when does st augustine grass seed

Join our mailing list to receive the latest updates from HGIC. Katie. Important times to monitor the weather are during late winter or early spring when the turf is coming out of dormancy and early autumn when the first frost is forecasted. You do not want to have Sapphire grass as your lawn. You cannot let it dry … That said, other weeds do produce seeds that grow, and it can be hard to tell the difference from a mower. If your cool-season lawn seems thin, fall is a great time to thicken it by overseeding before winter arrives. To manage a lawn, it is important to know the soil texture in the top foot of soil. However, an early spring warm-up can lead to both mole cricket and chinch bug activity. Less sunlight will retard its growth due to reduced photosynthesis. In most southern climates, St. Augustine grass is the coveted turf of choice, while Bermuda grass is an invasive nuisance. This could indicate an iron or manganese deficiency due to soil temperatures lagging behind air temperatures, high pH soils, or high phosphorous levels. COVID-19 Extension Updates and Resources ... More Information », Factsheet | HGIC 1218 | Published: Aug 31, 2018 | Print | Download (PDF). Absorbs 6X its weight in water. Disease Control: The most common diseases that affect St. Augustinegrass during the growing season are large patch (formerly known as brown patch) and gray leaf spot. St. Augustine varieties are available in sod, sprigs or plugs only. Winter desiccation can be a problem during dry winters. This will give the number of pounds of product to apply to 1000 square feet of turf. Assuming the sticks I have ARE seeds pockets, I like the theory that seeds come out of healthy grass. If either insect is observed, apply a lawn insecticide when damage becomes excessive. Insect Control: Cold winter temperatures will help usually keep insect problems at bay. During periods of environmental stress due to high temperatures or a lack of rainfall, raise the mowing height ½ to 1 inch until the stress is eliminated. St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum), sometimes referred to as Charleston grass, is a coarse-textured, spreading grass that is popular throughout warmer regions of the Southern United States. If a pre-emergent herbicide was not applied in the spring, the resulting weeds will need to be controlled using postemergent herbicides. Contact the local County Extension office or the Clemson Home & Garden Information Center for weed identification and control measures. A chinch bug is a small black insect with silver wings that sucks plant juices from the stem. However, in the piedmont and midlands of SC where the turf is growing on clay soils, St. Augustinegrass is typically fertilized only twice during the growing season (early May and early July). Find St. Augustine grass & grass seed at Lowe's today. This is especially important if warm, bright days proceed days forecasted to be in the low 20’s or below. Watering to prevent drought stress can help eliminate turf loss during the winter. Producing a yearly maintenance calendar for managing turfgrass consistently year after year can be difficult in a state with such a diverse climate as South Carolina. In the coastal and more Southern regions of South Carolina, this generally will occur sometime during April, but further inland, this may be as late as mid-May. Starting a lawn with St. Augustine grass seed requires the same preparation as any other lawn seed. Weed Control: Many winter annual weeds can be managed by applying a pre-emergent herbicide in September with a second application 8 to 10 weeks later. Spraying with liquid iron (ferrous sulfate) at 2 ounces in 3 to 5 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet or applying a chelated iron product will help to enhance turf color. There are horticultural books that say St. Augustinegrass is propagated vegetatively because it produces no seed. Large patch is a fungal disease that is active during warm, humid spring and fall weather. As it stands now, no seed is available for St Augustine grass. Lime or sulfur may be applied if recommended by a recent soil test. The scores from … ANSWER: St. Augustine grass does not generally produce viable seeds like other types of grasses do. A second application is needed approximately 8 to 10 weeks after the initial application to give season long control of annual warm-season weeds. Seed Mixture: contains more than one type of grass; for example, Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass Thanks for the fast response. Shop grass & grass seed and a variety of lawn & garden products online at Lowes.com. “Keep it wet,” Orr says. Plant St. Augustine grass plugs or sod in full sun, at least 90 days before your region’s first estimated fall frost, to give the grass plenty of time to establish. If the turf stays wet, circular yellow to brown areas may begin to develop and slowly grow in size. Chinch bugs are fairly easy to control using general insecticides, but applications need to be made before the population has risen to a level where damage is occurring. Pre-emergent herbicides create a barrier that keep weed seeds from germinating. Apply an insecticide to reduce the population and reduce further turf damage. For more information, see fact sheets: HGIC 2156, White Grub Management in Turfgrass; HGIC 2155, Mole Cricket Management in Turfgrass; HGIC 2488, Two-lined Spittlebug; HGIC 2157, Bermudagrass Mite, Rhodesgrass Mealybug, & Groundpearl; and HGIC 2487, Chinch Bugs. St Augustine will produce seedheads but the seeds don’t grow. St. Augustine; Zoysia; Most lawn grass is made up of more than one variety of grass—offsetting the strengths and weaknesses of a particular variety. Do not mow the lawn 3 days prior or 2 days after application. I contacted Dr. Richard Duble, Turfgrass Specialist and Professor for A&M and he writes: "seedstalks are not that uncommon in the summer. Wait to irrigate again until the lawn shows moisture stress. Insecticide applications targeted at the mole crickets in their smaller nymph stage are the most effective controls, even if damage has not yet occurred. Augustine grass does not have a viable seed but spreads through rhizomes. This height reduction should be done just before the lawn greens up, which usually occurs during late April or early May. Spray sufficiently to wet the foliage, but do not spray excessively. Follow all directions, precautions and restrictions that are listed. “People get stingy with the water, especially when people are clamoring about a water shortage or drought time, and they’ll cut back on the water. For more information on mowing, refer to HGIC 1205, Mowing Lawns. Dull mower blades rip rather than cut the grass and make the grass more susceptible to diseases. Potassium, typically known as potash, may be applied to enhance winter hardiness if a recent soil test indicates low to medium levels of potassium. Helps repair St. Augustinegrass 60% faster - Results 15 days after application vs. untreated control. The mower blade needs to be sharpened on a regular basis – usually about once a month or at least before the growing season starts. Be aware, it could take several months for lime and sulfur applications to affect the soil pH. They are not all that common. There are several ways to determine when the lawn needs watering. Monitor the turf on a regular basis during the growing season, especially during hot, dry periods. It is not unusual for St. Augustinegrass to green up and be burnt back several times during the late winter or early spring due to late season frosts. Approximate application times are mid-February in the coastal and central areas and mid-March in the piedmont/mountain areas. Irrigation: Water the lawn to prevent drought stress. Trent C. Hale, PhD, Former Extension Turfgrass Specialist, Clemson UniversityChuck Burgess, Former HGIC Horticulture Extension Agent, Clemson University, Gary Forrester, Horticulture Extension Agent, Horry County Extension Service, Clemson University. Each pest problem has its own management strategy and is usually handled with cultural and chemical controls. Lawn Breeders Growing Saint Augustine From Seed Some turf breeders do indeed breed and grow new St Augustine grasses from seed during their development and breeding cycle, but it’s very rare. Results may vary. However, with cooler nights and shorter day lengths, control can be quite difficult because of slow turf recovery during this time. Lime or sulfur may also be added if a soil test indicates a need. South Florida Turfgrass Field Day and Expo. Fertilization: Always fertilize and add lime or sulfur based on a soil test. Apply a post-emergent herbicide as needed to control existing winter weeds. For more information on white grub management, see HGIC 2156, White Grub Management in Turfgrass. In my case the sections with them are very dense. If grubs (the white larvae of beetles, such as Japanese beetles) have been a problem in previous years, monitor them by cutting a square foot piece of sod on three sides and peeling it back. Summer weeds, such as spurge and annual lespedeza can be managed by using a post-emergent herbicide for broadleaf weeds sometimes referred to as a 3-way mix. Copyright © 2020 Phil Busey Agronomy Consulting Inc. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Paspalum grass for lawn | Walter Reeves: The Georgia Gardener, Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustine – Turfgrass Producers of Florida, Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustinegrass. I know of no way to prevent them. An infestation may cause the turf to die, which will need to be replaced or allowed to grow back in. Potassium is needed late in the growing season as the grass goes into dormancy for added disease protection and winter hardiness. Once nighttime temperatures fall below 70 °F, raise the mower cutting height ½ to 1 inch to allow more leaf surface. Sod farms loves pushing this because incentives matter; if you buy… In the meantime, mow and bag the weeds. Monitor the lawn on a regular basis to assess the need for irrigation. Call 281-431-7441 for Help in Selecting the Best Grass Variety for Your Project Insect Control: Any insects that were missed during the nymphal stage in the summer will have grown to a size where turfgrass damage is occurring. Selective herbicides may be applied in the winter for control of annual bluegrass and other winter annual weeds. Later, the center of the circle may start to re-green. My lawn is in the panhandle of Florida. For more information, refer to HGIC 1204, Lawn Renovation. St. Augustinegrass lawns should receive 2 to 4 pounds of actual nitrogen per growing season, per 1000 square feet of turf. If the grass in the footprints does not bounce back, then irrigate the lawn the next morning. Just be aware that these lawn care practices will not stop a Saint Augustine lawn from seeding altogether, nor suddenly, but they will help in reducing the length of time that the lawn does seed. Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye? Chinch bugs can be very destructive to St. Augustinegrass. Overall, proper water management, fertilization, mowing height, and thatch control are essential to curtail large patch and gray leaf spot problems. I think I’ll use the bag in the mower this time, just in case. Bermuda grass requires full sunlight all day long to grow optimally. Nutrient Deficiencies: A yellow appearance during the growing season may indicate an iron deficiency due to excessive phosphorus and/or a high soil pH. If either of these insects was a problem early in the season, apply an insecticide during mid-July to control the younger immature insects. The higher rate may be chosen for those growing St. Augustinegrass on sandy soils with the lower rate for those lawns growing on clay soils. For more information on turfgrass watering, see fact sheet HGIC 1225, Conservative Turfgrass Irrigation. The addition of phosphorous, the middle number in the fertilizer analysis, will need to be determined by a soil test. When the leaf blades wilt, turn a blue-gray color or when footprints remain visible after walking in the grass, the lawn is in need of irrigation. Localized dry spots or hot spots can be watered as needed by hand. Sandy soils do not hold moisture well since they drain freely and dry out quicker. Gray leaf spot may occur on St. Augustinegrass during the heat of summer when the turf remains damp for extended periods, usually during rainy periods or on newly laid sod being kept wet. All recommendations are for South Carolina conditions and may not apply to other areas. Fertilizing with a micronutrient fertilizer, such as manganese sulfate, can alleviate manganese deficiencies. For more information on thatch removal, see HGIC 2360, Controlling Thatch In Lawns. Irrigation: During dormancy, water the lawn to prevent excessive dehydration. Soils in the upstate are typically acidic and rarely need sulfur applications but usually do need lime. Granular herbicides must be watered into the soil soon after application. You should, therefore, establish your lawn in mid-summer when conditions are great for the growth and spread of this grass species all over your lawn. However, as the soil temperatures start to climb, the yellowing should slowly go away. Monitor the winter rainfall on a regular basis, and apply water to the turf if no measurable rain occurs over a 3 to 4 week period. NOTE: A yellow appearance may also develop during early spring. St. Augustine grass seed has not traditionally been easy to establish but new methods have made seeding a viable option. As a warm-season grass, suitable for hot, humid climates, St. Augustine grass goes dormant during cold temperatures. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer. Contact the local County Extension Office, or the Home & Garden Information Center for positive identification and proper management strategies. AI Score. Damage is often more severe in sunny areas near driveways, sidewalks, or roadways, where the turfgrass is under more heat stress. For more information on disease control, please see HGIC 2150, Brown Patch & Large Patch Diseases of Lawns. All recommendations for pesticide use are for South Carolina only and were legal at the time of publication, but the status of registration and use patterns are subject to change by action of state and federal regulatory agencies. That's the reason you will not find seeds available. This information is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement of brand names or registered trademarks by the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service is implied, nor is any discrimination intended by the exclusion of products or manufacturers not named. St. Augustinegrass is a wide-bladed, spreading, warm-season turfgrass that is adapted to the warmer regions of the southeastern United States.Joey Williamson, ©2018 HGIC, Clemson Extension. The irrigation system should only be run when the entire lawn is dry. For more information on weed control, see HGIC 2310, Managing Weeds in Warm Season Lawns. If an insect problem occurs, it is important to positively identify the problem and select the appropriate insecticide to apply. seed – posted 12 May 2005 12:18. If more than six grubs are found under the sod piece, apply a lawn insecticide labeled for grub control according to label directions. Mowing:Mow the lawn slightly lower than the regular summer mowing height. Heavy populations can be reduced with appropriately timed insecticide treatments during this period. St. Augustine grass goes dormant when soil temperatures dip down to 55℉ (12℃). St. Augustine grass spreads both by rhizomes and stolons, meaning that it sends out runners both above and below ground. With Palisades Zoysia and the St. Augustine grasses, you will end up pulling those grasses out of your flower beds because they are so aggressive and they do spread so rapidly. It is the least cold tolerant of the warm-season turfgrasses. The date of initial turf green-up can be quite variable. Palmetto St. Augustine Grass Plugs / Box of 72. St. Augustinegrass is sensitive to certain herbicides, such as 2,4-D, not only during spring green-up, but also during hot summer temperatures. However, fertilizers containing nitrogen should not be applied during this period. Be careful not to set the mower too low, as it may scalp the lawn. If you’re planning on establishing a St. Augustine lawn, but have had issues with Bermuda in the past, you may be in for a challenge. Disease Control: For disease control, especially large patch, it is extremely important to treat with fungicides during the fall months. Fertilization: Fertilization of St. Augustinegrass should be based on soil test results, and this is a good time to test soil. Be sure to use a sharpened mower blade. If new turfgrass growth is encouraged by fertilization during the early spring, and it is followed by a late frost, this can result in significant damage to the lawn. If the grass blades in the footprints bounce back up, then there is plenty of moisture in the turf. It may take several years to make a large pH change. i guess they don’t have st. augustine in new jersey…. It grows well in hot, salty climates and can cope with drought. Weed Control: A selective, annual grass and/or broadleaf weed control pre-emergent herbicide that is labeled for use on St. Augustinegrass and applied during late winter and spring will reduce many weeds the following summer. Another method is to walk across the lawn late in the evening. Fertilization: Do not apply nitrogen at this time. St. Augustine grass is usually dormant during the colder winter and fall seasons. Follow all label directions on the product for application rate. To help reduce disease problems, fertilize and lime St. Augustinegrass according to a recent soil test report. Mowing: Continue to mow St. Augustinegrass at the normal mowing height until the weather starts to cool in the fall. A sharp mower blade will cleanly cut the grass blades as opposed to tearing the leaves. Grass during summer being a warm-season grass, suitable for hot, dry periods sulfur per 1000 feet. Grass & grass seed or buy online Pick up in Store today in the turf on a soil test.. 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