how to read fundus fluorescein angiography

When blue light is shined on fluorescein, it fluoresces yellow-green. FAs can be evaluated based on distinct phases of dye circulation. Fluorescein is a small molecule which when stimulated by blue light at a wavelength of 465–490 nm emits a yellowish-green light between 520 and 530 nm. Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) is an important imaging modality for the diagnosis and management of uveitis. How does fluorescein angiography (FA) work? Figure 1 The external limiting membrane. Correspondence: Yazan zahran Ophthalmologist Yazan Zahran eye clinic 9 Suliman adeedi street Amman Po Box 143539 Jordan, Tel 962790573036 Received: September 27, 2014 | Published: June 8, 2015 Citation: Zahran Y.How to read fluorescein angiography. Abstract. White light from a flash is passed through a blue excitation filter. The choroid can be subdivided into three distinct parts from internal to external Bruch’s Membrane choriocapillaris; and the vessel layer. Fluorescein angiography (FA) is a great way to evaluate retinal circulation. Staining: (Figure 21) Staining results from fluorescein entry into a solid tissue such as a scar, optic nerve tissue, or sclera the pattern of hyper fluorescence with gradually increasing intensity of fluorescence, but the borders of the hyper fluorescence remain fixed throughout the angiogram process. Some common conditions for which fluorescein angiography is indicated include atrophic macular degeneration, central serous chorioretinopathy, cystoid macular edema, ischemic optic neuropathy and malignant choroidal melanoma. ICG fluoresces in the infrared wavelength and readily passes through the RPE (retinal pigment epithelium). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. Rabb MF, Burton TC, Schatz H, Yannuzzi LA. What is fluorescein? … The choroid nourishes the outer retina and a portion of the optic nerve. Creative Commons Attribution License Figure 12 Patterns of hyper fluorescence or the hypo fluorescence, Figure 13A Stimulation of fluorescein blocked by Blood. In digital photography, no inversion is required. Fluorescein angiography is a way of looking at these blood vessels to see if there are any abnormalities or damaged areas. Indicate any characteristic features such as a smoke-stack. Please switch to one of those browsers if available. Figure 5 Comparison between retinal and choroidal capillaries. At right, FAF image shows large soft drusen associated with increased fundus autofluorescence in a patchy FAF pattern. Download Citation | On Nov 11, 2013, Shin Suto and others published Fluorescein fundus angiography with smartphone | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate If indicated, a pre-injection study is performed to detect autofluorescence (see below), with both the excitation and barrier filters in place. Adv Ophthalmol Vis Syst. The retina composed of two parts: neurosensory retina which composed of 9 layers the internal limiting membrane, the nerve fiber layer, the ganglion cell layer, the inner plexiform layer, the inner nuclear layer, the outer plexiform layer, the outer nuclear layer, the rod and cone inner and outer segments, the external limiting membrane (Figure 1). The hyper fluorescence occurs early and reaches its greatest intensity with the peak of choroidal filling leaking: (Figure 18) Leakage of fluorescein dye is defined as hyper fluorescence of fluorescein in the extra vascular space. At left, fundus photo shows early-stage dry AMD. 1, 6 The landmark text Atlas of Macular Diseases by Dr J. Donald Gass set a new standard for the use of stereoscopic fluorescein angiography in fundus diagnosis. (Figure 12) (Figure 13) Pigment (Figure 14) Fibrosis vascular filling defect: (Figure 15) Vascular filling defect: Occurs when the retinal or choroidal vessels do not fill properly as in non-perfusion of artery vein. 2015;2(4):131-136. What does the word mean? Fluorescein angiography is an indispensable procedure that can help you investigate the integrity of the retinal vasculature. Figure 17B Transmission defect (window defect). Figure 11 Recirculation phase & late phase. Regret for the inconvenience: we are taking measures to prevent fraudulent form submissions by extractors and page crawlers. Best viewed in Mozilla Firefox | Google Chrome | Above IE 7.0 version | Opera | Privacy Policy. A ‘red-free’ image is captured. Interpretation of fundus fluorescein angiography [Schatz, Howard, etc., Schatz, H., Burton, T.C., Yannuzzi, L.A., Rabb, M.F.] DOI: 10.15406/aovs.2015.02.00054 The abnormalities of FA image is divided into two main patterns the Hyper Fluorescence or the hypo fluorescence Specifying the pattern plus following it change with time will let you define easily the diagnostic fluorescein pattern let’s start with the hypo fluorescence.4. Blue light (wavelength 465-490 nm) is then absorbed by unbound fluorescein molecules, and the molecules fluoresce, emitting light with a longer wavelength in the yellow-green spectrum (520-… The dye highlights the blood vessels in … Transmission defect (window defect): (Figure 17) A window defect refers to the choroidal fluorescence produced by a relative decrease or absence of pigment in the RPE or an absence of RPE. Pooling is seen in both neural retina and RPE detachments the margins of the space trapping the fluorescein are usually distinct. Arteriovenous phase: (Figure 9) The dye completely fills the lumen of the vein. After cannulation, the line should be flushed with normal saline to check patency and exclude extravasation, fluorescein, usually 5 mL of a 10% solution, is drawn up into a syringe in eyes with opaque media, 3 ml of 25% solution may afford better results If not already obtained, colour photographs are taken. Mainly from posterior ciliary arteries. Fundus fluorescein angiography. Fluorescein angiography, fluorescent angiography, or fundus fluorescein angiography is a technique for examining the circulation of the retina and choroid usin… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The same dye can be injected intravenously. We evaluate the safety of sodium fluorescein for use in fundus angiography. 2015;2(4):131‒136. As the authors suggest, fundus fluorescein angiography probably will not change the management of mild to moderate ROP, for which indirect ophthalmoscopy provides reliable screening. FA requires the use of a dedicated fundus camera equipped with excitation and barrier filters. permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially. Ophthalmologist Yazan Zahran eye clinic Jordan, Correspondence: Yazan zahran Ophthalmologist Yazan Zahran eye clinic 9 Suliman adeedi street Amman Po Box 143539 Jordan, Tel 962790573036, Received: September 27, 2014 | Published: June 8, 2015, Citation: Zahran Y. DOI: 10.15406/aovs.2015.02.00054 appearance there is two barriers in the retina: 1. By Amresh Chopdar. We do this commonly when looking at the cornea after instilling fluorescein. Blocking: Blood or other opacities block the fluorescence. Typically the area of fluorescence increases in both size and intensity as the study progresses. Arteriovenous phase: Laminar flow in the veins – the walls of the veins are bright while the center of the vein is still dark. The leaflet explains the benefits, risks and alternatives, as well as what you can expect when you come to hospital. Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) which composed from monolayer of cells & its functions are: Absorption of scattered light, Control of fluid and nutrients in the subretinal space (blood retinal Barrier function), visual pigment regeneration and synthesis.1 Synthesis of growth factors to modulate adjacent structures maintenance of retinal adhesion phagocytosis and digestion of photoreceptor wastes electrical homeostasis. It’s a way of studying what is happening at the back of your eye. 1.14 Photographic plan for fluorescein angiography of macular disease. Most ophthalmologists would agree that fluorescein angiography has rapidly become an indispensable tool to the modern clinician. Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICG-A) are important procedures for the diagnosis and management of many problems of the retina and choroid. Principle of Fluorescein Angiography: Fluorescein angiography is a diagnostic technique that allows the sequential visualization of blood flow simultaneously through retinal, choroidal, and iris tissues as the fluorescein dye is injected into the bloodstream via the vein … How to read fluorescein angiography. The posterior uvea is synonymous with the choroids. A history of a severe reaction to any allergen is a strong relative contraindication. Fluorescein angiography (FA), fluorescent angiography (FAG), or fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) is a technique for examining the circulation of the retina and choroid (parts of the fundus) using a fluorescent dye and a specialized camera. Fluorescein angiographic patterns reveal a wide variety of anatomical, pathological and physiological information which, correctly interpreted, contributes to the differential diagnosis of fundus diseases and to the evaluation of appropriate therapeutic approaches. Image processing with direct acquisition digital fundus fluorescein angiography using the OIS DFC-512 and Topcon IMAGEnet were assessed. • Fluorescein angiography • Adverse reactions • Anaphylactoid reaction Abstract • Anaphylactic reaction Purpose: Fast sequence fluorescein angiography is a commonly diagnostic procedure employed in retinal pathology. Please type the correct Captcha word to see email ID. Open Access by MedCrave Group Kft is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Other relative contraindications include: renal failure (lower the fluorescein dose if angiography is necessary). Indicate any hyper- or hypo fluorescence and any delay in filling. Is mainly divided into 1) blocked fluorescence and 2) vascular filling defect. Fundus diseases included central and branch retinal vein occlusion, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, central serous choroidopathy and … How to read fluorescein angiography 132 Copyriht: 215 ahran Citation: Zahran Y. Pooling: Hyperfluorescence progressively enlarges to fill the fluid cavity and then, Staining: Late hyperfluorescence due to accumulation of fluorescein dye. Based on a work at It is used to make a diagnosis, plan treatment or monitor the effects of a treatment your child might already be receiving. Recirculation phase & late phase: (Figure 11) Recirculation phase: Begins about 30 seconds after the dye injection, fluorescence within the vessels reduces as lower concentration of fluorescein recirculates Late phase: Retinal vessels are empty of the fluorescein dye by 10 minutes after injection, disc remains hyper fluorescent in late films due to staining . The retina receives its nutrition from two discrete circulatory systems-the retinal blood vessels and the uveal or choroidal blood vessels both are derived from the ophthalmic artery, which is the first branch of the internal carotid artery melanocytes, and connective tissue From anterior to posterior, the uveal tract has three distinct subdivisions the iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid the iris and ciliary body are referred to as the anterior uvea. Things that are going to leak or pool will have done so already. Flourescein Angiography. Various pathology can cause structures to be hyperflourescent or hypoflourescent. There are also more defined areas of hyper-AF corresponding to mixed drusen in a focal increased pattern superior and inferior to the fovea. Perifoveal capillary network is best visualized at 20 to 25 seconds after the injection of the dye when the concentration of the dye is maximum The fovea appears hypo fluorescent because of the absence of the blood vessels in the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) and due to the blockage of the background choroidal fluorescence by the increased pigment in the tall RPE cells at the fovea (Figure 10). A medical photographer will take a series of photos of your eye with a fundus camera, so you will see bright flashing lights. Fluorescein is an organic dye. Review patient records including: ocular diagnosis, allergies, pregnancy status, systemic diseases Any disturbance in this tissue and their vasculature will lead to pathological change and functional disturbance of the vision. The sodium fluorescein molecule has fluorescence as part of it characters which means-its ability to absorb a photon of light of shorter wavelength and emit a photon of light of a longer wavelength. 929 NW 164th Street, Edmond, OK 73013 (Mailing Address) More Locations, Roosevelt 7/ 8, Széchenyi István tér 7- 8C tower, 1051 - Budapest, MedCrave Group Kft, Email:, Toll free: +1 (866) 482 - 9988, Fax No: +1 (918) 917 - 5848, © 2014-2020 MedCrave Group Kft, All rights reserved. Read up on its indications, preparation, procedure, side-effects, and advantages. There are 4 types of hyperfluorescence (brightness) in FA: There are 2 major types of hypofluorescence: Our site is most compatible with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. This makes FA good for evaluating the retinal vasculature, not the choroidal vasculature. pregnancy. In a normal eye, fluorescein can not permeate through the endothelial cells of the retinal blood vessels nor can it pass through tight junctions in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Author declares that there is no conflict of interest. The test takes about five to ten minutes to complete. 2015;2(4):131-136. Equipment for Fluorescein Angiography – Fundus Camera (20° – 35° – 50°) with Digital Imaging System - Matched fluorescein filters (Barrier and Exciter) - 23-G scalp vein needle - 5ml syringe - 5ml of 10 % fluorescein solution - Tourniquet - Alcohol swab / bandage - … Figure 13B Visualization fluorescein blocked by Blood. atlas of fundus fluorescein angiography Oct 08, 2020 Posted By Yasuo Uchida Public Library TEXT ID 839bcb43 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library Atlas Of Fundus Fluorescein Angiography INTRODUCTION : #1 Atlas Of Fundus ** Read Atlas Of Fundus Fluorescein Angiography ** Uploaded By Yasuo Uchida, written by one of the worlds leading ophthalmologists atlas of fundus florescein Atlas Of Fundus Fluorescein Angiography book. Ophthalmologist Yazan Zahran eye clinic Jordan . ISBN 0-7506-1885-X. Blockage of the choroidal fluorescence can happen due to nevi or melanomas, Stargardt’s disease (lipofuscin blocking choroidal flush leading to a “dark choroid”), or subretinal blood. High Yield Knowledge for the Ophthalmology Trainee. Fluorescein is an organic dye. An FA helps a doctor see exactly where the blood vessels are in your eye, their size and any problems they might have. Fluorescein angiography (FA) is when your ophthalmologist uses a special camera to take pictures of your retina.These pictures help your ophthalmologist get a better look at the blood vessels and other structures in the back of the eye. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. FA stands for fluorescein angiography. Sodium fluorescein is orange in color, it’s molecular weight of 376. This relatively short book gives an introduction to fluorescein angiography. We do this commonly when looking at the cornea after instilling fluorescein. Fig. Blocked fluorescence: Blocked fluorescence when stimulation or visualization fluorescein blocked by Blood. Figure 3 The ocular fundus has two separate vascular systems-retinal and choroidal-separated by a specialized pigmented monolayer the retinal pigment epithelium. It is imaged much more effectively by scanning laser ophthalmoscopy but can also be detected on standard fundus photography in exposed optic nerve head drusen and sometimes with Lipofuscin in retinal drusen and other abnormalities such as astrocytic hamartoma and angioid streaks. Venous phase: Complete filling of the veins. The dye is metabolized by both hepatic and renal pathways and is excreted in the urine within 24-36 hours. atlas of fundus fluorescein angiography Oct 11, 2020 Posted By Penny Jordan Media Publishing TEXT ID f3922435 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library fluorescein and icg angiography as well as optical coherence tomography atlas of fundus angiography amazonde heimann heinrich foerster michael h kellner ulrich Figure 4 Pigmented monolayer the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In this study, we use fundus fluorescein angiography and color fundus images simultaneously, extract 6 features employing curvelet transform, and feed them to support vector machine in order to determine diabetic retinopathy severity stages. Early arteriovenous phase: (Figure 8) The fluorescein dye from the smaller venules enters the vein along their walls resulting in a laminar flow of the dye in the vein. Fluorescein is a … on Having a fundus fluorescein angiography You have been given this leaflet because your ophthalmologist (eye doctor) would like you to have a test called a fundus fluorescein angiography to investigate your eye condition. The development of FA increased the understanding of retinal and choroidal pathology and has become the standard both in the literature and in clinical practice to diagnose and guide the treatment of the most common retinal diseases encountered in ophthalmology. Fluorescein angiography of the fundus: a schematic approach to interpretation. A small amount of fluorescein will be injected into your vein in your arm or at the back of your hand through a cannula. A fluorescein angiography is a medical procedure in which a fluorescent dye is injected into the bloodstream. Fluorescein angiography finds its origins in the late 1960s with the publication of an original article describing its use as well as subsequent atlases and textbooks for a medical retinal specialty in its infancy. Step-By-Step Fundus Photography and Fluorescein Angiography. Adv Ophthalmol Vis Syst. Your eyes will not be touched during this test. Fluorescein dye is injected intravenously, usually through an antecubital vein with sufficient speed to produce high contrast images of the early phases of the angiogram. Consists of six stages we will discuss them in details: Choroidal phase: (Figure 6) begins 10 to 12 seconds after dye injection in young and 12 to 15 seconds after injection in older patients, early choroidal fluorescence is faint patchy and irregular called the choroidal flush. The borders of hyper fluorescence become increasingly blurred, & the greatest intensity of the hyper fluorescence is appreciated in the late phases of the study pooling: (Figure 19) (Figure 20) Pooling refers to the accumulation of fluorescein dye into an anatomical space. Indicate any change in the area or intensity of fluorescence. Almost all of the ICG molecules are protein bound, so they do not readily produce retinal leakage or staining. Approximately 80% of fluorescein dye remains in the intravascular compartment binding to albumin, while remaining is free. Film-based images printed upside down because the fundus camera inverts the image of the fundus, and, to read the angiogram upright, the film is printed with the frame numbers upside down. Delayed choroidal filling time happens in ocular ischemic syndrome (OIS). The choroid and it’s vasculature lie posterior to the RPE, the fluorescein angiographic patterns of the posterior uvea are, therefore, always partially obscured by the RPE.2 The degree of pigmentation and the pathologic changes in this pigmented layer markedly influence the choroidal angiographic appearance there is two barriers in the retina: 1. 7 The hyperfluorescence gradually gets brighter, but the, Window defect: Defect in the RPE allows transillumination of the choroidal hyperfluorescence. Auto fluorescence: (Figure 16) compounds absorb blue light and emit yellow-green light in a similar fashion to fluorescein. Filling defect – lack of retinal perfusion due to capillary dropout, retinal artery occlusion and other causes. Outer retinal barrier: consists of tight junctions between the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) 2. Know all there is about the Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA), a test performed to diagnose a number of potentially harmful eye diseases. Plan the procedure. As the vascular flow is faster in the center of the vessel than on its side, the fluorescein dye sticks to the walls of the vein: Another contributing factor for laminar flow. What is it? Adv Ophthalmol Vis Syst. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the £72.50. Since the technique was first described, less than 20 years ago, a tremendous amount of angiographic data has been accumulated, which has had a revolutionary impact on the understanding of fundus disease. Areas of choroidal filling and non-filling become more distinct called patchy choroidal filling. , which The ocular fundus has two separate vascular systems-retinal and choroidal-separated by a specialized pigmented monolayer the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) (Figure 3) (Figure 4). The blood in your body flows through tiny blood vessels. Although most optometrists do not perform fundus angiography, it is imperative to know when these procedures are appropriate and what limitations exist for these tests. It is important to know generally what pathology correlates with what FA appearance. It’s main function is control and prevents entry of certain substance to the tissue of the retina. Outer retinal barrier: consists of tight junctions between the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) 2. ©2015 Zahran. These barriers called the blood-retina barrier (BRB). Arterial phase: (Figure 7) Starts 1 to 3 seconds after choroidal fluorescence with filling of the central retinal artery after the central retinal artery begins to fill, the dye flows into the retinal arterioles, pre capillary arterioles, the capillaries, the post capillary venules, and finally the retinal veins. The patient is seated comfortably in front of the fundus camera, and an intravenous cannula inserted a standard venous cannula should be used rather than a less secure ‘butterfly’ winged infusion set. How does fluorescein angiography (FA) work? Images are taken at approximately 1 second intervals, beginning 5-10 seconds after injection and continuing through the desired phases If the pathology is monocular, control pictures of the opposite eye should still be taken, usually after the transit phase has been photographed in one eye If appropriate, late photographs may be taken after 10 minutes to show leakage, and occasionally after 20 minutes.3 Stereo images may be helpful to demonstrate elevation, and are usually taken by manually repositioning the camera sideways or by using a special device (a stereo separator) to adjust the image; such images are actually pseudo stereo, true stereo requiring simultaneous pictures from differing angles. Regeneration and repair after injury or surgery. The same dye can be injected intravenously. The choroid, located between the retina and the Sclera (Figure 2). Fluorescein is injected over the course of a few seconds. Arterial phase: Arteries are bright, but the veins remain dark. Blockage of the retinal fluorescence can happen due to preretinal or vitreous hemorrhage. A blue light camera can take pictures of the retinal circulation, and the emitted fluorescence is then passed through a yellow-green filter and sent to the camera for the final image. Remains. Nowadays, OCT has greatly reduced the number of FAs performed, though FA still remains a very important modality for assessing many circulatory dysfunctions of the retina. With time the laminae along the walls of the veins become thicker. When blue light is shined on fluorescein, it fluoresces yellow-green. Before we discuss the fluorescein angiography in details we must give brief anatomy of the retina and choroid. No part of this content may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means as per the standard guidelines of fair use. Fluorescein allergy is an absolute contraindication. The yellow-green wavelength is also heavily absorbed by the RPE so the choroidal fluorescence is blocked. In contrast with FA, indocyanine green (ICG) dye is great for evaluating the choroidal circulation. Pp 148. Fluorescein angiography was developed initially as a tool for studying retinal vascular flow characteristics Ex .This article is based on: Schatz H, Burton TC, panded use of fluorescein angiography and Yannuzzi LA, Rabb MF: Interpretation of Fundus refinement of techniques have allowed the Fluorescein Angiography. Late phase: Dye has recirculated. Capillary hyper fluorescence is mainly divided into 1) Autofluorescence 2) Transmission defect (window defect) 3) Leaking 4) Pooling and 5) Staining. Choroidal phase (AKA pre-arterial phase): The choroidal hyperfluorescence is present. A cilioretinal artery if there is one will fill in this phase. Inner retinal barrier: consists of non-fenestrated capillaries of retinal circulation (Figure 5). How to read fluorescein angiography. DOI: 10.15406/aovs.2015.02.00054, Keywords:fluorescein angiography, retina, uvea, choroid, RPE, retinal pigment epithelium; BRB, blood-retina barrier; FAZ, foveal avascular zone. On its indications, preparation, procedure, side-effects, and advantages distinct parts from internal to external Bruch s... Already be receiving how to read fundus fluorescein angiography hand through a blue excitation filter give brief anatomy of the vein arm! Your child might already be receiving more distinct called patchy choroidal filling time happens ocular. Pooling is seen in both neural retina and choroid rabb MF, Burton,. Its indications, preparation, procedure, side-effects, and advantages their size intensity... More defined areas of choroidal filling and non-filling become more distinct called patchy choroidal filling molecules are bound! 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