bag at a time to spot seed. Photo 1. Tall fescue lawns also stay green longer during dry seasons. It has been sitting there since last fall and we are now ready to put in a turf. Both lawns create a dense turf and have a similar emerald green color. In contrast, tall fescue lawns remain spotty and often require reseeding. Turf type tall fescue performs best when fertilized with nitrogen. The suggested species of grass which grows well in the Indianapolis area are Kentucky Bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, and fine fescue. Kentucky Bluegrass and 31 tall fescue are two popular grass varieties, each with its own advantages and drawbacks which can only be assessed against your personal needs and requirements. Tall fescue is a sturdy grass, with a high tolerance for drought, heat and wear . All the new grass seed mixes/blends are 0% weed seed and 0% other crop. For the warmer parts of the US, the lawns are either installed as sod or through sprigging or plugging so this article is not as applicable for lawns that are comprised of Bermuda grass, St. Augustine grass, centipede grass or zoysia grass. Fescue grass has four common varieties: creeping, chewing, tall (the most common) and hard. In shady areas, Kentucky bluegrass lawns become thin and patchy, unlike tall fescue lawns. Kentucky bluegrass is another common cool-season grass type used in home lawns. All varieties must be certified. These fescues are suited for low fertility soil, shade, soils with little moisture and soils with pH levels which are unfavorable. However, tall fescue is vulnerable to brown patch, a fungal disease. Tall fescue doesn't really spread all that much, KBG can spread to fill voids in the turf. All Rights Reserved. Photo 2. View Products › Kentucky Bluegrass. Best time to Sow: Spring or Autumn. I’ve used this product in the past, but have never used more than a 3 lbs. Kentucky bluegrass spreads into damaged areas. After five years, mixtures averaged over the irrigated and nonirrigated locations were approximately 62% "turf type" tall fescue vs. 35% Kentucky bluegrass and 48% "dwarf" tall fescue vs. 44% Kentucky bluegrass. It involves considering the climate in your area against the soil and the requirements for certain grass species. Although tall fescue does not create thatch as quickly as Kentucky bluegrass, it does have problems recovering from damage. It does well in both the northern and southern regions of the States. Tall fescue lawns become clumpy and uneven after summer drought or other environmental stresses. Warm-season turfgrasses include species that are best adapted to southern areas of the United States. The types of fine fescue are red, hard and chewing fescue which are all fine-leaved turf grasses. Turf-type tall fescue lawn on the State University campus. When developing your lawn, you should know what grass types will grow in Indianapolis, IN. Jobs. 1 in parts of the Kansas City metropolitan area. 2016-05-11 . With drought tolerance derived from deep rooted turf, Bearcat has strong drought tolerance once established. It is ideal for a premium lawn that will tolerate low mowing and when blended with fine fescue or bluegrass forms a high quality turf. are cool season grasses, meaning they grow best in temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and are best suited to central and northern parts of the United States. Also, the Kentucky bluegrasses generally perform better in western North Carolina than they do on the piedmont. Growth habits of cool-season turfgrasses are either rhizomatous (producing rhizomes), stoloniferous (producing stolons), or bunch type (a species that does not produce rhizomes or stolons -- only tillers). This grass seed mix uses lower-growing cultivars which means that mowing requirements and clipping yields can be reduced up to 30 percent. Defiance XRE vs Titan RX–what grass is better for my lawn? In the cold winter, arid zone, turf-type tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and fine fescue will all grow in that zone. Let’s start with a few basic mowing principals: Mow to keep the grass even, not necessarily to keep it short. It prefers shady and cool areas and has no problem with extreme heat and drought. In shady areas, Kentucky bluegrass lawns become thin and patchy, unlike tall fescue lawns. Turf type tall fescue seed is sold by Allied Seed. However, researchers developed tough, drought-resistant tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) roughly 50 years ago. ago. Perennial ryegrass (foreground) is nearly dormant while tall fescue remained green weeks longer. thaksfresco Its relatively deep roots, compared to other common cool-season lawn grasses, add to its heat and drought tolerance. Asked March 18, 2013, 10:44 PM EDT. Kentucky bluegrassflourishes throughout the Northeast and the entire northern ti… Kentucky bluegrass is easy to identify because of its canoe-shaped blades. Kentucky Bluegrass or Emerald Zoysia? Tall Fescue is a course textured, bunch-type grass that adapts to a wide range of soil types. About Tall Fescue Varieties. - … We lost our Kentucky bluegrass to neucrotice ring 2 years. Bluegrass lawns have fine, narrow blades and are slightly softer underfoot than the stiffer tall fescue. Both tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass are vulnerable to insect damage, but tall fescue contains plant-dwelling beneficial fungi, or endophytes, that increase the turf's resistance to insects. Its deep roots deliver drought and heat protection. With proper care, this grass can also be classified as hardy. Some species and varieties may have limited adaptation. Jonathan Green’s grass seed mixtures contain Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Perennial Ryegrass that will help you achieve a thick, healthy and carefree lawn. Reliably performing & environmentally responsible. Bluegrass lawns have fine, narrow blades and are slightly softer underfoot than the stiffer tall fescue. They will work for you if you are willing to sacrifice the density and color of bluegrass, and if you are willing to do reseeding work when you want to … The soft, dense turf and cool green color created a living carpet under bare feet in summertime. Tall fescue doesn't really spread all that much, KBG can spread to fill voids in the turf. Cool-season grasses adapted for turf use in Pennsylvania include Kentucky bluegrass, rough bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, the fine fescues, tall fescue, and the bentgrasses. Picking the right type of grass to plant for your lawn or farm may be a tedious decision. As you can see in this photo, most of the tall fescue died, and as spring turned to summer, the area became a weedy mess, with a bit of Kentucky bluegrass here and there. Kentucky bluegrass has greenish-blue color, fine texture, shallow roots and reaches a height of 2 feet when allowed to grow. Forming a deep root system, it is one of the most drought tolerant and wear resistant cool season grasses available. Bluegrass lawns do not usually tolerate heavy, constant use. Tall fescue has a higher growth rate compared to Kentucky bluegrass. Selections can be made from Category I alone or various combinations of Categories I and II. The moderately dwarf growth form combined with the ability to rapidly repair damage makes it ideal for all uses. However, tall fescue is vulnerable to brown patch, a fungal disease. It splits the honors with tall fescue for being No. Turf type tall fescue seed is sold by Allied Seed. The presence of weeds is frequently a sign of a thin or weakened turfgrass. ATHLETIC FIELD MAINTENANCE Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass/Perennial Ryegrass (Program for summer/fall play) A. J. Powell, Jr., Extension Turfgrass Specialist FEBRUARY - MARCH 1. Tall fescue, which is used extensively in the transition region, is a low-maintenance, heat-tolerant, cool-season grass with fine to medium blade texture. Although most lawns create thatch, the horizontal rhizomes of bluegrass build thatch more quickly than tall fescue and require de-thatching more often. It has no prominent midrib. However, researchers developed tough, drought-resistant tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) roughly 50 years ago. As previously mentioned, from 2015-17 I strictly used Jonathan Green BB. In some cases, the growth habit of turfgrasses can be useful in identification. Kentucky bluegrass was more competitive in the irrigated location than the nonirrigated location. tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass (Figure 1). GCI Turf Cool Blue Turf Type Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass … Tall fescue requires more frequent mowing and is most successful when grown from seed in early August. Fescues used for turf include tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), red fescue (Festuca rubra) and hard fescue (Festuca longifolia). any suggestions? It is associated with providing a beautiful and high-quality lawn. We became known for having “weed free” grass seed and the new ones are no different. Weed c… Northeast lawns need grasses that prefer cool temperatures and naturally resist diseases prevalent in this region. Tall fescue possesses a high growth rate, requiring more frequent mowing (every 5-6 days) in comparison to Kentucky bluegrass’s weekly mowing (Photo 2, at bottom). Mowing at 3/4 inch compared with 2 inches and simulated traffic imposed on … Warm-season grasses (St. Augustine, Bermuda, centipede and zoysia) thrive in summer’s heat and sunshine. Defiance XRE Blue is a Turf-Type Tall Fescue and Bluegrass Seed Mixture that forms a very dark green, high-quality turf with improved wear tolerance and rhizome formation. Kentucky Bluegrass is quite a beauty. Tall fescue's wide, relatively large blades give lawns a more textured appearance than the manicured appearance of bluegrass. The soft, dense turf and cool green color created a living carpet under bare feet in summertime. Tall fescue can tolerate heat better and can go longer without water, but has a short dormancy, then death occurs. 85% Turf type tall fescue and 15% Kentucky Bluegrass. Photo 3. Kentucky Bluegrass v Tall Fescue | Whats Best For Your lawn? Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone - This tall fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass mix produces fine to medium leaf blades which allows a dense turf to form. Kentucky bluegrass turf requires more fertilizer and more frequent mowing than fescues. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) was once the reigning king of neighborhood lawns, and rightly so. In shady areas, Kentucky bluegrass lawns become thin and patchy, unlike tall fescue lawns. Cool-season grasses (hard fescue, turf-type tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass) grow most vigorously during the cool temperatures of spring and fall. – Lawns want moisture and organics. Tall fescue's roots grow roughly 15 inches deep, more than twice the 5- to 6-inch depth of Kentucky bluegrass roots. Kentucky Bluegrass or Emerald Zoysia? Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass/Perennial Ryegrass (Program for summer/fall play) A. J. Powell, Jr., Extension Turfgrass Specialist FEBRUARY - MARCH 1. The Test. I want to eventually go to an all turf-type fescue lawn. KBG can go dormant for long stretches, returning to green when the weather cools and the rains come. Turf type tall fescue performs best when fertilized with nitrogen. BY STEVE KEELEY, DALE … GXL – posted 05 July 2004 14:25. Tall fescue requires more frequent mowing and is most successful when grown from seed in early August. So to be clear again, I am not comparing the Black Beauty Ultra to the GCI TTTF – but the Black Beauty Original. Also, you don’t want to reseed your lawn every year. The recommended lime, phosphate and potash can be applied anytime, but Test Soil - Collect a random soil sample and take to your County Extension Office for analysis. With proper care, this grass can also be classified as hardy. Tall fescue is totally immune to necrotic ring spot, so you will never have that disease again if you plant tall fescue. Thatch thicker than 1/2 inch provides cover for insects, encourages root-destroying white grubs and may even become hydrophobic. Overall, the new turf-type tall fescues offer a great low-maintenance alternative to Kentucky bluegrass, and are recommended in non-irrigated lawns across central and southern Iowa. View Products › Next. Log in, Colder northern regions of the United states, Northern and southern regions of the United States, Best backflow preventer for sprinkler systems, How to get rid of termites in flower beds, Cedar vs cypress mulch as a bug repellent. Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass seed establishes rapidly when soil temperatures are above 55 … Seed availability may vary between turf seed suppliers. It handles heat and drought better than other cool-season grasses and is considered traffic tolerant. Tall fescue is hardy in USDA zones 2 to 7, and it is a common choice for general purpose lawn turf in those zones. While Kentucky bluegrass cultivars do not enjoy the same level of success in North Carolina as they do further north, there are still some great cultivars that can be managed as a nice turf either as a monostand or planted as a mixture with tall fescue cultivars. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) was once the reigning king of neighborhood lawns, and rightly so. How do I get rid of it, it is infesting my lawn! Pam Sherratt, from Ohio State University Extension, wrote, “This allows the grass to access water at depths Kentucky bluegrass can’t reach, remaining green during hot summers long after Kentucky bluegrass goes dormant.” Carl Wilson, of Colorado State University Extension, stated that tall fescue lawns require about half the water that Kentucky bluegrass lawns need. The Texas bluegrass hybrids are NOT resistant, so there is a possibility of the disease returning. Kentucky bluegrass (Kentucky BG, Apollo), Thermal Blue (a hybrid bluegrass), and tall fescue (Dynasty). Naturally engineered for disease resistance, drought resistance, color, texture and performance, TMI has demonstrated superior product development for Turf Since then we have torn out all the grass, about 6" of the dirt, and brought in 4-6" of new topsoil. As with other tall fescue varieties, Kentucky 31 germinates much more quickly than Kentucky bluegrass. Tall fescue can tolerate heat better and can go longer without water, but has a short dormancy, then death occurs. Best fertilizer for Kentucky 31- Top 6 reviews and buying guide, It does quite well in extremely cold regions, It has low tolerance to hot and dry conditions, It has deep roots which make it drought resistant. Best time to Sow: Spring or Autumn. Although the first generations of tall fescue were coarse and unsuitable for lawns, recent improved varieties are threatening to dethrone Kentucky bluegrass as the king of the backyard. Black Beauty Ultra is 3 tall fescues, perennial rye (PRG) and kentucky bluegrass (KBG). Although tall fescue does not create thatch as quickly as Kentucky bluegrass, it does have problems recovering from damage. Tall fescue lawns also stay green longer during dry seasons. From these nodes, grass blades can sprout directly. Eurodriver Motorcycle, Buggy, Quad Rental Crete – Rent a bike Crete. Scroll Down. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) was once the reigning king of neighborhood lawns, and rightly so. If Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass has failed due to the lack of water and summer droughts, it may be time to seed tall fescue (Photo 4). This is what I'm trying to decide, since I don't have a sprinkler system, and since the value of the US Dollar is falling, it doesn't make sence for me to get one, so thats why I was thinking of getting Tall Type Turf fescue, but I have no idea what it looks like in a … , I reseeded it again with a few months ago and it looks like crab grass fact, fescue. 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