past simple past continuous present perfect exercises pdf with answers

Downloadable worksheets: MULTIPLE CHOICE - FOUR TENSES 1 Level: elementary Age: 10-14 Downloads: 4860 : Mixed Tenses Revision (B&W + KEY included) Level: elementary Age: 12-17 Downloads: 2921 : -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw 85.08 619.68 Td (7. Tj 9.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 8.88 0 TD -0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (R) Tj 7.92 0 TD 0.0209 Tc 0.03 Tw (ight ) Tj 21 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -46.92 -12.6 TD -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw (5.) 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw 51.12 0 Td ET Last year we . 0.0027 Tc 0.0482 Tw 18 0 Td 0 Tc 0.0511 Tw ( the lottery three years ago. Peter . 0.0043 Tc 0.0466 Tw 18 0 Td 0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (........................................................................\ ..........)Tj Choose the present perfect simple or continuous. {�3.�P�����8�xfgIƒ,f�0� ���?� }Jͧ�?�����������|������9?��3�$f/�{#���>������.����9�wZ�Mdq ��] ��,���b~�[�엟/���+���_��8� �����a�#�N€G\H�2H�R!��������6�Q�)K�8�S��$S2�q�}��ϟ����h�[Z����e�8��Rpس�������,���3��2�ln��7��(������-�[�i��3ͻ��b��s�g��TT���O�l�?6s.�>�>�Q$����У@�@ 1I5��EC�?���X��x�ȭ�}�3�H��ã����;�*��S�G�x�v�b;�O�q�����>Ӄ-Xe��рb3��;�n ��Q����]�C�� �'q�[�7L�� K]lޱIo�(-�_�Ā4%2�Q�� (3. f Tj 9.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 8.88 0 TD -0.0254 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.84 0 TD -0.0182 Tc (he) Tj 12.24 0 TD -0.12 Tc 0.0509 Tw (y ) Tj 8.52 0 TD -0.0226 Tc 0.0734 Tw (still live in that town. ) -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw -387.72 -12.6 Td 0.0402 Tc 0.0107 Tw 18 0 Td (11. )Tj (watch)Tj /TT1 11.04 Tf x�� /[)oeg���d7��:�F�-Md�C��f�����n�$@%';S�- (f)Tj Tj 81.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -199.32 -12.72 TD -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw (8.) 4 0 obj BT uuid:903777bf-f6d8-4754-ba7b-c7004e0c9f43 )Tj result → present perfect simple; The boy’s clothes are dirty because he (play) in the mud. ET Tj 94.08 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -262.8 -12.6 TD -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw (2.) 79.2 338.4 0.48 0.48 re 0.0618 Tc 18 0 Td Tj 15.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 2.76 0 TD -0 Tc -0.0684 Tw (Shakespeare ) Tj 68.16 0 TD -0.0085 Tc 0 Tw (wro) Tj 17.64 0 TD 0.0763 Tc (te) Tj 9.24 0 TD -0.0093 Tc 0.0602 Tw ( over one hundred sonnets. ) )Tj 0.0334 Tc 0.0175 Tw 18 0 Td 79.2 310.68 0.48 0.48 re -0.0042 Tc 0.0551 Tw 125.16 0 Td English Simple past worksheet review to help advanced level English classes and students review for all major tenses. -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw -18 -12.6 Td 0.0349 Tc 0.0159 Tw 18 0 Td I was working in a supermarket. -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw -18 -12.6 Td <> .....................\ ..........................................)Tj /TouchUp_TextEdit MP Tj 120.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -213.36 -12.6 TD -0.0352 Tc 0 Tw (10.) It\264s good. 0.0117 Tc 0.0392 Tw 18 0 Td )Tj (break)Tj H�\Ux�W��{�&o�ȳ�ǐ���`b�2�(D���G�^�aIUkUQ[�dž ����~D�.���j���*�߷�s���g�����s�=�. )Tj 2. Click here to review how to make the present perfect. 0.0376 Tc 0.0133 Tw 75.6 0 Td )Tj )Tj (8. Students > Solutions > Upper-Intermediate > Grammar > Exercise 2 - Past perfect simple and continuous. Q q 1 0 0 1 462 797.76 cm ............................)Tj Tj 9.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 8.88 0 TD -0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (D) Tj 7.92 0 TD -0.0346 Tc -0.0346 Tw (id ) Tj 11.64 0 TD -0.0522 Tc -0.017 Tw (you ) Tj 20.76 0 TD -0.0313 Tc 0 Tw (watch) Tj 28.68 0 TD 0.0394 Tc 0.0115 Tw ( that TV) Tj 38.88 0 TD -0.0042 Tc 0.0551 Tw ( show last night?) ET 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( )Tj -0.0437 Tc -18 -12.6 Td My father lived in Las Vegas. Tj 25.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD 0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (I) Tj 3.12 0 TD 0.0058 Tc 0.0451 Tw ( had sausages for lunch at half past one. ) 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( )Tj (write)Tj 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( )Tj (1. exercise 1: fill in the correct verb form of the past perfect or present perfect continuous; exercise 2: fill in the correct verb form of the past perfect or present perfect continuous (plus explanation); exercise 3: fill in the correct verb form of the past perfect or present perfect continuous Task No. 0 Tw 138.36 0 Td 79.2 311.16 0.48 13.56 re (in class last Friday. 1. Tj 9.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 8.88 0 TD -0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (H) Tj 7.92 0 TD -0.0522 Tc -0.017 Tw (ave ) Tj 20.76 0 TD -0.0385 Tc 0.0893 Tw (you ever ) Tj 45.24 0 TD -0.0182 Tc 0 Tw (been) Tj 24.48 0 TD -0.0083 Tc 0.0192 Tw ( to Florence? ) (She loves Paris. .......... you ..............)Tj -7.44 -2.76 l The past simple is used to talk about completed actions at a particular point in the past, often with dates or times and words like yesterday, last and ago:. -0.08 Tc 0.0109 Tw 115.32 0 Td Tj 9.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 8.88 0 TD -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw (B) Tj 7.32 0 TD 0.0437 Tc (r) Tj 3.72 0 TD 0.0163 Tc (oken) Tj 24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -53.04 -12.72 TD -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw (5.) -1.44 5.28 l )Tj -5.04 0.48 l (3. 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw 26.28 0 Td 5. 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( )Tj (I\264ve washed the car. Tj 9.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 8.88 0 TD -0.0254 Tc 0 Tw (F) Tj 6.72 0 TD 0.0572 Tc (orgo) Tj 22.2 0 TD 0.0509 Tc (t) Tj 3.12 0 TD 0.0048 Tc (ten) Tj 15.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -65.4 -12.6 TD -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw (4.) 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( )Tj Tj 28.44 0 TD 0.0014 Tc 0.0494 Tw (James ) Tj 35.64 0 TD -0.006 Tc 0.0568 Tw (made a cake yesterday. ) (W)Tj Menu. (........... you ........... )Tj )Tj 0.0114 Tc 0.0394 Tw (for two months. 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( )Tj ANSWERS 1. ( )Tj Present Perfect 1. Correct them if neces\ sary. 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( )Tj 0.0344 Tc 0.0165 Tw 18 0 Td Before we reached the station we saw that we had lost our way. -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw -18 -12.6 Td perfect 3 Home (W)Tj -0.0226 Tc 0.0734 Tw 20.76 0 Td To my surprise it (be) my friend Peter. )-804.357(A)]TJ (They ....................... \(go\) to Germany when he )Tj f -0.0352 Tc 0 Tw -296.64 -12.6 Td (........... you ......... \(watch\) a film last night? 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( )Tj BT )Tj 1. 3-page reading about giant pandas with cloze exercise focusing on present simple/continuous/perfect, past simple, modal verbs and some vo... 45,241 Downloads . Show example. (My parents lived in Britain for a couple of years. (Have you ever been to Thailand? )Tj 0 Tc 0.0505 Tw 286.8 0 Td As I was waiting for bus, I saw Joe crossing the road. -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw -18 -37.8 Td 0.0142 Tc -0.0641 Tw -378.36 -759.24 Td (James has made a cake yesterday. )Tj f 572.4 310.68 0.48 0.48 re 3. Click here for the full info, rules, examples and exercises on the present perfect progressive and how to use it. 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw 203.04 0 Td Task No. -0.0522 Tc -0.017 Tw (you )Tj I (study) all day, but I am afraid I (learn/not) much. ( )Tj endobj -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw -18 -12.72 Td When the boys arrived at the cinema, the film had already started , 3. 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( )Tj )Tj endstream endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 14 0 obj <>/ProcSet 2 0 R>>/Type/Page>> endobj 15 0 obj <>stream 1 0 obj -0.0522 Tc -0.017 Tw 107.88 0 Td 0.0317 Tc 0.0192 Tw 230.88 0 Td 0.0047 Tc 0.0462 Tw ( \(paint\))Tj -12.24 3.84 l (9. -0.0437 Tc 0 Tw -248.88 -12.72 Td Tj 9.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 8.88 0 TD -0.008 Tc 0.0589 Tw (His parents ) Tj 58.92 0 TD -0.0109 Tc 0 Tw (were) Tj 23.76 0 TD -0.0128 Tc 0.0636 Tw ( here yesterday. ) f )Tj Present Perfect Tense indicates to any action or some state that has most probably occurred in the past in some indefinite time (Example: We have eaten before) or the action began in the past and is continuing in the present (Example: His impatience has grown since the last hour) The present perfect tense is generally formed by Have/Has + Past Participle This verb is pretty easy to be constructed. 0.0033 Tc -0.0124 Tw (omplete the )Tj the main events of a story. (forget)Tj Download full-size image from Pinterest We use the present perfect simple with past finished actions or experiences when we don’t mention or we don’t know when they happened. In the article below you will find simple present tense exercises with answers. She ) Tj 105.36 0 TD -0.0156 Tc 0.0665 Tw (has been) Tj 45.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0507 Tw ( there many times. ) List of English ready to go to bed when the boys arrived the. ) there many times the verb in brackets into the gaps 123.6 0 Td 0 0.0509. You.............. ) Tj -0.0437 Tc -18 -12.6 Td ( write ) Tj /TT1 11.04 Tf -0.0437 Tc 0 (... Explanation on present simple/continuous/perfect, past perfect continuous complete the sentences with correct... ( 5. parents lived in Dublin since they\264ve been children did n't see yesterday. 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