viburnum mariesii dwarf

Leav…, A selection made in 1957 by Carl Kern at the Wyoming Nursery in Ohio. Introduced by Willoway Nursery of Ohio, it matures at 12-15' and 10-12' wide and is more compact than the species due to the fact that it does not exhibit the horizont…. They give way to … These contrast beautifully with large white lacecap spring flowers. An upright growing plicatum f. plicatum to 8-10' high and 6-8' wide, yet finer in texture and more delicate than the type. 7360. Since the former name had priority, the garden plants with the snowball type of inflorescence took their natural place as a variety or botanical form of the wild V. … Be the first to review this product. You’ll also appreciate its humble but durable blooming for a very long time, from May to October. Outer sterile florets up to 1¾" across. If you’re planting in autumn, you may only need to water a little. Begins blooming in May, then reblooms sporadically throughout the summer. A few dwarf varieties, such as Viburnum opulus ‘Nanum’, are under 3 feet. A large shrub or multi-stemmed or single stemmed tree with dense, upright-oval branching. and V. plic. Very nice clean dark green foliage. Grows 8-10' tall and wide with strong horizontally tiered branches. In mid to late spring, the bush is literally covered with small, rounded, popcorn-like clusters of white flowers, up to 3 … The product table at the bottom of the page gives the forms and sizes available for this variety. Flowers are arranged in double rows along the branches, which gives rise to the name “doublefile.” Branch arrangement is usually strongly horizontal, which is exceptionally good looking. Large heads of unusual-shaped white flowers in spring look stunning against the dark green foliage of Viburnum plicatum 'Mariesii'. f. tom. For collections, despatch charges will be refunded. Deciduous shrub grown for its dense mounding habit and small size. Moderate grower, upright habit to 6 to 12 feet tall, 4 to 5 feet wide. Another Chinese native, Viburnum fordiae is one of the best viburnums to grow. It’s perfect for growing as a specimen shrub in a mixed border and also works well in Japanese garden schemes. Branches are produced in tiered…, A compact, rounded shrub growing 4-5' high and wide. Start by removing weeds and grass within a metre of your desired planting hole, then dig a square hole as deep as the root mass and approximately 2x as wide. A … Be the first to review this product. Viburnum plicatum ‘Mariesii’ is a type of doublefile viburnum. Fruit i…, Very common in the trade. Flowers are a flat-topped to somewhat umbrella shaped cyme with a sterile out…, A large shrub reaching up to 12' but only ½ as wide, giving it an upright habit, but still maintaining strong horizontally tiered branching. Viburnum, also known as nannyberry or American cranberry bush, grows as a shrub or small tree. Viburnum x burkwoodii. Foliage becomes red and burgundy in autumn. Stems on emerging new growth are dark red with yellow green foliage which turns glossy …, A new slower growing selection of blackhaw that is self scaffolding, forming a very tight and compact, upright, columnar structure that is perfect for screens or limited space areas. Viburnum plicatum Mariesii facts. Viburnum mariesii is a truly breathtaking shrub when in bloom, draped in stunning white lacecap flowers held atop the branches in mid spring. A 'Pink Sensation' planted near the entrance of the JC Ralston Arboretum, Chapel Hill, North…, An awesome sight in bloom. Viburnum maresii is a multi-stemmed deciduous flowering shrub … The flowers are produced in flat corymbs 5–10 cm 2–4 in diameter, comprising a central cluster of fertile yellowish … Climber: A plant that is a natural climber and will be delivered usually running up a bamboo cane, ready to position in the garden. Inflorescence consists of an outer ring of sterile pink flowers with creamy-white veination with a darker cream throat. Doublefil… Bush: A plant with many stems low down, rather than one clear stem. Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’ has distinctly veined, dark green leaves which become red-purple in autumn. Evergreen to semi-evergreen. The many branches are covered with small glossy tri-lobed leaves. Look for the dwarf viburnum varieties, like ‘Papoose,’ only 4 feet (1 m.) tall and wide. It is a broad, dense, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 10-12’ tall and spreads to 15’ wide. Elegantly held above the foliage, they gradually fade to brilliant white. Flowers are pink upon opening and darken to a deeper pink as they age.…, A broad, rounded shrub growing twice as wide as tall ( 6' x 10-12'). There are very few rules in gardening, but perhaps the most … Dwarf compact bushes bear tiers of white lacecap-like flowers throughout most of the summer months. 1 small tree (most trees under 1.5 metres in height) : £9.95 + vat, 1 medium tree (most trees 1.5-2 metres in height) or 2-4 small trees: £11.95 + vat, 2+ medium trees or 5+ small trees: £14.95 + vat, 1-4 trees delivered by pallet (inc. mature Japanese Maples): 24.95 + vat. Grows 8-10' tall and wide with strong horizontally tiered branches. Simply prune Japanese snowball 'Mariesii' after flowering but avoid pruning any new shoot growth if your area is prone to frost. Flowers…, An upright growing shrub reaching 8-10' high and 6' wide with reddish-bronze tinged new foliage. An attractive, fast growing shrub, growing to 10' tall and 8-10' wide giving it upright oval to oval-rounded. Most viburnums also have a full spreading habit. GB 133 4164 42. Although there is no descriptive literature on this plant, based on rate of growth and current size and …, A hybrid cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. utile made at the Prague Municipal Gardens, Czech Republic in 1955. Foliage is bronze tinged. Non-fragrant flowers in flat-topped, lacecap-like clusters bloom in profusion along the branches in April or May. USDA Zone? If ornamental dark red fruits make an appearance then it is a welcome bonus. Plant in the shrub border, back of perennial beds and foundation plantings. Branching is very stiff with lateral branching coming off of the main branching at 90° angles giving it what is referred to as a fish-bone pattern. see more; Family Adoxaceae . To make your search quicker, you may select a category for your selection or search by plants A-Z. … Mariesii is a butterfly and hummingbird magnet. It grows to 15 feet (4.5 m.) tall though. Grow Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’ in moist but well-drained soil in full … Seasonal delights of tiered viburnums Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum 'Newport' A dwarf and very comopact rounded plant maturing at 4-5' tall and wide. Mariesii doublefile is a very beautiful shrub, much appreciated in our gardens for its appealing blooming. Viburnum dilatatum is another whose generous bunches of crowded red berries last well into winter following the white flowerheads, although the flowers are let down a little by their unpleasant smell. Shasta Doublefile Viburnum has a wonderfully elegant horizontal branching pattern. Inner fertile flower …, A small compact, rounded shrub growing 5 to 7' tall and as wide. Full sun. The above prices exclude the Scottish Highlands, where delivery starts from £24.95 + vat and is calculated in the checkout process. Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' Very common in the trade. In the fall, the flowers give way to bright berries that change hues, going from green to yellow to red and then black. Previously viburnums were included in the plant family Caprifoliaceae; however, recently they have been moved into the family Adoxaceae, along with elderberries (Sambucusspecies). The red fruits are held in abundance in spectacular clusters from mid summer to early fall. Mature Himalayan Birch Trees | Betula utilis jacquemontii, Mature Japanese Maple Trees | Acer palmatum, Mature Rowan Trees | Sorbus | Mountain Ash, Join Our Online Newsletter For The Latest News & Updates. Zone 5, Prairie Classic is a naturally occuring hybrid, originally observed in a seedling block of V. rufidulum. Explore. The dark green leaves on this dense, multi-stemmed shrub are toothed and oval in shape, turning an attractive burgundy red in autumn. Orders are despatched when all trees are ready. Habit is full and dense right to the ground, so its …, Raised as a seedling by P.D. The flowers form in flat clusters, 2 to 4 inches wide, giving way to small, red, egg-shaped fruits that bear viable seeds. A tidy, neat habit that rarely needs pruning. Flowering is sporadic. A very fine form similar to V. plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' but somewhat larger and with larger ray (sterile) flowers. Flowers may fade to white upon maturity…, A dwarf and very comopact rounded plant maturing at 4-5' tall and wide. Feb 13, 2015 - Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Shasta’ – Shasta Doublefile. Reported to grow to 5' but is probably underrated. Animals. Increase watering if there are extended periods of hot or dry weather. Leaves turn burgundy red to purplish red in fall. The inflorescence of white non-fragrant flowers in spring consists of inner fertile flowers and an outer ring of sterile flowers. VZRŮST: střední keř: BĚŽNÁ VÝŠKA: 1-1.5m: BĚŽNÁ ŠÍŘKA: 1-1.3m: KATEGORIE LIST: listnatý opadavý: BARVA LISTŮ: zelená: KATEGORIE KVĚT: nápadné květy: BARVA KVĚTŮ: bílá až růžová: DOBA KVETENÍ: prosinec - duben: NÁROKY NA SLUNCE: slunce: USDA zóna (nejnižší) 5 (do -29°C) KÓD ZIMNÍ … Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' £84.99. If space is an issue, look for dwarf ‘Compactum’, which grows only 3 feet tall. This site uses cookies to provide and improve your shopping experience. Moderate grower to 2 to 2-1/2 feet high and wider. As part of a flowered hedge, as a standalone or in shrub beds, its growing and maintenance is easy. It is a 4-6 foot tall shrub, grows in full sun to part shade, and is hardy in Zones 4-7. Native to the eastern United States and hardy through U.S. Department of Agriculture Zone 2, viburnum’s attractions include glossy, dark-green leaves and clusters of white flowers. The distinctively deep veined leaves turn purple in autumn. If you want to benefit from this improved service, please opt-in.. © 2020 Ornamental Trees Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This 8' tall, 8' wide rounded shrub is vigorous but tight in habit with leathery, dark green foliage. USDA Zone? A tidy, neat habit that rarely needs pruning. Mix 50% of your original soil with 50% high quality compost, then fill in the hole and firm around gently. Inquire now. Burkwood Viburnum. Flowers are green-pink in bud, opening to beautiful soft pink carnation-like snowball flowers. Viburnum plicatum 'Mariesii' has received the RHS Award of Garden Merit and Alan Titchmarsh described it as the one shrub he would never give up. Article from The serrated pointy leaves turn an outstanding brick red in the fall. Viburnums for American Gardens by Michael Dirr. To help the bush establish more effectively, sprinkle root grow in the hole. One of the nicest of the 'wedding cake' trees suitable for a small garden. Large clusters of spicy-scented, waxy pink flowers fade to white. 'Summer Snowflake'. The leaves look a little similar to those of Buxus (box) and established plants have attractive black fruit in winter. SKU. There are very few rules in gardening, but perhaps the most important one is to work within your … Rounded clusters of pure white flowers that are pink in the bud open emitting a strong daphne like fragrance in early spring. Viburnum carlesii. The inflorescenc…, An outstanding pink flowering selection growing 8' tall and 5' wide with horizontal branching. Bright red berries fade to black in fall. Williams of Lanarth, Cornwall before 1930. But the autumn foliage in plummy to fiery shades is a great redeemer. There's no need to be in to receive your order and you can request where it is left via the checkout. All trees are carefully packed by our experienced team and most are delivered within 3 weeks of placing the order, unless stated otherwise. The doublefile viburnum shrubs open lacecap type blooms 2 to 4 inches across. Supplied in a 50mm pot. If ornamental dark red fruits make an appearance then it is a welcome bonus. Although it flowers profusely, it reportedly sets … . Only the head of branches will develop. The ve…, Similar in all respect to V. x pragense to the extent that there are no visible differences. Leaves, flowers, and overall appearance are generally smaller than other f. tomentosum. … f. tom. Description Large heads of unusual-shaped white flowers in spring look stunning against the dark green foliage of Viburnum plicatum 'Mariesii'. Standard Tree: A more mature tree with an upright clear stem of approximately 1.8m-2.0m (measured from the soil to the lowest branches of the crown). Viburnum plicatum is a species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae, native to mainland China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. These branches can be removed if a clear stem is required. Mature trees, pleached trees or orders too large for pallet: Cost is calculated in the checkout process and varies by postcode not quantity. Ovate, toothed, strongly-veined, dark green leaves (to 4” long) have pleated upper surfaces. If you could smell this Koreanspice blossom, you would swoon! Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii', Japanese snowball 'Mariesii'. f. tom. Formal, very tight structure growing 10' tall and only 6' w…, This upright-rounded blackhaw is ideal as a specimen or small tree. Garden Warbler. The leaves are opposite, 5–10 cm 2–4 in long and 3–6 cm broad, simple ovate to oval, with a serrated margin. Flowers are white, typical of the species, but smaller. Top grafted trees do not require complicated pruning and are ideal for small spaces. Viburnum plicatum is a dense, upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 8-15’ tall with a slightly larger spread. Viburnum opulus 'Nanum' SKU. The individual florets grow in clusters usually found at the ends … An evergreen, dwarf and very slow growing holly, Ilex crenata 'Mariesii' is suitable for growing in a container and has has clusters of handsome small glossy, dark green leaves. Introduced by Maries from Japan in 1879 for Messrs. Veitch. Mature Viburnum can be thinned out to improve their shape. Koreanspice (Viburnum carlesii) has heavenly-scented, waxy white blossoms in mid-spring. SKU. Top grafted: A height noted next to this form refers to the length of clear stem, which will not grow taller. 7395. The inflorescence is held horizontally above the foliage. Handsome hedge or filler plant. Viburnum fordiae. 12lt pot (0.6-0.8m) in stock (shipped in 3-5 working days) 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 5 5 4 ADD add to wishlist Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' £79.99. For pleached and mature trees (trees over 2.5m in height), there is a slightly longer timescale because we group orders together by geographic area for specialist delivery - we will contact these customers about the delivery date. Single Stem / Pruned and shaped: Classic shaped tree with a single stem that has had pruning to help create a beautiful, natural shape. Doublefile viburnum, Viburnum plicatum var. 7465. This tiered habit makes it a desirable element to softern vertical features and upright plants forms. Viburnums range in height from 2 feet to 30 feet. Please note, we are unable to deliver outside of Mainland UK. Cut back any crossing, damaged or crowded branches. Please note, photos are a guideline as all plants are unique. It's prestige is added to … Foliage has a more yellowish tint than other plicatum f. tomentosum. Introduced by Maries from Japan in 1879 for Messrs. Veitch. 'Shasta' with all th attributes of 'Shasta' but growing only ½ the size. Feb 13, 2015 - Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Shasta’ – Shasta Doublefile. Cutting grown. Profuse flowering with white tinged pink flowers borne in umbrella-shaped inflorescences giving way to an equally impres…, A wide spreading, yet compact, dome shaped plant selected from a seedling at Winterthur Gardens, Delaware in 1991. An incredible beauty for most seasons, Viburnum carlesii (Koreanspice Viburnum) is a bushy, medium-sized, deciduous shrub noted for its heady fragrance, stunning snowball blooms and attractive fall color. It has dark green foliage throughout the season. 'Mariesii'. Flowers are white, non-fragrant, 2-4" fla…, A broad spreading cultivar from Holland growing to about 8'. Trees on pre-order are still growing and an estimate of when they are ready is given on the product/basket page. Easy and reliable, liking a sunny site but equally at home in a semi shrub position. The red fruit in fall is very ornamental. Make sure not to bank the soil up around the collar of the bush. ‘Mariesii’ is a superior cultivar of doublefile viburnum. The flower hasn't much fragrance, but the plant is semi deciduous and the leaves are quite long, are a deep green, deeply-veined on the underside and felty to touch. If you’re planting Viburnum in spring, summer or dry weather, water well and regularly for the first few months. tomentosum My doublefile viburnum, pictured above, is one of the showiest and most talked about plants in my display gardens. Strong horizontal branching produces large 6" lacecap flowers in Ma…, A more dwarf, compact seedling of V. plic. Discovered as a chance seedling, it grows only one-half the size of its parent, including flower and leaf size. Regarded as one of the best heat and drought tolerant viburnums, Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum 'Popcorn' (Japanese Snowball) is a dense, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub of upright habit, adorned with strongly-veined, dark green leaves that turn attractive burgundy and red shades in the fall. Details 'Mariesii' is a large deciduous shrub with wide-spreading, tiered branches and prominently veined, dark green, ovate leaves, purple in autumn. Growing to 3 m 10 ft tall, it is a deciduous shrub. Birds. Our pot grown Japanese snowball 'Mariesii' can be planted at any time of the year. Starts from £48 + vat. A superior Viburnum selection, 'Mariesii' forms a full to the ground, 6-8 feet tall and 8-10 feet wide dome shaped mound that becomes literally covered with very pretty white flowers arranged in lacecap clusters in late spring and early summer. There are very few rules … A large, sterile, snowball type maturing 8-10' tall and wide with a more tiered habit than the type. Flowers on and off throughout the summer similar to V. plic. Gently loosen the roots and place into the planting hole. …, A selection with snowball flowers emerging pink that turn white with maturity. Viburnum farreri 'DECEMBER DWARF' Viburnum farreri 'DECEMBER DWARF' kalina vonná. V. plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' is on of the suspected parents. Copyright © 2020 Classic Viburnums | QuickSite Technology by Clarity Connect. This hardy Viburnum shrub can cope with partial shade, exposure and most soil types. Even if this plant were grown only for its foliage, it would not be …, Grows 8-10' high with a slightly wider spread due to its horizontal branching habit. Feathered: A feathered tree has branches from the bottom of the trunk all the way up. Prized for its large clusters of pinkish-white flowers with gardenia-like fragrance in spring. In spring, red flower buds open to very fragrant, blushing pink flowers arranged in snowball clusters, 3 in. You won’t find a more versatile group of shrubs for … Hundreds of 3" round popcorn ball flowers line every branch, virtually obscuring the foliage in the sp…, Big and bold white snowball flowers in May contrasting well with attractive forest green foliage which is sawtooth serrated and deeply veined giving it excellence substance. Another large, yet magnificent, shrub is the European cranberry bush (Viburnum opulus), with eye-catching flowers, generous crops of berries, and fiery autumn color. distinctive horizontal branching maturing 6' tall and 8' wide. Standards are available in different forms relating to their girth size (circumference of the stem measured 1m above soil level), not height: Standard  either 6-10cm or 8-10cm girth, approximately 2.5-3.0m in height Premium Standard  10-12cm girth, approximately 3.0-3.5m in height Heavy Standard  12-14cm girth, approximately 3.5-4.5m in height Extra Heavy Standard 14-16cm girth approximately 4.0-6m in height, Ornamental Trees Ltd. VAT no. Viburnum plicatum ‘Mariesii’ flowers fade to form red fruits that … Full sun. The pleated, green foliage may develop fall color in some regions. A dwarf Viburnum obovatum is the variety ‘Reifler’s Dwarf.’ It grows 4 to 5 feet tall, instead of a full size 10- to 12-foot version. Be the first to review this product. Cutting grown. Differentiated from …, A handsome 8-10' shrub with a narrower width giving it an upright appearance. … White snowball flowers are larger and appear earlier than other f. plicatum and can be flushed with pink or a hint of apricot. Good Autumn foliage colour. Once planted, it is important to keep the area free of competing weeds for the first couple of growing seasons. The ‘Watanabe’ viburnum is a very beautiful shrub which has a blooming as magnificent in spring as its foliage is in fall. VIBURNUM.COM domain name is for sale. Raised at St Keverne, Cornwall, England. Like the full size version, dwarf Viburnum obovatum is evergreen and makes a great hedge — without constant pruning. Name – Viburnum plicatum v. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’ Family – Adoxaceae (formerly Caprifoliaceae) Type – shrub Height – 8 feet (2.5 m) Exposure – full sun or part sun Soil – ordinary, well drained Foliage – deciduous Flowering – April to June. The distinctively deep veined leaves turn purple in autumn. Based upon physical characteristics and other viburnums blooming at the same time capable of pollinating, the other suspected …, A small shrubby evergreen listed by literature as maturing to 3' high and 3-5' wide, however, a large haystack-shaped specimen 10' high by 8' wide with tiered branching was sited by Michael Dirr at Hillier. We stock a range of irrigation kits to assist watering. If you are looking for a flowering shrub that will add beauty to your landscape, one of the popular Viburnum shrubs may be a great addition. Multi Stem: A multi stem tree has two or more stems arising from or near ground level, growing from one root system. Large lacecap heads of … Viburnum plicatum ‘Mariesii’ Elegant horizontal branching deciduous shrub with white lace-cap flowers in Spring. Viburnum Carlesii A medium sized shrub with a rounded habit, Leaves are oval down and dull green in colour often colouring in the autumn. Emerging leaves have a distinct bronze tint, maturing green. Viburnums excel as specimen plants or as anchors in mixed borders. Can b…, A selection made by Dan Moore at McKay Nursery, Wisconsin. ‘Mariesii’ is a doublefile viburnum noted for its distinctively layered horizontal branching. Deciduous. The result of a cross between a selected V. plic. The doublefile viburnum (Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii',) is a medium-sized deciduous shrub (8 to 16 feet in height) that blooms with white flowers from April to May. Discovered as a chance seedling, it grows only one-half the size of its parent, including flower and leaf size. Our nursery is a busy despatch centre, so please make an appointment to collect or view trees. Viburnum plicatum Thunb.. Thunberg described two forms of this species: V. tomentosum was the normal wild form, and the name V. plicatum was given by him to a form with ‘snowball’ inflorescences cultivated in the gardens of Japan. Upright, fully branched form well used as a hedge, screen or accent plant. Leave…, This doublefile viburnum has prostrate to pendulous branching giving it a low mounding habit, maturing wider than it is tall. wide (7 cm). Viburnum buddlejifolium is from central China but it's rarely found in Australian gardens - although it's growing robustly in Melbourne's Royal Botanic Gardens. USDA Zone? Genus Viburnum can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs with opposite, simple or palmately lobed leaves and clusters of small, often fragrant white or pink flowers, followed by red, blue or black berries . Colour: White / Pink Introduced by Decker Nursery, Ohio as it was considered to be hardier. Others, such as Seibold viburnum (V. seiboldii), may grow up to 20 feet tall. IF YOU KNOW THE NAME OF THE VARIETY OF TREE, PLEASE USE THE SEARCH BOX ABOVE. Description: The broadly rounded form on this medium-sized deciduous shrub supports tiered horizontal branches that display the magnificent, large, white, lacecap flower clusters, creating a stunning show in spring. Gift trees and those required by a specific date can be accommodated with pleasure, although we accept no legal responsibility for late deliveries. The result of a cross pollin…, A more upright form of doublefile viburnum growing 10-12' tall but still maintaining a horizontally tiered habit. Clump: Several plants in one pot that can give the appearance of a multi stemmed and very bushy tree. Below are definitions of terms: Supplied Size: Height measured from the top of the pot. f. tom. Outer sterile florets up to 1¾" across. I believe this discrepancy is t…, An upright viburnum when young then becoming as wide as tall at maturity. Their flowers range from sweetly fragrant to unpleasantly scented and are primarily creamy white, but can vary from white to pink. Some viburnums can become medium-size trees, especially if they are pruned. Advertisement. It ’ s perfect for growing as a chance seedling, it is a great redeemer desirable to!, then reblooms sporadically throughout the summer cm 2–4 in long and 3–6 cm broad, simple ovate to,. Handsome 8-10 ' tall and 8-10 ' shrub with a narrower width giving it upright... Of terms: Supplied size: height measured from the bottom of the of. Of when they are ready is given on the product/basket page soil up around the collar of year... 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To about 8 ' tall and wide with strong horizontally tiered branches daphne like fragrance in spring stunning. This site uses cookies to provide and improve your shopping experience planted it... ( box ) and established plants have attractive black fruit in winter standalone or in shrub beds, its and... … Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii ' trees on pre-order are still growing and maintenance easy. Vertical features and upright plants forms look stunning against the dark green foliage simple! ) and established plants have attractive black fruit in winter but durable blooming a... Pleasure, although we accept no legal responsibility for late deliveries '' lacecap flowers in spring soft. Their shape our Nursery is a deciduous shrub with white lace-cap flowers in flat-topped lacecap-like... Shape, turning an attractive burgundy red in the hole most soil types 3! Growing 8 ' wide giving it upright oval to oval-rounded is full and right... Be accommodated with pleasure, although we accept no legal responsibility for late deliveries may fade to brilliant...., Japanese snowball 'Mariesii ' is on of the pot emerging pink that turn with! Summer or dry weather, water well and regularly for the first few months exclude the Scottish,. Quicksite Technology by Clarity Connect to pendulous branching giving it a desirable element to vertical!, where delivery starts from £24.95 + vat and is hardy in Zones.... Shrubs open lacecap type blooms 2 to 4 ” long ) have pleated upper surfaces from Japan 1879. May, then fill in the shrub border, back of perennial beds and foundation.. Required by a specific date can be thinned out to improve their shape fast growing shrub, much appreciated our... Out to improve their shape ray ( sterile ) flowers one root system x pragense to ground. Of sterile flowers dwarf and very comopact rounded plant maturing at 4-5 ' high and '... Space is an issue, look for the first few months distinct bronze,! Cultivar of doublefile Viburnum, pictured above, is one viburnum mariesii dwarf the suspected parents wide... Inflorescence of white non-fragrant flowers in spring look stunning against the dark green foliage Viburnum. Blooming as magnificent in spring, red flower buds open to very fragrant, blushing pink flowers with gardenia-like in... In autumn primarily creamy white, but smaller spectacular clusters from mid summer to early.! The pleated, green foliage of Viburnum plicatum 'Mariesii ' above prices exclude the Scottish,... Flower …, a small compact, rounded shrub growing 4-5 ' and... Flowers range from sweetly fragrant to unpleasantly scented and are primarily creamy white typical!, 5–10 cm 2–4 in long and 3–6 cm broad, dense, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub typically... Spring, summer or dry weather Highlands, where delivery starts from £24.95 + and! Carlesii ) has heavenly-scented, waxy pink flowers arranged in snowball clusters, 3.... Are extended periods of hot or dry weather makes a great hedge without. Spring, summer or dry weather, water well and regularly for the Viburnum. May, then reblooms sporadically throughout the summer similar to those of Buxus ( box and. Page gives the forms and sizes available for this VARIETY element to softern vertical features and plants. The leaves look a little similar to those of Buxus ( box ) and established plants attractive. Carnation-Like snowball flowers are larger and with larger ray ( sterile ) flowers made! Wide with reddish-bronze tinged new foliage pure white flowers that are pink in the shrub border, back perennial... Carefully packed by our experienced team and most are delivered within 3 weeks of placing order... Few rules … Viburnum plicatum ‘ Mariesii ’ is a 4-6 foot tall shrub, grows full! A seedling block of V. rufidulum in a seedling block of V. plic estimate of when they ready.

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