kobe earthquake 1995 facts

The earthquake occurred along the destructive plate boundary where the Pacific and the Philippine Plate (oceanic) meet the Eurasian (continental) plate. It wasn't until July 29 that all four lanes were opened to traffic along one section. At this plate margin, the Pacific plate is being pushed under the Eurasian plate, stresses build up and when they are released the Earth shakes. The plan was to woo business enterprises with preferential incentives to spur economic growth. short term result: Pehaps that they could desire to re-build each little thing. Kobe Earthquake Facts . May 14, 2011], “The reconstruction committee held five meetings from February 16 to March 23, 1995, and drafted seven emergency proposals for reconstruction planning, housing construction, employment, economic measures and other issues. Survivors pitched tents and slept in them in turn, because there weren't enough to go around. One survivor in an emergency shelter told a Japanese television station, "we haven't eaten anything except one or two slices of bread and a banana---that's all today. The Akashi Kaikyō Bridge, under construction near the earthquake's epicenter, was undamaged but was reportedly lengthened by a full meter due to horizontal displacement along the activated tectonic fault. Like all earthquakes, the Kobe earthquake was caused by a sudden movement of the tectonic plates that make up the crust of the earth. The entire route was not reopened until September 30, 1996. I was trying to keep up her strength, but I could feel her getting weaker. Nearly all the buildings that killed people were built before the enactment of modern building codes in the 1970s and 80s. In some respects the earthquake was good for the Japanese economy. About 70,000 people were still in shelters, two months after the earthquake. Service resumed across the entire line on February 16, 1995, with full service resuming a month later after repairs were completed. Japan itself is positioned on the margin between of the Eurasian Plate. Worst hit was the port of Kobe, a city of 1.5 million. Structures irreparably damaged by the quake included nearly 400,000 buildings,[3][13] numerous elevated road and rail bridges, and 120 of the 150 quays in the port of Kobe. Decisions in Japan are usually made by consensus and many authorities in Kobe were reluctant to make decisions on their own when communications lines between the bureaucracies and ministries broke down. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. This earthquake registered as 7.2 on the Richter scale and caused mass destruction. Ten spans of the Kobe Route elevated expressway were knocked over in three locations across Kobe and Nishinomiya, blocking a link that carried 40% of Osaka-Kobe road traffic. In Japan, the disaster by this earthquake is officially called The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster (阪神・淡路大震災, Hanshin-Awaji Daishinsai), which is often shortened to The Great Hanshin Earthquake Disaster (阪神大震災, Hanshin Daishinsai). People were forced to wait in corridors due to the overcrowding and lack of space. However within 18 months economic activity in Kobe reached 98 percent of its pre-quake level. When he was finally found, his body was already cold...Kazuhiro might have been hit in the head by the piano. Find the perfect kobe earthquake 1995 stock photo. All the woman could find was her daughter's hand sticking out of the rubble. Major roads were blocked with debris and took some time to clear. Many newer buildings were badly damaged but they didn’t collapse. [17] Even though less than half the port facilities had been rebuilt by that stage, within a year import volumes through the port had recovered fully and export volumes were nearly back to where they would have been without the disaster. no person will circulate to for vaccation and no possible have the skill to discover the money for something. The Japanese were highly critical of the American response to the North ridge earthquake near Los Angeles in 1993. Immediately after the Kobe earthquake of 1995, the Yamaguchi-gumi started a large-scale relief effort for the earthquake victims, helping with the distribution of food and supplies. The Kobe earthquake and the lessons for urban infrastructure by Rogelio A. Maduro On Jan. 17, the cities of Kobe and Osaka, Japan were hit by one of the most destructive earthquakes of this century. Anumber of simultaneous post-earthquake fires occurred in the 1995 Great Hanshin earthquake. Even at lower magnitudes, they can be very destructive because they often occur near populated areas and because their hypocenters are located less than 20 km below the surface. The earthquake in Kobe on January, 17, 1995 left 6,425 dead, injured 25,000, displaced 300,000 people, damaged or destroyed 100,000 buildings and caused at least $132 billion worth of damage, or about 2.5 percent of Japan's national income, making it one of … Questions or comments, e-mail ajhays98@yahoo.com, Nature, Science, Animals - Land, Weather, Volcanoes and Earthquakes. 1995: Earthquake devastates Kobe Hundreds of people are feared dead and thousands injured after a powerful earthquake struck Japan at dawn. Luckily I don't have much furniture, so I was able to wriggle out from under it. Many of homeowners who lost their homes were not insured. The steel-reinforcement specifications in the 1960s regulations had already been discovered to be inadequate and revised several times, the latest revision being in 1981, which proved effective but only applied to new structures. During this time the south side of the Nojima Fault moved 1.5 meters to the right and 1.2 meters downwards. [7], The Great Hanshin earthquake belonged to a third type, called an "inland shallow earthquake". Artificial islands, such as the modern Rokkō Island and especially Port Island in Kobe, suffered severe subsidence due to liquefaction. Some people had to be operated on in waiting rooms and corridors. Kobe earthquake facts - Egyptian history facts - Facts recycling. One woman who stood by a neighbors house' while it was engulfed by flames told the New York Times, "We could here him call out. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. The focus was only 16km below the crust and this happened on the 17th Jan 1995 at 5.46am. Such material is made available in an effort to advance understanding of country or topic discussed in the article. This movement could be seen in a rice field on Awaji Island. Most of the older traditional houses had heavy tiled roofs which weighed around two tons, intended to resist the frequent typhoons plaguing Kobe, but they were only supported by a light wooden frame. The earthquake resulted in more than 6,000 deaths and over 30,000 injuries. As bad as the earthquake was 99.9 percent of the people in the stricken area survived. 1995 Japan Kobe Earthquake By: Josie Schmitz The Future: Damage: - safe systems to protect people - be prepared for any sudden shake from an earthquake. 25:07. by Kurt Mundt Kobe, Japan January 31, 1995 (Originally written as a personal letter copied to friends, about 2 weeks after the Kobe Earthquake of Jan. 17, 1995.) In the morning of the 17 January 1995 at 5.46 (local time) a strong earthquake shattered the Japanese city of Kobe and despite many constructions and buildings were assumed earthquake-proof, more than 6.000 people were killed and more than 300.000 people lost their homes. It lasted for 20 seconds. Full railway service was restored in Kobe less than four months after the earthquake, a month ahead of schedule. The Great Hanshin earthquake, also known as the Kobe earthquake, occurred at 05.46 JST on 17 January 1995. The Great Hanshin earthquake, or Kobe earthquake, was an earthquake that occurred on Tuesday, January 17, 1995, at 05:46 JST in the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. [Source: TR. Social workers learned from the Kobe Earthquake in 1995 that simply providing new housing is not enough. 46:55. Meals were given out in the parking lot next to Yamaguchi-Gumi headquarters at a rate of 8,000 a day "The operation," reported the New York Times, which was "said to be efficient than the Government's, has been a source of pride for the gangsters. There, people who lost their homes, became depressed after moving to places where they didn’t know anybody. The Kobe Municipal Subway resumed operation the day after the earthquake with limited service between Seishin-Chuo and Itayado stations (along with the Hokushin Kyuko Electric Railway between Tanigami and Shin-Kobe). [17] Less than 15 months after the earthquake, in March 1996, manufacturing activity in greater Kobe was at 98% of its projected pre-quake level.[17]. Reid, Washington Post]. Most railways in the region were damaged. In December 1995, the government declared January 17 a national "Disaster Prevention and Volunteerism Day", and the week from January 15 to 21 a national "Disaster Prevention and Volunteerism Week", to be commemorated with lectures, seminars, and other events designed to encourage voluntary disaster preparedness and relief efforts. Zero Hours: Kobe (Great Hanshin) Earthquake. Damage in nearby Osaka and Kyoto was relatively minor. 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan The 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake (M=6.9), commonly referred to as the Kobe earthquake, was one of the most devastating earthquakes ever to hit Japan; more than 5,500 were killed and over 26,000 injured. Statistically speaking, one in every five buildings of the worst affected areas had collapsed, as a result of which approximately 300,000 people were rendered homeless by this earthquake. It is a megacity and has one of the largest container ports in the World. Nearly 80 percent of the quake victims died from being crushed or suffocated in collapsed buildings. Kobe earthquake of 1995 killed over 6,000 persons, and destroyed more than 100,000 homes, still the economic recovery not only of Japan but also of the Kobe economy was rapid.” Muchofthis view can betraced toanarticle byGeorge Horwich published in Economic Development and Cultural Change that analyzed the Kobe event a few years afterward. [16] Many surface highways were clogged for some time due to the collapse of higher-capacity elevated highways. The earthquake that hit Kobe during the winter of 1995 measured 6.9 on the Richter scale. Kobe is located in the south east of Japan, near a destructive plate margin. The earthquake resulted in more than 6,000 deaths and over 30,000 injuries. It measured 6.9 on the moment magnitude scale and had a maximum intensity of 7 on the JMA Seismic Intensity Scale (X on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale). Extended Abstracts, International School of Solid Earth Geophysics, 11th Course: Active Faulting Studies for Seismic Hazard Assessment at Erice, Italy: zzz: 1. Earthquake Kobe Japan 1995 Earthquake Kobe Japan 1995 The January 17, 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake of magnitude 7.2 in JMA scale (Mw = 6.9), which struck Kobe, Japan and its surrounding area was the most severe earthquake to affect that region this century. K. Okumura [1995] Kobe Earthquake of January 17, 1995 and Studies on Active Faulting in Japan. The man in charge of rebuilding Kobe after the earthquake, deputy mayor Tacoma Ogawa, committed suicide 14 months after the earthquake by pouring kerosene on his body and setting himself on fire. A professor at Tokyo University told the New York Times: "This earthquake symbolizes the systematic weak points in our postwar system. Because Kobe is such an important port, exports dropped 5 percent a month that followed the disaster. The newly-completed artificial island supporting Kansai International Airport was not significantly affected, due to being further from the epicenter, and because it was built to the latest standards. In the aftermath of the earthquake, only 30% of the Osaka-Kobe railway tracks were operational. This put increased pressure on our finances." Hanshin refers to the region between Osaka and Kobe. Those that were not constructed to these standards suffered serious structural damage. Railroad cars weighing 65,000 pounds were tossed on the roofs of buildings. The Meishin Expressway was only lightly damaged, but was closed during the day until February 17, 1995 so that emergency vehicles could easily access the hardest-hit areas to the west. The Hyogo governor, Kobe mayor and chairman of the Kansai Economic Federation at the time were also on the committee. Japan is one of the most geologic ally active regions on Earth, a place where four major tectonic plate s—the Eurasian, Philippine, Pacific, and North American—meet and interact. Some people were taken care of better by the yakuza than by the government. Shoddy construction and poor planning were blamed for the death toll being so high. At 05.46 on 17th January 1995 an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale struck the heavily populated city of Kobe, Japan. Kobe Earthquake, 1995 Based on my own research, some data could be different to what you find.. Case Study of the Management of a Tectonic Event in an HIC: Kobe Earthquake, 1995. This constitutes 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. High rise buildings that were built after the 1981 building code suffered little. Trains continued to operate with speed restrictions until July 21, 1995. The devastation caused by the Kobe Earthquake--5,500 fatalities and extensive property damage--has resulted in innovative approaches by Japanese … About 22% of the offices in Kobe's central business district were rendered unusable, and over half of the houses in that area were deemed unfit for occupancy. [12], Tremors were valued at seismic intensity of Levels 4 to 6 at observation points in Kansai, Chūgoku, Shikoku and Chūbu regions:[12]. The great destruction which resulted from the 1995 Kobe Earthquake was due to the shallow depth of the focus which was only about 16 kms. 17 JANUARY 1995 Kobe Earthquake Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner. There's still a skyline!" No need to register, buy now! The tremors lasted for approximately 20 seconds. But increased use of other ports and round-the-clock repair work quickly returned trade to pre-disasters levels. [My daughter] was so unfortunate to be sleeping beside me. Evidence from the Great Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake in 1995, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Great_Hanshin_earthquake&oldid=992706984, CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of September 2020, Articles needing additional references from February 2015, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Internal link templates linking to redirects, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 December 2020, at 18:08. He was sleeping by the piano.”, Kobe Earthquake Infrastructure and Building Damage. The problem was pervasive because the majority of the waterfront facilities were reclaimed lands consisting of loose to medium-dense cohesionless fills. More than 107,000 buildings, houses, and factories were destroyed, and over 5,350 peoplt were killed. The Philippine Sea Plate is subducted beneath the Eurasian plate.What triggered the earthquake was the Median Tectonic Line and it was sudden movement along this fault that triggered the earthquake that hit Kobe. Los Angeles Lakers Pay Tribute To Kobe Bryant - Kobe Bryant tribute by Los Angeles Lakers | Milwaukee Bucks And Fans Pay Tribute To Kobe Bryant | Boston Celtics Pay Tribute To Kobe Bryant. Earthquakes are very common here and happen because of the friction resulting from the two plates colliding along this destructive margin. Kobe, city, capital of Hyogo prefecture, west-central Honshu, Japan. Kobe Earthquake Facts. The collapse of the 550-foot section of Hanshin Expressway wake blamed on lack of steel reinforcements. Debris fell on her and it was impossible to get her out." The great destruction which resulted from the 1995 Kobe Earthquake was due to the shallow depth of the focus which was only about 16 kms. A case in point was a plan to create a special economic zone on Awajishima island and a new artificial island under the leadership of the Hyogo prefectural government. Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Daily Yomiuri, Times of London, Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO), National Geographic, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, Lonely Planet Guides, Compton’s Encyclopedia and various books and other publications. Newer homes have reinforced walls and lighter roofs to avoid this, but are more susceptible to typhoons. It measured 6.8 on the moment magnitude scale (USGS), and Mj7.3 (adjusted from 7.2) on JMA magnitude scale. In the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, the subsequent deaths of about 920 people days and weeks after the disaster, or about 14 percent of all victims, were recognized as being caused by the earthquake. 0 0. lezlie . The problem was pervasive because the majority of the waterfront facilities were reclaimed lands consisting of loose to medium-dense cohesionless fills. "We were holding onto each other. 'Help me,' he shouted. p.153-156 • Risk Management Solutions, 2005, 1995 Kobe Earthquake 10- Bullet trains lines were damaged in 36 places over a length of 56 miles, requiring three months to fix. "7-2(2)The 1995 Southern Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake", CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of September 2020 (, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Japan remembers more than 6,400 victims of Kobe earthquake after 22 years", "A fault model of the 1995 Kobe earthquake derived from the GPS data on the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge and other datasets", Hunt for tsunami orphans hampered, unprecedented, "The Great Hanshin Earthquake: Lessons for Niigata", "Restoration from the earthquake disaster – City planning based on the lessons learned from the disaster", "Earthquake Readiness: From Underground Stores to Satellite Monitoring", Great Hanshin Earthquake and the destruction of the infrastructure, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, The Medical and Public Health Response to the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in Japan: A Case Study in Disaster Planning, Are People Insured Against Natural Disasters? Every building constructed according to the building codes established in 1981 was unscathed. A total of 68 children under the age of 18 were orphaned, while 332 children lost one parent.[15]. The most vulnerable structures were traditional wood frame-and stucco houses built after World War II, many of which collapsed "as if they were made of matchsticks.". Aerial view of a corner of Rokko Island. 'Help me.' The earthquake in Kobe on January, 17, 1995 left 6,425 dead, injured 25,000, displaced 300,000 people, damaged or destroyed 100,000 buildings and caused at least $132 billion worth of damage, or about 2.5 percent of Japan’s national income, making it one of the most expensive natural disasters in history. [Source: T.R. The government allocated 3.2 trillion yen, including the issuance of deficit bonds, by compiling three supplementary budgets to carry out such "reconstruction" work as debris removal. This was Japan's worst earthquake in the 20th century after the Great Kantō earthquake in 1923, which claimed more than 105,000 lives. A major freeway collapsed, streets were uplifted, and railroad tracks buckled and twisted. In 1995, the Kobe Earthquake occurred in the second largest economic region of Japan, and its economic damages were accounted around 10 trillion yen. kobe earthquake The Great Hanshin earthquake, or Kobe earthquake, was an earthquake that occurred on Tuesday, January 17, 1995, at 05:46 JST in the southern part of Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. It was the first time that an earthquake in Japan was officially measured at a seismic intensity (shindo in Japanese) of the highest Level 7 on the scale of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). There were several reasons why the earthquake was so devastating. Hyogo prefectural and Kobe city governments also drafted their own reconstruction plans. People waited patiently in lines with the only arguments coming from people who insisted that others go before them. The fact that volunteers from all over Japan converged on Kobe to help victims of the quake was an important event in the history of volunteerism in Japan. Latrines were built and campfires were lit for warmth and cooking. Japan itself is positioned on the margin between of the Eurasian Plate. "One of the oddities of natural disasters," reported Time magazine, "is that rebuilding eventually generates a surge in economic growth and that is almost certain to occur in Japan..Construction firms and producers who supply the steel, glass, concrete, telephones and machinery they need can expect to do well.". It spread toward the southwest along the Nojima Fault on Awaji and toward the northeast along the Suma and Suwayama faults, which run through the center of Kobe. Posted on June 5, 2013 by manlikekeynes. The Kobe earthquake, also referred to as the Great Hanshin earthquake, was a 7.3-magnitude earthquake that rocked the Hyōgo Prefecture of Japan on the dawn of January 17, 1995. Upon visiting Kobe after watching coverage on Japanese TV one Washington Post reporter said, "I was just stunned at the extent of the damage.” A reporter who had just arrived from the U.S., where he had been watching American network coverage of the disaster said, "My first reaction was 'Wait a minute!' On JMA magnitude scale ( USGS ), and to provide you with relevant advertising used to survivors. Also refused help from the two plates colliding along this destructive margin Nature, Science, -! And took some time to clear 1995, with full service resuming a month later after repairs completed., electricity and gas supplies were common site, you agree to the ridge! This help was essential to the building codes in the 1995 Kobe earthquake of January 17,.! 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