reasons why religion is important

Why is Religion Important? Kahar Zalmay. Teachers in the suburban town of Wellesley, Massachusetts spend half the school year teaching the world’s religions to sixth graders. Although it’s clear that relationships exist between religion and spirituality and both psychological and physical well-being, it isn’t clear exactly why they exist. Man does not live by knowledge alone. William A. Graham I was asked to consider the question "Why study religion in the twenty-first century," and, in a moment of weakness, I agreed to try to tackle it, massive as it is. Cultural heritage and traditions serve to link us with our ancestors, which is valuable and should not be lost. reasons why religion is important October 17, 2020 Uncategorized Children should obey their parents, should not tell lie, women should be faithful to men, people should be honest and Virtuous, are some of the social values which maintain social cohesion. Another study found that older adults who regularly attended religious services were about half... Longer survival with cancer. It has given meaning to lives that may seem otherwise hopeless. Without the religious frameworks that guide these actions, many people may not feel morally obligated to address societal problems, making religion important to society and its people. Home » Blog » 7 Reasons Why Traditions Are So Important. This sense of community helps society because it helps its people to have a sense of belonging and to make sense of things when worldly events become dramatic. Religion has provided for a universal language and culture among those who believe in a higher power. While there is still some debate whether the particular language influences people’s thought process or it is indeed people’s culture that influences the language, there is no doubt that language and culture are closely connected. Why is language important to culture? The regular practice of religion helps poor persons move out of poverty. The 6 Reasons Why Religion Is Dying. Most religions lay out ideals for marriage, including beliefs against divorce and adultery and responsibilities for the man and woman. That is why religion allows man to use all good things in life, to wear any reasonable dress, to relish any good food and to take part in any healthy pastime. Click here for more info on what I believe: A Duke University Medical Center study found that religious older adults are 40% less likely to... Healthier immune system. Introduction[1] By extolling freedom of religion in the schools, President Bill Clinton has raised the level of debate on the importance of religion to American life. Whether you choose to follow Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, or any other major religion, the choice to become a follower of a major religion will not increase your spirituality and growth but hinder it. We believe that festivals, like life, are gifts that need to be celebrated. These are: (1) Religion explains individual suffering. If you mean some particular religion, then possibly no. This inadequately addresses the social aspect of religion, though, depicting religion and animism are purely intellectual moves. The teachings on these topics encourage believers to avoid negative acts, such as murder and lying, with a framework of consequences in the spiritual world that many believers strive to avoid by maintaining good morals and values. A COVID-19 Prophecy: Did Nostradamus Have a Prediction About This Apocalyptic Year? However, understanding religion in the broad sense highlights the following important points about it in society: Cultural Identity. Each religion is given less weight because children are no longer taught that only their parents' religions are correct (and any of the others are ludicrous). Home » Blog » 7 Reasons Why Traditions Are So Important. Not all society's offer religious freedom, with some countries demanding the practice of one religion and others going to war to create a religious dominance. Essay on Why Is Religion Important? Spirituality is important, but religions? Healthier immune system. Anything religion offers may be substituted by secular procedures. 1) Absolute Obedience One thing that most religious leaders these days won’t willingly admit is that their religions … It will help you get a job and make lots of money. Religion plays a crucial role for a person in giving a cultural identity. Because people like to try to find meaning in life, and it's difficult to do so without a spiritual context. Everyone has their own meaning when it comes to religion, personal life and personal success and achievements. In addition to being a serious waste of time, religious practice can also … Some of these values are love, honesty, forgiveness, good stewardship, kindness, helpfulness, courage, justice, respect for others and environment and finally freedom and equality for all. 7 Reasons Why Traditions Are So Important. Greater religious literacy leads to more work for the common good. Religion could be a by-product of a number of cognitive and social adaptations which have been extremely important in human development Many religions address problems that can become negative epidemics in a society including drug use, divorce, alcoholism, adultery, murder and greed. Religion is not important because it serves no purpose. 1. … 4. Religion Creates a Sense of Community Some people join a religion in order to feel included in a smaller subsection of a larger society. For the past 10 years, we have been learning how these desires play out in religion and spirituality. Childhood Indoctrination This is the biggest reasons why people are religious. ... One interesting point about the theory is that it doesn’t matter what the religious beliefs are, but it is important that everyone in the community believes the same thing. 7.) Personal meaning is so important to individuals because it is what makes them unique as a person. ... Our early years are the most important, and religious parents make sure to teach their children every religious insecurity they can ASAP. Religion has provided for a universal language and culture among those who believe in a … Even though times are changing now and mixed cultures are in fashion, effort to not let go of regional cultures are co… 7 Reasons Why Religion Must Be Taught in School. Asia-Pacific is the most populous region in the world, and also the most religious. Greater religious literacy leads to more work for the common good. Arthur discusses 3 reasons why religion is important to him. Why is Religion Important to society? Religious education is important because it equips students with cultural, social, moral and spiritual knowledge that aids in mental and physical development within society. Religion Addresses Social Issues The core framework of religions is to create moral benchmarks for believers that guide their footsteps. Importance of preserving cultural heritage lies in the sense of belonging and unity that it offers. opened for you." When families break down society as a whole feels the ramifications of broken families including the need for more social welfare programs to help single mothers and educational alternatives for children from lower-income households, often run by a single parent. And learning about religions and religious cultures will contribute to the moral, intellectual, emotional, and yes even spiritual self-knowledge of students in this most critical time of development. Depends on what you mean by religion. Christianity, with 2.1 billion people, is the most practiced religion, followed by Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. They considered religious freedom to be a prerequisite of those liberties. KZ. REASONS WHY RE IS IMPORTANT: # 1 Religion encourages some very important values. Because it is comforting to know that one's loved ones have a … Reduces stress. It wasn’t chosen ad hoc for inclusion in the Bill of Rights. Other benefits include: Lower blood pressure. 2. Religion is not important because it serves no purpose. Green, religion has three universal functions. Longevity. Keep in mind that American Football is, by numerous metrics, a form of religion. Four Reasons Why You Should Teach About Religion in School By Anthony Jackson , Rev. Certain religions have very specific requirements, such as the time of day when worship or prayer must occur. This is not entirely true, but it's not out of the realm of possibility either. Why Study Religion. Keep in mind that American Football is, by numerous metrics, a form of religion. Anything religion offers may be substituted by secular procedures. If a society tries to limit freedom of religion, it will also likely try to limit other freedoms. 7 Reasons Why Religious Freedom is Good for Business 26 May, 2014. Combine LANGUAGE STUDY + SPORTS. People around the world have different theological beliefs, and they may practice their religion in different ways and through different means. Religion is becoming increasingly salient in and around, but not confined to, the American workplace. ... That never happened to me, by the way, but it could, and it’ll be totally awkward, but that’s okay, because of reasons #4, #5, and #6. Why festivals are important . arturogi / Getty Images. ... Learning a foreign language becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. NOAA Hurricane Forecast Maps Are Often Misinterpreted — Here's How to Read Them. People, most importantly children, are given more choice generally. 8 Reasons People Embrace Religion. There is a popular phrase that you may have heard, “Christianity isn’t a religion, it’s an industry.” This could not be a more accurate statement. A Duke University Medical Center study found that religious older adults are 40% less likely to have high blood pressure than adults who said they weren’t religious. If a society tries to limit freedom of religion, it will also likely try to limit other freedoms. The second reason and perhaps the most important reason why religion will always play a role in crucial issues is the important role that religion plays in identity formation. Religion also encourages believers to put words into action and go into the community to shower others with compassion, love and charity. In other words, schools are now showing children that religions have very large similarities and that no … They play a pivotal role in nation-building; bringing people from every religious, economic and social background together. The folly that is religion illustrates this well. Worships Involves Surrender of Our Lives “I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God— this is your true and proper worship.” Rom 12:1 I believe that there are 10 main reason why people still hold on to their religious beliefs. As a faith-based continuing care community, The Esquiline offers a wide variety of spiritual wellness opportunities, including worship services, a chapel, pastoral counseling, liturgical ministries, and volunteer efforts. It's usually associated with searching inward instead of finding validation of the unknown through an institution or group of people with common religious practices. Religion is the one element of life that has connected the races and societies of the world for hundreds of years. It is unique from other freedoms. William A. Graham I was asked to consider the question "Why study religion in the twenty-first century," and, in a moment of weakness, I agreed to try to tackle it, massive as it is. Religion is important because it shapes people’s morals, customs, traditions, beliefs, and, ultimately, behavior. People who attend religious services live 7 years longer compared to those who never go. We are guided by religious principles and motivated to attain its goals. The importance of the subject matter transcends having to live with a little uncertainty and unpredictability. Why people are religious, according to a psychology expert. And necessary for what? Today, religion has assumed a more narrow-minded approach. Religious freedom impacts our ability to flourish. Everything from marriage traditions to religious beliefs should be valued, in any culture. Opinion. I needed to say that when I saw urbanus’s comment today, in response to the statement that at least two people in the UK had lost their jobs for opposing gay marriage, September 2, 2012, erwin, Leave a comment. Why is Religion Important? And necessary for what? Religious Freedom Supports Civil Liberties. It has been a powerful agency in society and performs many important social functions. Anything else is libertinism. The lessons learned in religious education prepare students for responsibilities, experiences and opportunities later in life. 579 Words | 3 Pages. Freedom of religion simply means that any person is free or being tolerated with regards to his/her religious beliefs and/or practices and activities. Religion is inherited falsehood taught to children by their parents. A recent study found that religious children are more likely to believe fictional tales and have a tougher time separating fantasy from reality. Of a worldwide population of 7.5 billion, 80% identify with a religion. Why is freedom of religion important? That may explain some of the bizarre beliefs in religions. Another study found that older adults who regularly attended religious services  were about half as likely as those who don’t to have high levels of interleukin-6, an inflammatory protein in the immune system linked to certain cancers, autoimmune diseases, and some viral infections. It has given meaning to lives that may seem otherwise hopeless. Families who use their religion as a framework for how the family should function often contribute their religious beliefs to a solid marriage and family structure. Of the highly religious, 65% say they have donated money, time or goods to help the poor in the past week, compared with 41% of people who say they are less religious. Freedom of religion is not freedom-of-something-or-other. People find their own meaning is different aspects throughout their lifetime. It Relieves Stress and Inspires Peace. The beliefs and laws laid down by the roots of our culture are meaningful and are for the betterment of our lives. Lower blood pressure. 7 Reasons Why Traditions Are So Important. Indoctrination into Anti-Atheist Bigotry. 7 Reasons We Should Teach More Religion in Public Schools. We invite you to call us at 800-533-6279 to learn more or to schedule a tour of The Esquline. Probably for the same reasons that any civilization considers religion to be important. Depends on what you mean by religion. Religion supports every kind of freedom that carries man forward towards evolution in various fields. Religion can serve the dual role of ideology as well as institution. More satisfaction. Longer survival with cancer. The U.S. Supreme Court: Who Are the Nine Justices on the Bench Today? So people do not believe religion plays a vital role in society. No wonder so many kids become monsters. Here are three of the most important reasons that researchers believe religion and spirituality may be good for us: Reason #1: Better Health Habits Many religions encourage people to … Many religious theists try to argue atheists into believing in a god through the fear of what will happen after death, either going to hell or just ceasing to exist. Here are 3 that I can come up with: 1. Societal religions vary throughout the world, with some worshiping one god and others worshiping many. Why is it important to study the world's religions in the college and university curriculum? Introspective activities like prayer or meditation relieve stress … Legal Rights. Below, I highlight the reasons to as why: A coronavirus cell observed under a microscope Inherited Lies. Why is religion important While many debate whether religion is a good thing or not, for many people religion is a way of coping with life and living it in a positive manner to the best of their ability. People who are highly religious—who pray each day and go to services at least once a week—are “more engaged with their extended families, more likely to volunteer, more involved in their communities and generally happier with the way things are going in their lives,” according to Pew Research. Students built this Torii gate in the Crum Meadow as a project for Professor Mark Wallace’s course Religion, the Environment, and Contemplative Practice.. by Mark Wallace. Support your local pedophile. Religion is the one element of life that has connected the races and societies of the world for hundreds of years. However, for American society and other societies that allow religious freedom, the ability to practice a religion when and where someone likes helps to protect other freedoms, such as speech and expression. Church attendance is the most important predictor of marital stability and happiness. Mark E. Fowler & Marisa Fasciano — April 05, 2014 5 min read Share article Important business stakeholders include business partners, investors and consumers, and a growing segment of ethically sensitive customers tend to … As I’ve written in previous posts, religious freedom was important to the founders because they knew we would begin losing our civil liberties without it. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2042020, 'efb8d235-7ae1-4ba5-94f6-c05b2ced9f86', {}); Exploring The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Lenten Challenge: Looking Ahead to Palm Sunday, Lenten Challenge: The Importance of Reflection, How to Enjoy the Holidays and Improve Your Spirituality. With that in mind, here are three reasons why recognizing religion is important in the workplace. For a society to be happy and successful its people must share common values. Religious late-stage cancer patients had a higher (7.4%) rate of resuscitation than those who weren’t (1.8%). According to A. 8 Simple Ways You Can Make Your Workplace More LGBTQ+ Inclusive, Fact Check: “JFK Jr. Is Still Alive" and Other Unfounded Conspiracy Theories About the Late President’s Son. Sigmund Freud - Religion Is Mass Neurosis Of U.S. citizens, 89% say they believe in God, and 70.6% identify as Christian. Such festivals bring us together in a bond of love, irrespective of colour, creed, race and religion. Why? That's why freedom of religion is so important to a society's governmental framework. Periods of respite from daily life lead to a. Protects Freedoms Religion and religious-based institutions help to shape the framework of society and helps to protect the right to religious freedom. Though the religion is a highly personal thing, yet it has a social aspect and social role to play. There are a number of reasons why spirituality is important to many people around the world. Unlike religion, spirituality is not built on rules, but individual choice and growth. Let’s see how in our discussion of reason number one why religion is toxic and harmful. Religion: why faith is becoming more and more popular ... Geography is important in religion. A study in the American Sociological Review indicates this is likely because regular church attendance leads to. This is attributed to the social benefits of religion. Here are 10 reasons why religion may have a place in the American educational system: It improves brain development. Here are ten reasons why you don’t need religion. Here are 3 reasons why it’s so important to watch foreign films: Write an article and join a growing community of more than 118,300 academics and researchers from 3,807 institutions. Only this is what freedom, in the real sense, means. Adding on to Tim Farage’s excellent answer, I would say that freedom of religion is just as imperative today as it was at America’s Founding, and I speak as an Atheist of some 60+ years. Freedom of religion matters. CEO Compensation and America's Growing Economic Divide. And what can be more powerful than greater self-knowledge to a 20 year old? Now I know that this doesn't pertain to every religion or every religious person but if you are religious you will most likely find yourself in one of these areas. 1. The reason religion exists is to help people make sense of events which would otherwise be incomprehensible by relying on unseen, hidden forces. The Business of Religion. Why Is Religion Important to Society and Its People. Religion Strengthens the Family Unit Religion provides moral guidelines for marriage and family that religious believers credit to being able to sustain marriage and maintain the family. It's not uncommon for Buddhists, Muslims or Christians to create their own fellowships for believers. The folly that is religion illustrates this well. Religious people report that they’re happier. Believers of religion will be charitable with time and money, hoping to relieve some of the burdens a society faces, such as hunger, clothing needs, housing needs and overall spiritual counseling. By Staff Writer Last Updated Mar 27, 2020 3:11:38 AM ET Religious education is important because it equips students with cultural, social, moral and spiritual knowledge that aids in mental and physical development within society. Religion is important to not only guide people through life but necessary for people to reflect on the meaning of life and what they really want out of life. However, for American society and other societies that allow religious freedom, the ability to practice a religion when and where someone likes helps to protect other freedoms, such as speech and expression. Why Is Religious Education Important? All political issues that are important eventually affect individual and collective identity … 6 Reasons For The Importance of Worship: 1. Religious influences political system: Religion has played a significant role in political system in the … If you mean some particular religion, then possibly no. To help answer these urgent questions, I present my top five reasons to study religion: 1. Our religion is the foundation upon which many of us base our lives. Not so much. 8 Reasons People Embrace Religion Andrew Pepper It’s been estimated that nearly 90% of people in the world belong to a religion; even if you exclude the children of religious people (in many countries, children are legally of the same religion as their parents until they are adults), it’s clear a large percentage of people have religious beliefs. Incest. Some of the rituals associated with a certain religion appeal to people and help them feel closer to their god while others avoid the dictated rituals and choose to identify as a member of a religion without observing much or any of the traditions. Shared religious beliefs bind people together. Families are an integral part of a society, with families being an important part of reproduction, which helps to sustain specific cultures and races within a society. If you're constantly being told that people who don't believe … We heard somewhere that teaching about religions was a violation of church and state, but it is not. Religion is everywhere and always integral to human cultures. One thing all these religions have in common is the ability to bring people together. May practice their religion in order to feel included in a bond of love, of! Are Often Misinterpreted — here 's how to Read Them to find meaning in life, and Sikhism the learned... 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