how to make ogbono soup boiling method

Wash your meat and ponmo thoroughly, season well and cook until meat is tender, meanwhile soak your dried fish inside lukewarm water with a little salt (salt removes all dirt the fish might have gathered while sun drying or through display at our open markets), when soft, clean properly and shred. Now add the washed Ugu leaves, turn the heat to low at this time….. Stir and combine…. Cook until the oil has combined well with the meat stock. … I asked how she made it as I got home just as she was taking it off the cooker and missed seeing how it was done. Oct 14, 2017 - Ogbono Soup, also known as Draw Soup, is a Nigerian soup recipe prepared with Ogbono Seeds. Note: For oil free ogbono, follow the exact same process; simply omit the palm oil. Season water in a large pot and add ground peppers, crayfish, and cooked meats. I’m reminded of the days when mommy would cook Ogbono soup for us. It's a very thick one. How To Make Ogbono Soup: Ingredients. How To Make Ogbono Soup: Method 1. Ogbono and Okro is a very popular soup and the method of preparation varies from different tribes. Oct 14, 2017 - Ogbono Soup, also known as Draw Soup, is a Nigerian soup recipe prepared with Ogbono Seeds. Welcome to my food blog. Sep 30, 2015 - Ogbono Soup, also known as Draw Soup, is a Nigerian soup recipe prepared with Ogbono Seeds. Okra and Ogbono soup is one of the most favorite Nigerian soups. I have tried this easy ogbono recipe a few times now and it works all the time. This is also a great recipe for oil-Free Ogbono soup, simply omit the oil . To combat potential lumps in the boiling method, I figure out a nifty trick. Your blog looks beautiful. All registration takes a few minutes, as the official australian casino website offers a modern solution to all players’ questions. Ogbono (Wild Mango seed) soup is typically prepared using the frying method, you can chekout our traditional ogbono soup recipe here and the video recipe here. The seed is dried and then milled with some crayfish in order to make Ogbono soup powder. But seriously that is how much I love it. crayfish powder, Pour water to the level of the meats and cook until almost tender; then add the stock fish and oil. Total Time 25 Min. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ogbono (Ibo) or Apon (Yoruba) is the seed of the African wild mango (Oro). I prefer this to the frying method. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. I personally like my ogbono soup a little on the lighter side, if you prefer thick ogbono, reduce the cooking broth. The garri is a trade secret. Stir, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes. I have days when I just don’t want to be bothered with cooking. So today this post is called Ogbono soup re-defined. It's made from organic seeds, which is also known as the weld Mango sits. Food And Drink. Your recipe and description makes it look so easy. For those of you who don't know, bouillon stock cubes are simply made from meat stock, dehydrated vegetables, a small portion of fat, monosodium glutamate (MSG), salt, and seasonings, shaped into a small cube. Back to the recipe. Best Nigerian Ogbono Soup Ingredients. Blessings. Wash and dices your okro and set aside. Cook on medium-high heat for 25-30 minutes or until meat is cooked through. Make a paste with some of the boiling water from the meat with the ground ogbono seeds. This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, View Dine Africa. Serve with any side of swallow or eat as is. Come see me see my ajebutters oh! Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I have a recipe here, here, and here, Gosh, you’re making me soooo hungry! Yes you will be correct about the method but what makes mine re-defined are the ingredients. Ogbono With Okra Soup is another way of enjoying ogbono soup. O Chim! Combine ponmo,beef and smoked fish in a pot. Cook for another 3 minutes and set aside. I love the energy and realness of your posts . Is it possible for you, the queen of the cooking shortcuts, come up with recipes that will take advantage of this contraption. Explore. Category: Soup. Add in your seasonings cubes too. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" find … Thanks Aunty Ronke (smiles….i couldn’t resist). Ogbono soup or Ofe Ogbono as it's called by the Igbos in Nigeria is a delicious Soup that is similar to Okro/Okra soup because of its viscosity. In fact, my laziness when it came to cooking could be said to have superseded epic proportions! Explore. Nor mind them na only them dey like better thing , Just incase you were wondering of other methods of cooking Ogbono soup. My fren!” Well, I  would have loved to say that, but the love I have for my smallies didn’t let me. So today, I'm going to be teaching us how to make Ogbono soup. She had cooked it with Okro and the soup tasted delicious. Uziza is more of a spicy leaf. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" find … Most of the players prefer pokies because of the good returns and the possibility of big wins. He even knows that there are days I truly forget as a result of working so hard; then he would always ask, “mommy is this gluten free? Scroll up to see what I served this okra and ogbono soup with oat-fufu. the soup was still okay. so let's get started so here I've got my cow skin already boiling. Ogbono soup is one of Nigeria’s draw soups. The casino is suitable for those who prefer pleasant bonuses, famous online pokies . I am still on my 'meals on a budget' series and this is the final week of the series. Ogbono Soup or Draw Soup, is a popular Nigerian soup recipe made with Ogbono Seeds(wild African bush mango seeds). Ogbono soup is incredibly delicious. Bring to the boil on medium heat and once boiling, reduce heat to a simmer in a covered pot till the meat is almost cooked. I love my ogbono soup thick with plenty obstacles to go with it for sure. You actually can. Use a whisk to combine the mixed ogbono and meat broth; a whisk makes the job a thousand times easier. World Cuisine. Make a paste with some of the boiling water from the meat with the ground ogbono seeds. i laughed real hard about the rice and stew and tomatoes stuff and then I learnt a lot. Hello, I'm Ronke Edoho. I shall also share some easy kitchen tips for the ‘lazy’ cooks like me. May 8, 2015 - This is a recipe I have had several requests for. Goat meat (beef, chicken, sea foods) ½ cup of grinded Ogbono Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It is the only soup you can catch me cook and eat to the last drop in less than four days no matter how much of it I prepared . In a small bowl, combine the palm oil and ogbono powder, till oil is absorbed and the powder turns reddy-orange. Prep Time 5 Min. You only need small amount of … To make ogbono soup, cut the beef or chicken into medium-sized pieces and rinse them in a pot. Ingredients for Ogbono Soup cooked with Okra You can vary the quantities of Ogbono and Okra below depending on which one you want to have more of. My mum has always used this method and i copied after her (although she boils her ogbono along side the meat, but i prefer to boil mine in water. Anyway, I was very hungry on the day and tried the soup. And the necessity to cook for others, and myself, pushed me to look for ways to rustle up simple but delicious meals. The main ingredient for ogbono soup is the ogbono seed. How to Cook Ogbono Soup Add water to the meat after about ten minutes and cook till it is soft enough for consumption and the water is almost dried (just about 1 cup left), You will need to add 7 cups of water at this point. Ogbono Soup Recipe. Ogbono (Wild Mango seed) soup is typically prepared using the frying method, you can chekout our. Add your ground crayfish, chili powder, salt to taste if needed, washed smoked fish into the pot and stir to combine. You can choose to make use of your preferred protein – … Don’t cover the pot to prevent losing its resilience. Ogbono Soup(boiling method) Listen, I’m not the Nigerian lazy chef for nothing. So if you want your soup to be mainly Okra soup, you can decrease the quantity of Ogbono and increase the quantity of okra and vice versa. This is why this method is very uncommon. I'm going to be showing you how I make my easy but delicious open a soup for those who don't know about soup is basically a very delicious Nigerian concussion soup. Here are my personal pet peeves with Ogbono Soup. Place the meats into a pot. 4.9 Star Rating. Learn how to cook the perfect Ogbono Soup right here. Then you prep your Ogbono. Pour paste into the pot and mix well. I even made some fufu a.k.a Santana for myself. Cuisine: Nigerian. Join me as we celebrate food, love and life. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Explore. In fact I cooked some Ogbono soup for them and I used the boiling method to save time and energy. Add the washed dry fish and stockfish, 250ml of palm oil, ground crayfish. There are two methods of cooking ogbono soup, these methods are 1) Frying method and 2) The Boiling method. Stir the ogbono into the sauce bit by bit and stir briskly to avoid the ogbono clumping up. It is very tasty, nutritious and insanely delicious! Will spinach work in place of the other leaves? Thanks for the feedback Uneku. Soup will look as pictured after step 6. Frying method involves adding ground ogbono to melted palm oil while the Boiling method involves adding ground ogbono to pre-cooked meat or fish stock. Frying Method Of Cooking Ogbono Soup. Cover you pot and allow to boil. The dish is made with ground dry ogbono seeds and gives off a pleasant unique flavour that excites the taste buds of the ‘local’ Nigerian. The thing is that they use a lot of different ingredients for it. Ogbono (Wild Mango seed) soup is typically prepared using the frying method, you can chekout our. Add the soft boneless smoked and stock fish and cook for another 5 minutes. The garri is everything Nne. Like wow! never came across your blog till today. If you want your Ogbono Soup to be done without any oil, this will be good for you. Thanks for giving me the motivation to try it. Add in palm oil and crayfish. The ogbono starts to thicken and draws as you stir. Okra and Ogbono soup is one of the most favorite Nigerian soups. Bring to a boil. I made onugbu soup  and for some reason, I mistakenly added too much pepper; then my ajebutters started turning their noses up oh. Actually, this method is nice for those that don’t want frying. As they stay longer to cook. Ogbono soup is a delicious Nigerian easy soup recipe prepared using dry ground ogbono seeds and is popularly known as draw soup because of its gelatinous (slimy) texture it produces. Whisk until completely smooth, [url href=”″][img src=”” width=”400″ height=”265″ class=”aligncenter size-full” title=”Ogbono” alt=”Ogbono- Seed – soup”][/url], Add all left over ingredients including the ogbono into the meat broth. On medium-high heat, place a pan containing the stock, assorted beef and panla, add palm oil and cayenne pepper and bring to boil for another 5-10 minutes till all is well combined. I am quirky, and what you would call a nerd. Lol “nubile bride”. Learn how to cook the perfect Ogbono Soup right here. Please do a post/video showing how to roll “swallow” to perfection. it’s only a myth. Without the oil, it becomes white Ogbono(still delicious). Speaking of allergies,  my little boy has learnt to read labels and ask questions about anything given to him to eat. It has the same taste as the normal ogbono without okra is. Steps 2,4,7 and 9 are ‘coded’ thanks, Thanks for this recipes,first time making ogbono like this,and am impressed. Using knorr seasoning tastes better in ogbono soup. Ogbono (Wild Mango seed) soup is typically prepared using the frying method, you can chekout our. Thank you! I love the soup even though I'm not Igbo. #how to make ogbono soup boiling methodo. ½ cup dry blended Ogbono (mix with a little warm water until smooth), Place the meats into a pot. Ndeewo. This is a recipe I have had several requests for. Melt the ogbono in the hot oil and stir to prevent lumps, add water or stock and stir. Now add in the chopped okra as it is or you can blend it if you like before adding to the pot. There is no step 7, it’s just the placement of the pictures. I will suggest you use a whisk just like I suggested above, it makes the job a lot easier. By Ikenga Chronicles March 7, 2016 ... Pour in palm oil like 10 minutes after you added the chicken and tie the ogbono in a tight proof nylon and put in the boiling meat. What’s step 7? Ogbono soup is one of my favorites anytime of the day so i don't joke with it. Leave to boil for 5 minutes, within 5 minutes, check the soup twice and stir in order for the ogbono not to stick to the base of the pot, then add the seasoning cube and salt. 3. If you choose this method, note that the oil shouldn't be too hot or your Ogbono will not "draw". Once the meat is tender, add your stock fish and seasoning cubes. African Recipes. Feb 8, 2016 - This is a recipe I have had several requests for. Ogbono soup is incredibly delicious. I prefer mixing the ground Ogbono with boiling water or stock. Dine Africa with me. The cooking direction can also go in two ways such as frying the ogbono seed or pouring the already grounded ogbono seed into a boiling water that contains cooked meat and stock fish. We call it (Apon) in Yoruba parlance. Hi... my name is Nma. I am so scared of pressure pots oh. Learn how to cook the perfect Ogbono Soup right here. Check and adjust seasoning as desired. Ogbono soup nutritional value . It will turn slimy. season with salt, bouillon, the tsp of pepper and ½ tbsp. Ogbono Soup also known as Draw Soup makes eating Fufu Recipes so easy because of its slimy nature which helps the lumps of fufu slide down. 1. Now add the Basil leaves/ Efinrin, let it cook for 3-5 minutes, then switch off the … As in “cant you eat small pepper? Explore. Just tried it. In fact Nigerians almost always include it when cooking Okro/Okra Soup. Listen, I’m not the Nigerian lazy chef for nothing. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Food And Drink . People have upgraded from the traditional method of preparing both local soups, different twist is being added. [url href=”″][img src=”” width=”400″ height=”265″ class=”aligncenter size-full” title=”cooking Nigerian Soup”][/url], Combine dried ogbono with 2 cooking spoon of the meat broth (from step 1). I know so many people reading this must think, re-defined how? Ogbono soup is one of the very popular soup in Nigeria and some part of African countries, Ogbono soup is made with Ogbono seeds. Pour in the Ogbono mix and stir continuously until combined; then stir in the remaining crayfish and habanero. When did you add the oil,or no oil at all? Ogbono seed is also known as bush mango seed or African mango seeds. season with salt, bouillon, the tsp of pepper and ½ tbsp. As the years went by, I started falling in love with art. Stir with cooking spoon to dissolve ogbono in the palm oil. I know I’m a bush woman, but I’ll think about it lol. I have days when I just don’t want to be bothered with cooking. Chep Or should I do without? There are not that many ways to make Ogbono soup. Should it taste that way? This soup is generally served with Fufu (cassava flour, yam flour, garri or oat-fufu). While my father was alive (may GOD rest his soul), he used to have me make him fresh, oil-less okra soup and boy did I hate it! 9jafoodie features Nigerian food recipes, health and cooking tips. I made onugbu soup and for some re… Saved by Jennifer Thomas. Taste if needed, washed smoked fish in a small bowl, combine the mixed ogbono Okro! Want your ogbono soup a little warm water until smooth ), place the meats into a.! My Igbo accent ) the possibility of big wins much I love it be teaching us how cook! Be good for you soups you can chekout our the method of preparing local... Two soups in one day this method, you may use the oil has combined well with the ogbono! 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