themes of samuel by grace paley

I think one of them is in order to learn a lesson, something horrible has to happen. She tells them to stop acting so foolish, but is embarrassed when the boys simply laugh at her. I think that they should have said something. The adults that were watching acting in various ways, two of the other passengers is a woman and a man. One of the men who was not a risk taker as a kid, decides to end this madness once and for all and pull the emergency break. In the short story, “Samuel” by Grace Paley, characters react to the boys irresponsible actions in different ways depending on their childhood experiences and feelings toward the boys. Samuel death show’s that People cannot be replaced. Everybody around them isn't satisfied with their behavior and demands them to stop. I believe if it was four girls outside the train car the adult inside would have reacted differently and got them in. Samuel dies in the end because of his foolish actions. Samuel by Grace Paley 1. They are supposed to be motherly figures, not very active but full of thought. The women‘s reaction is typical of the stereotype of women. As the train stops, the boys fall off and are seriously injured. Everyone on the train notices the kids and gets a bit annoyed by them however no really does anything to stop them. He loves to play dangerous games like hopping between the subway cars with his friends and at the end of the story one can see his mother crying for him, for his death. Throughout our lives we exclaim how risk taking and learning from experience gets us farther in life, in the short story "Samuel" by Grace Paley allows the reader to connect on a certain level to where the choices we take and the situations we put ourselves in, affect more than we think. Miss Brill, Iona and Jean Marie suffers from P n . While the women think about the boys mothers how they must never know where they are or what they do. The short story "Samuel" by Grace Paley is a sad tale about 4 brave, and narrow minded boys. The boys are warned about the dangers they are getting themselves into by the daring, yet unsafe, actions they are committing. My opinion of this is that this guy knew exactly what the outcome would have been if he pulled the chain. The four boys probably don’t realize what they’re doing is dangerous because they are caught in the thrill of it but in the end when Samuel dies; they are forced to learn the hard way. Towards the end of the story, Samuel, on of the 4 boys was killed by falling head first and being crushed between 2 train cars. As the mom finds out of her son's untimely death I'm sure she wishes some one would of spoke up and possibly would of been a factor in preventing the boy's death. An elderly lady decides to take a stand and the boy’s just laugh. I thought this way when it says "he stood up straight.....then he walked in a citizenly way". It shows us that Samuel is a beloved son. since all of the boys felt like they owned the world, if they fool around on a platform while a train is passing, nothing will happen. The are playing and jigling on the platform in between the cars of the train. It stated in the begging that "Some BOYS are very tough" not girls. This is just like society today. One lady wants to act but stays silent instead, fearing embarrassment by the young children. The author describes how the “people standing in the most secure places fell forward, then backward.” This shows to the reader how everyone in the train jolted from the brake. I felt like they should have because in the story it said, " The ladies in the car became very angry when they looked at the four boys." The kids were being way too reckless and knew that they were in danger. In the story Samuel, it potrays a group of young, naive boys who feel that they could do anything they put their minds to. It seems as though the story is centered less around the hazardous boys, but around the reactions of the other people on the train. How to increase brand awareness through consistency; Dec. 11, 2020. The men on the train are forced to think back to their childhoods when they fooled around and did all kinds of dangerous activities, while they witness the boys playing on the platform. If you aren't careful with your own life, you could lose it. They thought of when they were children and did childish things as well. This is proven at the end of the story when one of the boys, named Samuel gets killed. The story starts when a group of four boys are playing on the platforms of the subway car in the city. Girls can be just as fearless as boys and do the same things they do. They want to yell at the boys to make them stop, yet they won’t act in any stronger way to actually bring the fooling around to an end. Its as if that one man had held back and didn't pull the cord Samuel would be alive. The accident was caused when one rider pulled the brake cord of the train causing it to jerk to a stop, throwing Samuel from the rear of the train. She then coils back and once again becomes a bystander. 5‘ i { Üsg-uarrii 4. r IL r V N. , r W r .1: L_ , _r< a 2Hrr+ï-— un -A . People really have to be smarter with their decisions and actions they take. The boys try to give off the appearance that they are cool, calm, and collected even though they know they have no real control over the situation, but they believe they do, which is why they are not brave and are just stupid. The boys embarass the lady and continue to play on the platform. Because of this, the boys weren’t afraid of falling between the cars, and they sure weren’t afraid of the woman who told them to get off. Grace Paley's "Samuel" expresses humans belief of being invulnerable, that bad things happen to others but they would never happen to me. The author Grace Paley is trying to show that bad things can happen if you are not careful. Samuel by Grace Paley is the story of a boy who was accidentally killed while playing on a train. “The boys are just being boys” is also used. But looking at one specific event can change one’s opinion. It creates an image in the reader’s mind that they can relate to. "Samuel" by Grace Paley is a very conflicting story. On the other hand, the women in the car are upset that the boys are doing this. Children often have fine judgment on what is dangerous and what is not, but love to push their boundaries to see how close they really are to danger. They realize that they did much worse when they were children and decide to let the boys have their fun, since they don’t think they’re in any danger. trying to be the toughest of them all. The short story "Samuel" is a story of just kids doing stupid things for a fun time but getting taught a really hard lesson in the end. The women on the train keep to themselves about the issue more than the men do. attitudes of people: So people just Though they are upset at what they are doing, none of them want to approach the boys because they are afraid that they are going to be embarrassed. For some, the boys behavior reminds them of themselves when they were children, acting stupid with their friends. Something was bound to eventually happen. Samuel. He contemplates what he should do when he stares at the boys, and then proceeds to pull the emergency brake “citizenly”. Although everyone is to blame for the accident, the people in the train car, watching what is happening are the ones that are most responsible. As a result, Samuel went forward and fell in between the cars and died. Even though he did dangerous things, he survived and he has the atitude 'boys will be boys' due to his fear of hipocracy. One women who is observing the actions of the children for some time, contemplates getting up and confronting the situation however due to their skin color she is worried of being made fun of by them. The writer reveals the attitudes of people and But, most people don’t take into consideration that what you’re doing could be possibly putting your life in danger. A common idiom can be used to sum up this story, "Boys will be boys." This story easily depicts the ignorance and stupidity of some people. Finally a guy pulled the emergency brake which made one boy fall off and die. They called it "bravery", and at such a young age. A passenger goes the end of the car and pulled the emergency cord. They feared embarrassment if they voiced their opinion though, because of their racial differences. Essay on Samuel by Grace Paley 912 Words | 4 Pages. through the thoughts of the lady. Eventually, one lady says something and they completely disregard her. Eventually one of the girls on the train says something to Samuel, Alfred, Calvin and Tom. Knowing that this is stupid and they did and would never do such and act.This short story shows the differences between gender and the choices they make. When the man pulls the chord I think he was trying to teach them a lesson. So as a mother she suffers from the death of her first child. You a baby, huh?" Samuel by Grace Paley takes place in New York close to the Bronx area. the subway cars with his friends and at the end of the story one can see his People of their environment felt angry and annoyed towards them and sometimes, in their mind, related to what they also used to do when they were children once. The short story "Samuel" by Grace Paley has a tragic ending. It says nothing about girls. If the boys werent horsing around in the first place none of that would have ever happened so i dont think it was the guys fault who pulled the break. The passengers in the car saw the danger outside, but refused to do anything about it and the man was obviously guilty for pulling the emergency brake in order to get them to stop. It has got a different style compared with the other stories; because, it Everyone on the train knows how dangerous and ridiculous that they are being, but seem to get simply angry and turn their noses away hoping that someone else will deal with the problem. Like One man who observed this gets up and pulls the emergency break, the sudden stop propel;s one of the boys down into the wheels of the train and kills him immediately. Why would the man pull the emergency break if he had known the severe consequences. The mom cried and yelled and was so upset that she tried to recreate Samuel by having another kid. Many times people confuse riskiness for an act of bravery and are often silenced because of fear or embarrassment, but speaking up at the right time, or doing the right thing can lead to a lesson being learned. Samuel and friends are dangerously ridding between subway cars in attempt to feel lively, brave and adventurous. In the short sotry as they were describing how the adults were reflecting on what the young boys were doing. Many people today tell younger folks to respect their elders and that they are full of wisdom because of their past experinces. He was more watchful and did not have experiences like these boys were having. however though, for others they are concerned and worried and even a little angry. Analysis Of Samuel By Grace Paleley 1939 Words | 8 Pages. Some parents seem to trust society more, and let their kids do things more freely at a younger age. Having another baby would bring life and happiness to her; however, the fact that she can never get Samuel back kills her on the inside. on the roof, but they make a lot of noise in the darkest part of thecellar where even the super hates to go. You'll be killed. Young boys usually tend to fool around and they think that nothing bad will ever happen to them. While these boys are currently developing through this stage, another man on the train sees himselves in the boys and is angered by their actions. Dünyama Hoşgeldiniz. They also jiggle and hop on theplatform. This story definitely left me thinking about what the moral really was. After disregarding one ladies warning to stop playing, the boys just got worse and more annoying. The boys believe that nothing can hurt them. The boys did something very risky for that time period and I was surprised when the adults on the train didn't say anything. He has got friends to play with. The one woman finally speaks up and yells at the boys, resulting in two boys listening and two laughing. Grace Paley. Towards the ending of the story one of the boys, Samuel, meets their fate; death by being crushed in between cars. Another theme is that a child is irreplaceable. Maybe he went through a situation like the boys when he was younger. There are 4 perspectives of this short story. Since they are adults, they realized that what they did was childish and stupid. The bottom line is that young kids should respect their elders. In the universe of Paley’s short stories, a world ordered primarily by secular Jewish experience extends to the social problems that a lack of empathy can pose: in “Samuel,” this problem is embodied through the white adults on the train watching boys of color engaged in risky … They do this by simply believing someone else will deal with the problem. I think that the man who pulled the emergency cord could have done it on purpose. In this sense, one can’t tell who would be to blame: the reckless boys who would have injured themselves in some way or another, or the wary and precautious passenger who pulled the chord. However, one man seems to want to teach the boys a lesson. In the short story “Samuel” by Grace Paley, the author uses imagery throughout the story. D‘ ¡Q9 ( a Ü {Q9 (1 2. Paley sets and intense theme from the beginning of this story and leaves us with a sense of mortality, grief, and loss. One might ask themselves if white is superior over colored skin. “Samuel” by Grace Paley is a story about 4 daring young kids from the New York Metropolitan area. Being that they had that characteristic of being brave and fearless, they were jumping from cart to cart, flirting with death. It’s ironic that when the emergency brake was pulled, Samuel was killed. Of course, the boys did not listen and continued to play on the platform. March 2014 I was sitting on the steps of the new library. Grace Paley This Study Guide consists of approximately 37 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of … Yet when the bravest character of all speaks, she is scolded for her true bravery when she tells the boys to stop being unsafe, and proceeds to be mortified by her actions. Samuel's death in the story was very unecessary and easily preventable but in the end, stupidity took his life. Another difference of the. Fee Fi Fo Fum... Bir okuyucu kokusu alıyorum ! In the beginning of the story, 4 boys are jumping around on the platform of a train. Analysis of Grace Paley’s Stories By Nasrullah Mambrol on June 22, 2020 • ( 0). This story describes the possible negative affects of bravery. Bu sitede; Yazılarımızı okuyabilir, YouTube videoları izleyebilir, anketlerimize katılabilirsiniz. Kids have a bad perception of what’s dangerous and what’s not and they need parental guidance to lead them in the right direction. In the start of the story you see that you have a group of 4 young, very energetic and mischevious kids. People often ask Grace Paley why she has written so little—three story collections and three chapbooks of poetry in seventy years. In either way, the childhood theme can still be proven to say that not until someone got hurt were the actions they were participating in all amusing and enjoyable. Grace Paley's "Samuel" reminded me of how I have always heard the 1950's were like for my grandparents. Her scars were too deep to heal completely. The passengers introduce Samuel and friends as tough little boys that are not afraid of anything. Many of the older passengers on the subway have had their own experiences like those of the young boys, so they are only looking out for them and want them to be safe. By being more nervous about how approaching the boys will make her look than worrying about the safety of the boys, that statement also gives the woman a negative connotation. He loves to play dangerous games like hopping between stories. I don’t think those three boys will ever do that again after watching their best friend die. Francis1 Samuel lessons learned The story “Samuel” by Grace Paley takes place on a moving subway headed towards the Bronx. This directly gives the boys a negative connotation because they are seen to be rude to their elders; however, most readers do not look at the connotation that the statement gives the woman. However an agravated passanger went to the end of the car and pulled the emergancy cord causing Samuel to fall to his death. Mostly she explains that she is lazy and that this is her major flaw as a writer. Throughout the story it's justified as to why the boys are being reckless, because in doing so they're being brave; however, when they women in the car looked at the boys they showed their disapproval and became angered. On the other hand, we see the women kind of sit back and observe what is going on as if their word will not matter against the boys because, as females, they are seen as inferior. The kids ignore the warning and start to act more obnoxious. One death affects many people and now the parents of Samuel will have to deal with their own grievances for the rest of their lives. Write something about yourself. In the beginning of the short story it talks about four boys having fun and acting reckless while people watch silently. She was afraid they would be fresh and laugh at her and embarass her." How was it that Samuel fell and ended up getting killed? Many of the passengers had opportunities to tell them to calm down or even to tell them to stop. Samuel and his friends were fooling around, so much that Samuel ended up dying. She feels that protecting the lives of the boys is not as important as protecting herself from being embarrassed. This guy snaps and pulls the emergency brake which results in the death of Samuel. All of the women on the train are biting at the bit to talk about how dangerous the boy’s actions are, yet they say nothing. I believe the boy should have never died and it’s the man’s fault. Although the 4 boys receive warnings, they continue to play around on the platform until one of the kids "Samuel" is thrown under the train after the emergency brake was pulled. They didn’t think that the kids should be fooling around the way they were because they knew it wasn’t going to end well. They were doing something they knew they shouldn’t and in the end, a tragedy had happened. Some of the viewers related to these kids and others just felt pure anger just watching them. The woman wanted to say something to the boys, but she was afraid of embarassment. As kids we think that nothing bad can ever happen to us and that we are invincible but this tory shows that that is not the case. His mother is extremely heart broken that she lost her son. The boys just laugh at her and think nothing bad could ever happen to them, until something bad actually does happen. It shows us that Samuel is a beloved son. He looks at the boys and pulls the emergency cord, almost as if he is trying to teach the boys a lesson. It is unclear if the reason that none of the adults yells at the boys is because of their age and assumed immaturity, or because they are all black. Alfred, Calvin, Samuel, and Tom were jumping and playing, causing the cars to shake and rattle. This one person may or may not have purposefully intended to cause the injury. Is that what the man wanted? As one women thought, “Their mothers know where they are.” Although this can be seen as an assumption about these particular four boys, it can also be taken as a general statement about the back community of young adults. It was the man who stops the train in order to stop the boys but was he aware of possible outcomes? You can assume that he not only disaproves of the boys' actions but also saw something in himself that he disaproves of. "Samuel" by Grace Paley shows the difference between social norms of boys and girls, along with racism. But they were wrong, a young innocent kid falls and is crushed in between two cars. The author in the story is showing how it isn’t always just one person’s fault when it comes to such an accident, because there were so many opportunities for others to help. In Grace Paley’s short story, “Samuel”, Grace describes a scenario where four brave, young, yet ‘dare-devilish’, boys are in between the platform between the locked doors of two subway cars. Imagery is described through descriptive words such as “jiggle and hop.” Unfortunately, Samuel gets killed when the train is stopped from the emergency brake. May 2014 He should’ve known pulling the brakes would cause more danger for the boys then helping them. This 1959 short story, by Jewish American writer Grace Paley (1922–2007), is told in the voice of Shirley Abramowitz, a Jewish girl in the 1930s who is called upon to narrate her school ’ s Christmas play. The men recalled other afternoons in their lives with very bad endings, while the women wondered if he was and only child. He himself used to do crazy things but he has learned from them so he is sort of making the boys learn more quickly than he did. We see the boys playing in between the two trains. the other mothers they also taking care of their children. Blog. Another perspective is from a man on the train who all his live has been a guy whose "boyhood had been more watchful". Some boys are very tough. 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