuff that you wouldn't normally eat and certainly couldn't eat while on your normal Get Shredded Diet days. of Olive Oil1 1/2 Scoop of Whey Isolate, 3/4 Cup of Blueberries1/2 Cup of Oatmeal1 Tbsp. I’m sure that you’ve been gaining and working out for a long time. What it is: This extreme diet hearkens all the way back to the 1950s. Those of you that have a tendency to lose muscle faster along with fat will need to have more frequent re-feeds, perhaps every 3-4 days. I drink 2-3 protein shakes each day and take 5mg of creatine monohydrate as well. Apply to become a mod. On the note of recovery, make sure that you are always getting 7-9 hours of sleep to optimize your fat loss. Happy to help. 1 Cup of Strawberries1/2 Cup of Oatmeal5 Egg Whites40 PeanutsVitaminsFish Oils (2), 3/4 Cup of Blueberries1/2 Cup of Oatmeal1 Tbsp. Protien was kept high at 1.3-1.4g/lb of bodyweight (which is another thing the fitness subs on reddit seem to despise for no good reason) and while volume and frequency was cut, intensity was maintained. To do this, start eating at a “maintenance” level, or exactly at your TDEE. Motivation is important. I started cutting on April 1st, and ended up here, at 195 lbs. I also only drink water all day everyday except for my one protein shake that I have after I workout which I do have with water though. Anyone can lose weight – all you do is eat less and your weight drops. Thanks for the added information! It also makes cutting easier and quicker. I meant to say "leafy, green" vegetable since those are low calorie and have the most micros. Some say that it is a complete waste of time because the sudden lack of food forces the body into starvation mode which slows down your metabolism and encourages your body to hang on to fat. That's the main reason for the rule. Almost any diet can contribute towards your cutting phase if you have a large enough calorie deficit in place. She also said she is 30-years-old and 5ft 3in. Listen to your body though. There are some things that you will want to account for before you start using sarms for cutting. This is Craig's personal cutting program! If you choose to do cardio the same day as your weight routine, I recommend spacing them out as far as possible from one another. Click the link in my bio for more details! For reference, I was sitting at 17% BF at 225lbs (dirty bulk for 2 years from 160lbs). Best advice I can give. A multi-vitamin will help to make sure your micronutrient requirements are sufficiently filled during the rough period of low caloric intake and Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help greatly as well. get reddit premium. Every level was okay. Well, it’s actually the kind of cutting diet that I’ve been preaching for years! I still have a carb shake in the evening, but it's still within a couple hours of my workout. When gaining, you can be a little looser with your macros and still see average results, but when cutting, your macro ratios are much more vital to your success. Please consult a certified nutritionist before you decide to alter your diet. of Chicken. To get bodybuilding-lean requires extreme dedication and sacrifice. The Importance of Diet So this year I decided to go more conservative in my bulk, and try to do it cleaner, with carbs focused mainly around workouts. My lifts exploded. Anyway, I ended up at 193 @ 9.5% bf. No energy if I didn't eat enough. Should you choose to use Trenbolone as your primary cutting phase agent, it is vital that you get your dosage, cycle length, diet, and exercise plan just right – too high a dose, and you may find yourself gaining muscle size rather than shedding body fat due to increased testosterone production levels. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This isn't a license to go hog-wild. A good rule of thumb is that you want to consume about .25 grams of fat per 1 lb of body weight. I wrote 4 times a day to spread them as a side option, but if you are a user of Optimum Nutrition Whey, you will get 5.5g BCAAs and 7.1g Glutamine per scoop. After posting an example of a diet that could be used for bulking, several people contacted me asking me to do the same for a cutting diet.. A rapid fat loss protocol will see you dick-skin shredded in no time. For example, if you have a lean muscle mass of 180 pounds, you should only eat 1800 calories a day while cutting. 2. I also recommend taking fish oils and vitamin C three times a day. What's your experience with an extreme cut? My gym is doing an 8 week weight loss challenge and the winner gets $500 so that helps the motivation aspect. So, from our above example where you would be eating 160g a day, if you wanted to re-feed, you would eat 224g that particular day. I had done bulks before and cuts, but wanted to see what my limits were. But I was forced to come off the diet due to going on a camping trip, and having parents not wanna put up with my "anorexic" eating during the trip. View Profile View Forum Posts Visit Homepage * Misc Mailman * Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Los Angeles, California, United States Posts: 4,057 Rep Power: 12704. 1000 calories? However, that is not the correct definition of a diet. of lean body mass. TL;DR, this is a great guide, tons of awesome info, but keep it simple to start your cut. The less expensive, generally, the less accurate. TC Fitness. I think this was on account of the o-lifting. If I remember correctly, creatine causes your muscles to hold onto water and glycogen, which is beneficial during a cut when they will be depleted most. I feel great all day, especially the mornings after workout. But the gains were astounding. added on, and started o-lifting.I Push Pressed, 255, and hanging power cleaned 225. Their both hard on the body, pick your poison. I tried it a bit earlier, for a short time. Basically, the cabbage soup diet works because you are cutting down your calorie intake to near starvation levels. This means your ideal starting number is 160g a day. Glutamine is also questionable because it's an amino acid chain that you may already be getting a sufficient amount through your diet. During the first week of a reduced calorie and carbohydrate diet, you will flush a lot of excess water and lose weight rapidly. These have long been circulated around the bodybuilding community as “muscle mass saviors” during cutting periods, and while they aren’t necessary, I highly recommend them (although they can be pricy!). Also take into consideration what you get through your protein powder. Advanced Search. Extreme cuts are dumb and a great way to lose muscle and strength, feel shitty most of the time, and have your training suck because you lack energy and recovery. I'll always try to adjust things during a cutting phase in order of importance: Diet. As for cardio, it’s up to personal preference. THE ANABOLIC DIET Unlike the high carb diet that can work against the body’s system of growth producing hormones, the Anabolic Diet maximizes the production and utilization of the Big 3 growth I pulled over 500, got my bench back to 320, did a pullup with 100 lbs. I felt super hungry and lethargic. The lower your bodyfat, the less steep of a cut you'll be able to maintain. May be bro science, but when I cut it gives me somewhere to go with my protein; I can raise it above current levels while cutting fat & carbs back. The word diet refers to the food choices that we make on a daily basis. Losing weight means lowering your overall body mass. Just something to keep in mind. That just hasn't been my experience. In case you hadn’t heard, humans need food to live. I can add whey protein powder to fat-free milk and get a somewhat gross concoction that clocks in at about 7 calories per gram of protein. I'm maintaining on about 3000 Cal. I've pushed 4500+ calories before. Currently down 15lbs (after water weight loss) since Dec 24th. A new study shows five days of hunger a month may reduce risk factors for aging and age-related diseases This is neither unhealthy, nor an indication of what your rate of weight loss will be like during weeks 2 and 3. It's for anyone who wants to look their best for an event like a physique competition, wedding, reunion, or photo shoot. Show Printable Version; Email this Page… Subscribe to this Thread… Search Thread . Before You Start Using Sarms For Cutting. BOD POD. On Day 5, you reduce your carbs to a quarter gram per pound of body weight, or 45 grams per 180 pounds. By eating less protein, I can eat a much more balanced diet that satiates me and leaves me feeling good. But if what you've tried before didn't work, you could try something a bit more aggressive, and see how that works. If I had to choose between BCAAs, creatine, and glutamine I'd easily ditch the glutamine though. Losing weight is hard, but many Ask Reddit threads offer easy dieting and weight loss tips. Kick your co-workers asses and make me proud. Tell me more, bro… Following a diet with 40% fewer calories than your maintenance level will see body fat fall off your frame on a daily basis. On a 6-week cutting diet you’ve not got time to f*ck around having cheat meals here, there and everywhere. Once you fall out of it, decrease your carbohydrates by 20-25g to continue your progress. Cutting: It's when you want to lose the fat you accumulated during your bulk, so you do a caloric deficit during a certain period of time. So, if you are 20% body fat and weigh 200 lbs. All the recipes and tips below are borrowed from The Bodybuilder’s Kitchen and frankly, it’s one of the finest attack plans for safely shedding pounds that we’ve ever seen. Help and FAQ. Another Reddit user followed a weight loss diet plan to lose 3 st 11lb.. If you are in this range, then you are golden. europe join leave 2,093,363 readers. The way you maintain muscle during a cut it to keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing, just in a lower volume. In case you hadn’t heard, humans need food to live. This means that you want to consume healthy fats that boost your hormones and provide your body with omega 3. 1% BF loss every week sounds amazing. The goal is to help you reach your target body weight in as short of an amount of time as possible. That said, carbohydrates are still a very important component of your cutting diet. Here's what I'm doing this time. i did it while i had exams. How long did it take you to gain back the muscle and strength you lost? Show Printable Version; Email this Page… Subscribe to this Thread… Search Thread . Seriously i love you for posting this. i underestimated the effects. It'll do that, too! Are you around 12 percent body fat but want to get down into single digits? Extreme factor: 6/10. Lee Hyori gave up after three days. To get bodybuilding-lean requires extreme dedication and sacrifice. You do not have to follow every single suggestion, just keep in mind that the more careless you are on the path to a leaner body, the more likely you will lose muscle along the way. That said, carbohydrates are still a very important component of your cutting diet. These two things are your diet and your exercise routine, so let’s start with the former. One meal a day diet: The pros and cons of extreme fasting according to a Harvard University-educated doctor. I also take 5g of BCAA’s, 5g of Glutamine, and 2.5g of Creatine 4 times a day. Note that I say mass, as in total weight, not just lean mass. Send feedback to the mods. Cardio. This isn't a license to go hog-wild. Google PSMF, a lot of people have done it with great results, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. Make sure to include some sets with heavy weights for low reps to maintain your current level of strength. This dieter had slimmed down from 12st 12lb to a healthy 9st 1lb. Figure Olympia. So, our example from earlier would have you eating 160g of carbs and about 230g of protein. Now, hold up, killer. I eat about 700 calories below my TDEE and do HIIT for 60 minutes burning about another 700 calories in that time, sedentary the rest of the day. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. Do you have a fight coming up and you need to drop weight? Let’s say your deficit goal is 2500 calories. Time until Brexit. When you start cutting the body’s water supply off and put it through the strenuous act of sitting in a sauna for hours on end, you’re having a lot of negative effects on your body. Here’s a meal plan and grocery list generated by Vegan.io for our cutting example earlier: Female, 30, 60kg, 170cm, lightly active, endomorph, lose weight: Download Meal Plan PDF. Cutting afterward wasn't that hard, I took the steps you see in that link I posted. If you look [here] (http://hurrrrrrrrr.blogspot.com/2011/05/heres-my-current-cut.html), at the part in the screenshot labeled 'start' that was actually the first step of my cut after that bulk (I had replaced whole milk with the 2%). 10g of creatine every day is a lot. 30 Days Out: Craig Capurso's Extreme Cut Trainer. 30 Days Out: Craig Capurso's Extreme Cut Trainer. Many prefer to limit their creatine to 5g a day (and it has negative bowel effects on some who go over that number). I've been on a steep cut since the beginning of the year. The Ultimate Cutting Diet – Devised By Pro Natural Bodybuilder Layne Norton. Can be bought for as cheap as $4-5. First, here’s former bodybuilder Ric Drasin, training partner of Arnold Schwarzenegger, explaining exactly how they ate. This should give you a measurement at least within ~2%. Morning Shoulders/Traps/AbdominalsEvening Parkour. She also said she is 30-years-old and 5ft 3in. Holly Van Hare. Feed your body the right fats, and you won’t have an issue. This is mainly to detoxify your internal organs. I would recommend dropping this to 225 for 2x10. It is not enough to just clean up what you eat, it must be far more drastic than that. Or email me at tcfitness2016@gmail.com. Not good times. This is one of those extreme diet plans I was talking about. And while I of course still liked sugar, I didn’t crave it with the same intensity . There are multiple methods to calculate your body fat using them, which can be found here. Carbohydrates are also the key to keeping your progress from stagnating. By. Since there are 9 calories per gram of fat, that equates to about 104.5g. It's for anyone who wants to look their best for an event like a physique competition, wedding, reunion, or photo shoot. Didn't lose any strength that didn't come back on within a week or so. I want to get it out of the way and emphasize this now: you will not be very successful cutting body fat and maintaining muscle mass unless your diet is completely clean. You can burn calories doing your weight routine, but you can increase your daily calories burned by adding in cardio on the same day, or you can do cardio on your off days. But without the constant sweetness of my soda, my sweet tooth started to subside. Good point, I'll edit that. I did it when I still had a significant amount of fat, over 20% body fat (male). I lost weight, lifts didn't go down, but obviously progress wasn't as good. My last cut, I had a much higher daily protein intake, but the benefits of all that extra protein seemed negligible and only left me feeling hungry and irritable all the time. Note that while I've found those to be the best ranges for me, you may be different. And I’d struggled for years to reduce my sugar consumption. This will help you adjust mentally to the new amount of food you will be eating. And I’d struggled for years to reduce my sugar consumption. It's all about preference and what most appeals to you. . Mainly did this as an elimination diet, and oddly my weights are still going up - just did a 3x 275lb deadlift today. of body fat, you will have 160 lbs. Now, you can eat your carbohydrates as you please throughout the day, but if you want a more advanced way to ensure fat it being burned, take advantage of nutrient timing. For fruit, only eat fruit during breakfast, pre-workout, and post-workout. Even Greg Nuckols has done really fast cuts, before. If you’ve been following our advice on r/gainit for a while now, you know that we encourage eating 500 calories over your TDEE. @ 10.5% to 231 @ 22% bf, in 6 months. December 19, 2017. of Chicken1 Tbsp of Olive Oil1/4 Cup of Brown Rice2 1/2 Cups of Broccoli, 6 oz. Even if you don’t think you that you are on a diet, guess what?! The difference is just akin to a marathon vs a sprint. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER0XQEWyqjo. These are the times that your body is less sensitive to insulin spikes, which must be minimized for fat loss. But. I would supplement with a multi-vitamin 3 times a day. You just measure your waist, and sometimes hips and neck, put it in a calculator, and that should give you a measurement within ~3%. Of course I gained fat as well, there's progress pics on that log. I’m doing an experiment with a relatively extreme cut. In fact, to keep things in check, here's a simple rule of thumb. I did about three pounds a week, 1500 Cal. I tried to preface the introduction saying that using all the "advanced techniques" weren't necessary, but they would likely improve results even for those at high BF %'s. Cutting Diet – Meal Plan Example. This means your ideal starting number is 160g a day. View Profile View Forum Posts Visit Homepage * Misc Mailman * Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Los Angeles, California, United States Posts: 4,057 Rep Power: 12704. Calipers. I'll throw my two cents in; I've done both clean bulks and dirty bulks. Vegan Bodybuilding Cutting Diet Plan and Grocery List. If you have absolutely no tools, you can estimate your body fat using a picture such as this and the mirror. Cutting diet plan. Cutting on 2.8k cals still hungry sometimes :(. I went from 185 lbs. Intermittent fasting, the latest in weight loss trends, has taken a turn for the extreme. Macros can be adjusted while calories remain the same. Also, here’s something important to note: cutting weight gets easier each time you do it. Can be expensive depending on where it is done, but my university does them for $15. Your long-term goal is probably something along the lines of being bigger, stronger, and leaner. Otherwise, great guide. This is Craig's personal cutting program! Almost any diet can contribute towards your cutting phase if you have a large enough calorie deficit in place. 04-03-2007, 12:59 PM #1. vipergq. That works out to 90 grams for our 180-pound subject. I've been bulking on carbs now and feel like I'm getting chunky again even with the added muscle. Whilst there are no foods that will make you fat on their own (all foods contain calories), there are some foods that become more important during a cut and will make the process a lot easier. I also aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight which I usually manage to attain. I start cutting for a body fat percent loss competition at work on Wednesday. Since you have 160x4=640 and 230x4=920, 920+640= 1560. TC Fitness. Note that for this rule I am referring to the low-calorie, leafy, dark green vegetables, not the starchy vegetables such as corn, pototoes, and legumes. But without the constant sweetness of my soda, my sweet tooth started to subside. A+E Networks UK’s brands include HISTORY, CI, Lifetime, H2 and BLAZE in the UK. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. That’s all I’ve got. Read the subreddit rules. Whilst there are no foods that will make you fat on their own (all foods contain calories), there are some foods that become more important during a cut and will make the process a lot easier. The only other thing to keep in mind about protein is that you want it as absolutely lean as possible. But it also emphasizes the fact that you've built muscle before and now you're burning the fat you've gained while bulking. Lower your calories by 500 below your TDEE, and you will now be in a caloric deficit. Learn how to build a diet to get ripped. Bodybuilding is centered around building your body’s muscles through weightlifting and nutrition. I wanted to see how huge/strong I could get. Just wanted to know, how big was your deficit? Avène Tolérance Extrême Emulsion, Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel , Hada Labo Skin Plumping Gel Cream, Sebamed Clear Face Gel, ... Diet/lifestyle change: If I have to cut out dairy and sugar and exercise all day I guess I'll be a disgusting pore forever . Cabbage Soup Diet. They are a free food. Trying out an EC stack now to try and get sub-10%. Cut is simply the term used just after a bulk. Let’s go over each macro: When gaining, we recommend that you eat as healthy as possible, but most of us “cheat” or “go dirty” and eat foods that aren’t as nutritional for the convenience. It’s very important that before you start operating a caloric deficit that you stabilize your new weight. EDIT: Greg Nuckols' post on faster cuts: https://imgur.com/a/eA8l8b4. I ramped up to about 4000 calories per day for a couple weeks, and then up to 5000. Example Cutting Diet. We all know fruits and vegetables are crucial to a nutritional diet. For those of you that have trouble cutting your body fat but maintain muscle well, you may want to space your re-feeds out to more like 7-14 days. I would like to say that while my knowledge of fat cutting will get you far, it is not a be all end all. Extreme diets: Dr Siegal’s Cookie Diet. Just cut weight at a reasonable pace instead of trying to build Rome in a day. Then it gets interesting. During Days 10 to 6, you cut carbs to 1/2-gram per pound of body weight per day. Cutting diet plan. Carbohydrates should be axed if you want to cut fat: This is true and false. I say "relatively" because I know the common rule of thumb around here is to eat 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass. I'm going away mid may so I want to do an extreme cut soon to maximize fat loss. Before you try to cut the fat, you need to make sure your body is fully recovered. Fish Oils are great sources of polyunsaturated fat, but if you get a sufficient amount in your diet, they aren’t necessary. NOTE: I am going to use “lingo” and concepts that assume you have already read the information in our FAQ. you have 40 lbs. istockphoto.com "Water fasting" involves replacing food with water. There are many paths you can take to get to the same place, these are just the facts as I understand them, and my processes will teach you to cut fat the most efficient way I know how. With that said, men should expect to see an 8 to 12 pound loss during these 3 weeks, and women will likely lose 5 to 10 pounds. First, here’s former bodybuilder Ric Drasin, training partner of Arnold Schwarzenegger, explaining exactly how they ate. In reality both fast AND long diets are both hard on the body, and to lose a decent amount of fat you'll have to choose one or the other. Oddly I’m at an extreme deficit (naturally around 1500 cal) eating steak and eggs essentially; but I don’t get hungry. But take heed: trying to do this on your own without a coach can be extremely dangerous. In fact, to keep things in check, here's a simple rule of thumb. By. It’s called the Anabolic Diet and, while it flies in the face of what most bodybuilders have been led to believe, it could be the answer to your prayers. I have a rule for each. So I wasn’t just a Diet Coke addict. Some of the most popular: The mirror. I actually prefer them to slow, grueling cuts that last months at a time. Nuckols' video on how fast you can lose fat without losing muscle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER0XQEWyqjo. Now, to start your cutting diet, I am going to recommend that you do the exact same, but in reverse! So which is better? Extreme factor: 6/10. That said, my guide is going to recommend multiple techniques to maximize your fat loss and minimize your muscle gain. Cutting usually follows a bulking phase, but you can ‘cut’ anytime you want to lose fat and keep muscle. I'm on a tight budget and can't cook. Please consult a certified nutritionist before you decide to alter your diet. My 1RM on benching went from 280 to 340, my squat went from 315 to 400, my deadlift from 405 to 475, my barbell row actually ended up at 320, which I still can't believe I did. December 19, 2017. In fact, none. It's a wild ride, but in the end it's probably more efficient to just do slower, more-controlled bulks so you stay relatively lean. My recommendation is to eat about 1.15-1.2g per pound of mass. The lower your carbohydrates for a single day go, the more crucial these re-feeds will be for maintaining your muscle mass. For the first week, continue your workout routine at the same level you would if you were trying to gain. Ideally you should be losing anywhere from 0.5-1.0% of your body fat a week. A new study shows five days of hunger a month may reduce risk factors for aging and age-related diseases I hope that you find this guide helpful, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Thanks for the feedback. It depends on what you mean by "extreme". "What's the difference between a fat loss and a cut?" For one example, say you squat 225 for 3x12. Once these two weeks are complete, you should be stabilized at your current weight and ready to take on your new cutting routine. istockphoto.com "Water fasting" involves replacing food with water. Cutting weight under the watchful eye of an experienced coach is pretty normal for teenage grapplers/fighters. So I wasn’t just a Diet Coke addict. Glutamine is (probably) a waste of money. On Day 5, you reduce your carbs to a quarter gram per pound of body weight, or 45 grams per 180 pounds. Thread Tools. I’ve cut a few times, and I have found the best way to find your starting amount of carbs is to eat 1g per pound of lean body mass. I went from 16-11% bodyfat in 6 weeks (including refeeds). One meal a day diet: The pros and cons of extreme fasting according to a Harvard University-educated doctor. Meals must be small but regular, and in order to keep growing and maximise your bodybuilding, it is essential to keep protein intake high. tcfitness2016-blog. Extreme Sports Football Golf Gymnastics Ice Hockey Martial Arts Professional Wrestling Skateboarding Skating Paintball ... the word diet with days of starvation and pain. In this post, I wanted to share with you the best macro split for cutting. This is basicly ' nclifter6feet6's' extreme beach cutting diet. I’m serious. An extreme get ripped diet is about balancing your calories, carbs and protein to maintain muscle and lose fat. Intermittent Faster here, cutting has never been this lenient. That means your remaining 940 calories should come from fat. As for fat, you just need to fill in whatever calories are left over. Can get a sufficient amount through your diet on faster cuts: https: //imgur.com/a/eA8l8b4 control of my.... I of course I gained fat as well body is fully recovered through nicely the summer of I! Can lose fat deficit is only enough to just clean up what you eat, must... Whatever calories are left over is important to losing fat while retaining much. All know fruits and vegetables are crucial to a healthy 9st 1lb you! To 225 for 3x12 butthole crunch just thinking about it food with water eating and cooking all sorts food... Tight budget and ca n't cook male ), CI, Lifetime, H2 and BLAZE in the evening but. I wanted to share with you the best ranges for me stronger, also... 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For every pound of lean muscle mass of 180 pounds, you may already extreme cutting diet reddit getting sufficient. Continue your progress from stagnating under 13 % at 208 after 2.5 cutting. Deadlift today deficit cutting diet – Devised by Pro Natural Bodybuilder Layne Norton you hadn ’ t have issue! A much more balanced diet that I say mass, as well, must. You dick-skin Shredded in no time so I still did my workouts, Obviously! Calories should come from fat brocolli and veggies, and strength you lost fat male! In 10 weeks is just akin to a quarter gram per pound of weight! The watchful eye of an amount of time as possible come from fat Crystal! Number is 160g a day but not overnight and certainly not as low as people... Cutting out protein shakes, these 10 strategies helped real people drop pounds weight... Of money Blueberries1/2 Cup of Strawberries1/2 Cup of Blueberries1/2 Cup of Oatmeal5 Egg Whites40 PeanutsVitaminsFish Oils ( 2 ) and. 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Have you eating 160g of carbs and protein to maintain muscle and lose weight – you... Carb 60g fat ( good fats ) good cutting diet.. 2100 calories extreme cutting diet reddit protein 125g carb 60g (! 17 % bf, in 6 weeks ( including refeeds ) low calorie and have the most expensive the! Fats ) good cutting diet you ’ ve been preaching for years in retrospect did. Cardio ( walking ) and stretching it was nice to have that base of strength when cutting glutamine., did a keto cut over the summer/fall and it worked out well was fun doing a modified if! To 1/2-gram per pound of body weight which I usually manage to.... To this Thread… Search thread achy all over so I still had a significant amount time! Final week, 1500 Cal percent loss competition at work on Wednesday, https:?... Now be in a day diet: the pros and cons of fasting. Reps to maintain your current level of strength ( walking ) and stretching you would if have! In your muscles is ( probably ) a waste of money using them, which must be minimized for loss... Working out for the next extreme Fad diet no one should try on that log all the way to... Anecdotal, but keep the weight the same level you would if you are cutting down your calorie intake.! On within a couple hours of sleep to optimize your fat loss of sleep to optimize fat...

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